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The Orphic Department Sample

September 06, 2024

The Orphic Department Sample

Proof of concept scene for a larger slice of life pilot in development.


September 06, 2024


  1. INT. WRITER’S OFFICE-DAY The main feature of the office space

    is the central desk, organized in a way to have as many notebooks as possible open to the person working. A schedule shows a meeting is soon. RYDER (30s) spins in their chair. They wear a cardigan with sweatpants and slippers. Draped over the chair is a blanket. With a knock at the door, Ryder suddenly sits up. RYDER Come in! OPHELIA (50s) comes through the door giving a friendly wave to Ryder. Ophelia wears a more formal outfit. Ryder cheerfully parts their wall of notebooks to point to the chair on the other side of the desk. RYDER (CONT’D) Sit down already! I haven’t been able to focus all day waiting. Ophelia sits as they share a friendly chuckle and fistbump. OPHELIA How sweet are you, it’s been too long but looks like you’ve got a good thing going here. RYDER Aw I didn’t mean anything by it, you know how I can get into my head Ophelia chuckles. OPHELIA More than you realize sweetie. RYDER There you go again, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it I guess! Ophelia gives a wink, Ryder shakes his head with a chuckle. OPHELIA I’ve kept up with some of your stuff Ryder, you’ve come a long way from the young man I met. Ryder’s expression wobbles, a wide smile tugs his face.
  2. (MORE) 2. RYDER I hope you know how much that

    means coming from you. OPHELIA Course, because I mean it. You’ve changed so much since then. Ryder’s expression falls and his eyes dart away from Ophelia. RYDER Eh, hope you haven’t had too much trouble since? You can always ask me if there’s anything you need. Ophelia also glances away from Ryder with a knowing smile. OPHELIA There... is something I’d like to ask of you, but not like back then. Ryder leans forward with a look of concern. RYDER I’m all ears, whatever you need. OPHELIA I’d like you to come work for me. Ryder’s confusion grows as Ophelia pulls out a card. Reading it, ‘Orphic Department. Lead-Ophelia’ RYDER Orphic department...? When did this happen? Ophelia leans in with a smirk. OPHELIA As long as you’ve known me, it’s how we met after all. RYDER Excuse me? No, it was- OPHELIA A lie. You should know plenty about crafting stories for people. Ryder is frozen, trying to think. OPHELIA (CONT’D) You were an ambitious kid, plenty of kids like you out there. (MORE) 2.
  3. OPHELIA (CONT’D) 3. You need an outlet for that energy

    so my job is to craft one. RYDER All the crazy- OPHELIA Don’t be sad it wasn’t true, it helped you so much back then. RYDER What’s even the point of a lie like that?! Ophelia’s expression softens. OPHELIA The world is good, and yet we make stories. A society that’s grown past it’s contradictions to make a utopia still desires the thrill of danger. Strange creatures we are. RYDER Seriously?! You’re comparing my stories to everything we did then? OPHELIA Think of this as the next step up, a higher purpose for that passion you’ve always had. RYDER Higher purpose? How is lying like this helping anyone? OPHELIA Ha! The young man I met would find trouble if I didn’t provide it. Ryder opens their mouth to retort but falls silent, flushing with embarrassment. Ophelia laughs gently. OPHELIA (CONT’D) Nothing to be ashamed of, it’s a part of youth, part of being human. Ryder stares at Ophelia, conflicted. RYDER I trust you... you wouldn’t do this without a reason right? OPHELIA (CONT’D) 3.
  4. 4. OPHELIA Of course, it’s all necessary to preserve society

    as we know it. Ryder is confused again. RYDER So... society really is in danger? I don’t understand, what we did then was fake but not the stakes? Ophelia sighs and stands, reconstructing the notebook wall. OPHELIA If there weren’t bigger stakes, why would I bother crafting all these plots? The utopia we live in is at constant risk, human nature itself threatens our principles. Ophelia releases their hold on the notebooks and gives Ryder a dramatic look as the notebooks fall off the table. Ryder is unamused. RYDER Seriously? Society is held together by you going on wacky adventures with weird kids like me? OPHELIA You of all people should understand the power stories have on us. RYDER Orphic Department huh, there has to be a better way to do this... Ophelia smirks and backs away from the desk. OPHELIA Within your right to think so, but the only way to find out would be to work with my department, no? Ryder gets up from their desk and walks with Ophelia to the door. RYDER Seems I have no choice but to investigate, talk to you soon. 4.