Ex. Radioactive release from China, India ASEAN Network on Nuclear Power Safety Research International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) SMR, Hybrid system International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) Youth Future Nuclear Asian Youth Nuclear Symposium Asian Youth Nuclear Network Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) for TRR-1/M1 - Estimate risk of nuclear facility including plant design, operation, component reliability, human behavior, thermal hydraulic, accident phenomena, as well as environmental and health effects. Cyber Risk Assessment of TRR-1/M1 Upper Lower Cyber threat access assessment Classification of cyber threat access Quantification of cyber threat access frequency Cyber threat consequence assessment from access points Operational and economic impact assessment Malware threat consequence analysis Cyber risk assessments - Evaluate the cyber threat access points of TRR-1/M1 that would be used to evaluate cyber-attack consequences and possible malware effect. - Assess the radioactive dispersion consequences due to the release from neighboring ASEAN countries having NPP. Extend the research network Nuclear Public Perception Analysis using the Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques on Thailand Social Media Platform - Develop classification models for public perception of the nuclear energy of Thai people on Facebook platform using machine learning techniques to understand Thai nuclear public perception.