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Organize ROOT Analyses with Autoconf

Patrick Huck
November 14, 2011

Organize ROOT Analyses with Autoconf

An example-driven introduction to using autoconf/automake (& Doxygen) for the organization of C++ data analysis software within the CERN ROOT framework. A C++ tool has meanwhile been developed which takes care of the setup automatically: http://tschaume.github.com/ckon/

Patrick Huck

November 14, 2011

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links 1

    Why? 2 Macro to Program 3 Class Structure 4 Analysis Software 5 Links Using Automake & Doxygen for setting up your Analysis Software A Step-by-Step Guide using ROOT’s hSimple.C tutorial Patrick Huck Juniors Day @ STAR Collab. Meeting, LBNL (11/14/2011) 1 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  2. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Requirements

    – easy to keep tidy – compiled programs - fast fitting & looping - detect bugs during compilation not runtime - controlled by main program – I/O controlled by program invocation - options/parameters - no recompilation, no hard-coding – easily include foreign classes/code – Utility/Database classes – GNU standard - configure, make [clean, distclean, dist] - platform independent – documentation within code - man-pages, L A TEX - Analysis Homepage – simplified Makefiles – one ’make’ generates all automake & doxygen with a little effort these two in combination make all this possible. This talk goes through an easy example to illustrate the setup and usage of automake incl. doxygen. Links and files will soon be provided. 2 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  3. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ hSimple.cc bin/ hSimple out/ hsimple.root pics/ hSimple.png config/ – README file for instructions – configuration file for ./configure 01: AC INIT([My Simple Example], [11.11.14], [[email protected]], [MySimpleEx- ample], [http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/lfspectra/huck/]) 02: AC PREREQ(2.59) 03: AM SILENT RULES([yes]) 04: AC CONFIG AUX DIR(config) 05: AM INIT AUTOMAKE([-Wall no-define]) 06: AC PROG CC 07: AC PROG CXX 08: ROOT PATH 09: AM PROG LIBTOOL 10: AC SUBST(DEPS CFLAGS) 11: AC SUBST(DEPS LIBS) 17: AC CONFIG FILES([Makefile]) 18: AC OUTPUT – main program for $ROOTSYS/tutorials/hsimple.C – simple Makefile for generating bin/hSimple – generate all (program installed in bin/) – add MySimpleExample/bin to $PATH in ~/.bashrc – run the program specifying the output file 3 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  4. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ hSimple.cc bin/ hSimple out/ hsimple.root pics/ hSimple.png config/ – README file for instructions – configuration file for ./configure – main program for $ROOTSYS/tutorials/hsimple.C 058: void *hsimple(TFile* hfile) { // hSimple.C code 106: int main(int argc, char **argv) { 107: TRint* theApp = new TRint("App", &argc, argv, NULL, 0); 108: if ( theApp->Argc() == 2 ) { 109: TString filename = theApp->Argv(1); 110: TFile* hfile = new TFile(filename,"RECREATE"); 111: hsimple(hfile); 112: } 117: theApp->Run(); 118: return 0; 119: } – simple Makefile for generating bin/hSimple – generate all (program installed in bin/) – add MySimpleExample/bin to $PATH in ~/.bashrc – run the program specifying the output file 4 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  5. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ hSimple.cc bin/ hSimple out/ hsimple.root pics/ hSimple.png config/ – README file for instructions – configuration file for ./configure – main program for $ROOTSYS/tutorials/hsimple.C – simple Makefile for generating bin/hSimple 02: # General Stuff 03: AUTOMAKE OPTIONS = subdir-objects foreign 04: ACLOCAL AMFLAGS = -I /Applications/root/build/misc 05: AM CPPFLAGS = $(DEPS CFLAGS) -I$(ROOTINCDIR) 06: AM CFLAGS = $(LAYOUT CFLAGS) 09: # hSimple program 10: bin PROGRAMS = bin/hSimple 11: bin hSimple SOURCES = src/hSimple.cc 12: bin hSimple CXXFLAGS = @ROOTCFLAGS@ 13: bin hSimple LDADD = -L@ROOTLIBDIR@ @ROOTGLIBS@ @ROOTLIBS@ @LIBS@ ${DEPS LIBS} – generate all (program installed in bin/) – add MySimpleExample/bin to $PATH in ~/.bashrc – run the program specifying the output file 5 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  6. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ hSimple.cc bin/ hSimple out/ hsimple.root pics/ hSimple.png config/ – README file for instructions – configuration file for ./configure – main program for $ROOTSYS/tutorials/hsimple.C – simple Makefile for generating bin/hSimple – generate all (program installed in bin/) 1: autoreconf -v --force --install 2: ./configure 3: make – add MySimpleExample/bin to $PATH in ~/.bashrc – run the program specifying the output file 6 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  7. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ hSimple.cc bin/ hSimple out/ hsimple.root pics/ hSimple.png config/ – README file for instructions – configuration file for ./configure – main program for $ROOTSYS/tutorials/hsimple.C – simple Makefile for generating bin/hSimple – generate all (program installed in bin/) – add MySimpleExample/bin to $PATH in ~/.bashrc 1: export PATH=$PATH:[your/top srcdir]/bin – run the program specifying the output file 1: hSimple "out/hsimple.root" 7 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  8. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac 12: AC CHECK PROGS([DOXYGEN], [doxygen]) 13: if test -z "$DOXYGEN"; 14: then AC MSG WARN([Doxygen not found - continuing w/o support]) 15: fi 16: AM CONDITIONAL([HAVE DOXYGEN],[test -n "$DOXYGEN"]) AM COND IF([HAVE DOXYGEN], [AC CONFIG FILES([docs/Doxyfile])]) – add doxygen support to Makefile.am 21: # doxygen 22: if HAVE DOXYGEN 23: all-local: 27: $(DOXYGEN) docs/Doxyfile 30: endif – modify docs/Doxyfile.in – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc – html-documentation automatically generated – man-pages automatically generated 8 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  9. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac and Makefile.am – modify docs/Doxyfile.in (html, man and latex generation set to YES) 002: PROJECT NAME = "title" 003: PROJECT NUMBER = 11.11.14 004: PROJECT BRIEF = "subtitle" 005: PROJECT LOGO = [absolute url to logo] 006: OUTPUT DIRECTORY = [absolute url to docs/] 099: INPUT = [absolute url to src/] 142: IMAGE PATH = [absolute url to pics/] 176: HTML EXTRA FILES = [absolute url to pics/] – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc – html-documentation automatically generated – man-pages automatically generated 9 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  10. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac and Makefile.am – modify docs/Doxyfile.in – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc 001: /*! 003: * \class hSimple 004: * 005: * \brief program for hsimple ROOT tutorial 006: * 007: * program description 011: * 017: * \par Steps in Detail (see presentation ... url) 018: * \li mk folders: src,docs,bin,pics,out 027: * 028: * \par Images 029: * \image html ”pics/hSimple.png” ”px distribution” 030: * \image latex ”pics/hSimple.png” ”px distribution” width=10cm 031: * 032: * \par Usage 033: * hSimple filename 034: * \param[in] filename filename (incl. dir) for output file 036: */ – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc – html-documentation automatically generated – man-pages automatically generated 10 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  11. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac and Makefile.am – modify docs/Doxyfile.in – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc 01: /*! 03: * \mainpage Start Page 04: * 05: * \note \b Update (Sep 19 2011)<br> 06: * \li performed and added class for basic RefMult QA (refMultQA) 10: * 11: * \par Table of Contents 12: * The following list outlines the order of programs used for my analysis.\n 13: * The links lead to the respective documentation. 14: * \li hSimple 16: */ – html-documentation automatically generated – man-pages automatically generated 11 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  12. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac and Makefile.am – modify docs/Doxyfile.in – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc – html-documentation automatically generated into docs/html/ during make (start page, links, source code) – man-pages automatically generated 12 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  13. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac and Makefile.am – modify docs/Doxyfile.in – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc – html-documentation automatically generated into docs/html/ during make (start page, links, source code) – man-pages automatically generated 13 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  14. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac and Makefile.am – modify docs/Doxyfile.in – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc – html-documentation automatically generated into docs/html/ during make (start page, links, source code) – man-pages automatically generated 14 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  15. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc hSimple.cc bin/ docs/ Doxyfile.in html/ index.html ... man/man3/ hSimple.3 out/ pics/ config/ – add doxygen support to configure.ac and Makefile.am – modify docs/Doxyfile.in – add comments at top of src/hSimple.cc – generate html start page: src/mainpage.cc – html-documentation automatically generated – man-pages automatically generated into docs/man → include docs/man/ in $MANPATH to use via man hSimple 15 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  16. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ bin/ docs/ Makefile mod refman mod.tex update texfile.sh html/ latex/ refman mod.tex Makefile mod doxygen.sty main.tex classh simple.tex man/ out/ pics/ config/ MySimpleExample-11.11.14.tar.gz – L A TEX-files generated by doxygen during make → doxygen.sty, main.tex, classh simple.tex, ... → docs/html/ re-generated 21: # doxygen 22: if HAVE DOXYGEN 23: all-local: 24: rm -rf $(top srcdir)/docs/html 25: mkdir docs/html 26: # ./bin/copy files.sh # copy pics included w/ <a href> tag 27: $(DOXYGEN) docs/Doxyfile 30: endif – include latex mod’s in all-local target in Makefile.am – generate pdf-documentation – control distribution package – generate tar ball for code sharing/distribution 16 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  17. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ bin/ docs/ Makefile mod refman mod.tex update texfile.sh html/ latex/ refman mod.tex Makefile mod doxygen.sty main.tex classh simple.tex man/ out/ pics/ config/ MySimpleExample-11.11.14.tar.gz – L A TEX-files generated by doxygen during make – include latex mod’s in all-local target in Makefile.am 21: # doxygen 22: if HAVE DOXYGEN 23: all-local: 24: rm -rf $(top srcdir)/docs/html 25: mkdir docs/html 26: # ./bin/copy files.sh # copy pics included w/ <a href> tag 27: $(DOXYGEN) docs/Doxyfile 28: cp docs/refman mod.tex docs/latex/ 29: cp docs/Makefile mod docs/latex/ 30: endif i) docs/refman_mod.tex includes only necessary tex-files in documentation section (change author and modify when new class/program is generated) ii) docs/update_texfile.sh updates the title page in docs/refman_mod.tex (no mod’s needed) iii) docs/Makefile_mod calls update_texfile.sh when the pdf-file is generated (no mod’s needed) – generate pdf-documentation – control distribution package – generate tar ball for code sharing/distribution 17 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  18. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ bin/ docs/ Makefile mod refman mod.tex update texfile.sh html/ latex/ refman mod.tex Makefile mod doxygen.sty main.tex classh simple.tex man/ out/ pics/ config/ MySimpleExample-11.11.14.tar.gz – L A TEX-files generated by doxygen during make – include latex mod’s in all-local target in Makefile.am – generate pdf-documentation → refman_mod.pdf 1: cd docs/latex/ 2: make -f Makefile mod – control distribution package – generate tar ball for code sharing/distribution 18 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  19. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links General

    Structure Documentation (HTML/man) L ATEXDoc. and Distribution Package MySimpleExample/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ bin/ docs/ Makefile mod refman mod.tex update texfile.sh html/ latex/ refman mod.tex Makefile mod doxygen.sty main.tex classh simple.tex man/ out/ pics/ config/ MySimpleExample-11.11.14.tar.gz – L A TEX-files generated by doxygen during make – include latex mod’s in all-local target in Makefile.am – generate pdf-documentation – control distribution package with EXTRA_DIST and dist_doc_DATA in Makefile.am 16: # distribution package extras 17: EXTRA DIST = src/mainpage.cc configure.ac Makefile.am 18: dist doc DATA = README – generate tar ball for code sharing/distribution 1: make dist # generate tarball 2: make clean # remove build files 3: make distclean # remove everything generated by automake 19 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  20. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ hSimple.h hSimple.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ – split hsimple() of src/hSimple.cc into hSimple.{h,cxx} 01: /* src/hSimple/hSimple.cxx */ 11: ClassImp(hSimple) 13: hSimple::hSimple(TFile* pfile) { // init all private class members 24: void hSimple::Run(Int t niter) { // hSimple.C code 01: /* src/hSimple/hSimple.h */ 10: #ifndef hSimple h 11: #define hSimple h 19: class hSimple { 20: private: 21: TH1F *hpx; TH2F *hpxpy; TProfile *hprof; 22: TNtuple *ntuple; TFile* hfile; TString png name; 23: public: 24: hSimple(TFile* pfile); // constructor 25: virtual ˜hSimple() {}; // destructor 26: void SetNamePNG(TString str) { png name = str.Data(); } 27: void Run(Int t niter = 25000) ; 28: ClassDef(hSimple,0) 29: }; 30: #endif – control class behaviour in src/runhSimple.cc – put source code into src/hSimple/ and add LinkDef.h – add dictionary generation and linking to Makefile.am 20 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  21. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ hSimple.h hSimple.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ – split hsimple() of src/hSimple.cc into hSimple.{h,cxx} – control class behaviour in src/runhSimple.cc → create hSimple object, SetNamePNG(), #Iterations → no hard coding in hSimple.{h,cxx}! 56: #include "hSimple/hSimple.h" 59: int main(int argc, char **argv) { 60: TRint* theApp = new TRint("App", &argc, argv, NULL, 0); 61: if ( theApp->Argc() == 2 ) { 62: TString filename = theApp->Argv(1); 63: TFile* hfile = new TFile(filename,"RECREATE"); 64: hSimple *hs = new hSimple(hfile); 65: TString png name = "../pics/hSimple-Class.png"; 66: hs->SetNamePNG(png name); 67: hs->Run(30000); 68: } 73: theApp->Run(); 74: return 0; 75: } – put source code into src/hSimple/ and add LinkDef.h – add dictionary generation and linking to Makefile.am 21 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  22. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ hSimple.h hSimple.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ – split hsimple() of src/hSimple.cc into hSimple.{h,cxx} – control class behaviour in src/runhSimple.cc – put source code into src/hSimple/ and add LinkDef.h 1: /* src/hSimple/LinkDef.h */ 2: #ifdef CINT 3: #pragma link off all globals; 4: #pragma link off all classes; 5: #pragma link off all functions; 6: #pragma link C++ nestedclasses; 7: #pragma link C++ nestedtypedefs; 8: #pragma link C++ class hSimple; 9: #endif – add dictionary generation and linking to Makefile.am 22 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  23. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ hSimple.h hSimple.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ – split hsimple() of src/hSimple.cc into hSimple.{h,cxx} – control class behaviour in src/runhSimple.cc – put source code into src/hSimple/ and add LinkDef.h – add dictionary generation and linking to Makefile.am 09: # hSimple dictionary/library 10: CLEANFILES = src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.h 11: pkglib LTLIBRARIES = src/hSimple/libhSimple.la 12: pkginclude HEADERS = src/hSimple/hSimple.h 13: noinst HEADERS = src/hSimple/LinkDef.h 14: src hSimple libhSimple la SOURCES = src/hSimple/hSimple.cxx 15: nodist src hSimple libhSimple la SOURCES = src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx 16: # run rootcint 17: src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.h:src/hSimple/hSimple.h src/hSimple/LinkDef.h 18: $(ROOTCINT) -f src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx -c $(AM CPPFLAGS) $ˆ 19: # runhSimple 20: bin PROGRAMS = bin/runhSimple 21: bin runhSimple SOURCES = src/runhSimple.cc 22: bin runhSimple LDADD = src/hSimple/libhSimple.la 23: bin runhSimple LDADD += -L@ROOTLIBDIR@ @ROOTGLIBS@ 24: bin runhSimple LDADD += @ROOTLIBS@ @LIBS@ ${DEPS LIBS} 25: bin runhSimple LDFLAGS = -R $(ROOTLIBDIR) -L$(ROOTLIBDIR) 26: bin runhSimple CXXFLAGS = @ROOTCFLAGS@ 23 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  24. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ hSimple.h hSimple.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ How to avoid hard coding entirely? Use program options/parameters. – split hsimple() of src/hSimple.cc into hSimple.{h,cxx} – control class behaviour in src/runhSimple.cc – put source code into src/hSimple/ and add LinkDef.h – add dictionary generation and linking to Makefile.am 09: # hSimple dictionary/library 10: CLEANFILES = src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.h 11: pkglib LTLIBRARIES = src/hSimple/libhSimple.la 12: pkginclude HEADERS = src/hSimple/hSimple.h 13: noinst HEADERS = src/hSimple/LinkDef.h 14: src hSimple libhSimple la SOURCES = src/hSimple/hSimple.cxx 15: nodist src hSimple libhSimple la SOURCES = src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx 16: # run rootcint 17: src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.h:src/hSimple/hSimple.h src/hSimple/LinkDef.h 18: $(ROOTCINT) -f src/hSimple/hSimpleDict.cxx -c $(AM CPPFLAGS) $ˆ 19: # runhSimple 20: bin PROGRAMS = bin/runhSimple 21: bin runhSimple SOURCES = src/runhSimple.cc 22: bin runhSimple LDADD = src/hSimple/libhSimple.la 23: bin runhSimple LDADD += -L@ROOTLIBDIR@ @ROOTGLIBS@ 24: bin runhSimple LDADD += @ROOTLIBS@ @LIBS@ ${DEPS LIBS} 25: bin runhSimple LDFLAGS = -R $(ROOTLIBDIR) -L$(ROOTLIBDIR) 26: bin runhSimple CXXFLAGS = @ROOTCFLAGS@ 1: autoreconf -v --force --install 2: ./configure 3: make 24 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  25. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ Options/ Options.h Options.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ – easy to include foreign class Options.{h,cxx} to deal with optional program parameters i) save source files in separate folder under src/ ii) add corresponding LinkDef.h file iii) include dictionary generation and linking in Makefile.am [...] 09: # Options dictionary/library 10: CLEANFILES = src/Options/OptionsDict.cxx src/Options/OptionsDict.h 11: pkglib LTLIBRARIES = src/Options/libOptions.la 12: pkginclude HEADERS = src/Options/Options.h 13: noinst HEADERS = src/Options/LinkDef.h 14: src Options libOptions la SOURCES = src/Options/Options.cxx 15: nodist src Options libOptions la SOURCES = src/Options/OptionsDict.cxx 16: # run rootcint 17: src/Options/OptionsDict.cxx src/Options/OptionsDict.h:src/Options/Options.h src/Options/LinkDef.h 18: $(ROOTCINT) -f src/Options/OptionsDict.cxx -c $(AM CPPFLAGS) $ˆ [...] 21: # hSimple dictionary/library [...] 28: src hSimple libhSimple la LIBADD = src/Options/libOptions.la [...] 35: bin runhSimple LDADD = src/Options/libOptions.la src/hSimple/libhSimple.la [...] – modify main-function in src/runhSimple.cc to deal with options – fully control the program! 25 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  26. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ Options/ Options.h Options.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ – easy to include foreign class Options.{h,cxx} – modify main-function in src/runhSimple.cc to deal with options i) decode options & re-new argc/argv ii) rewrite TRint application 61: // decode options 62: const char * optv[] = {"N:NIter <nit>","O:NamePNG <pngstr>",NULL} ; 63: Int t nit = 30000; 64: TString pngstr; 65: Options opts(*argv, optv); 66: OptArgvIter iter(--argc, ++argv); 67: const char *optarg; 68: int argcR = argc; 69: char **argvR; 70: while( char optchar = opts(iter, optarg) ) { 71: switch (optchar) { 72: case ’N’ : 73: nit = (Int t)atoi(optarg); argcR=argcR-2; break; 74: case ’O’ : pngstr = optarg; argcR=argcR-2; break; 75: default : break; 76: } 77: } 78: argvR = new char*[argcR]; 79: Int t cnter = 0; 80: if (iter.index() < argc) { 81: for (int i = iter.index() ; i < argc ; i++) { argvR[cnter] = argv[i]; ++cnter; } 82: } – fully control the program! 26 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  27. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links Implement

    Class Structure Add Options Class MySimpleExampleClass/ README configure.ac Makefile.am src/ mainpage.cc runhSimple.cc hSimple/ Options/ Options.h Options.cxx LinkDef.h bin/ runhSimple docs/ out/ pics/ config/ – easy to include foreign class Options.{h,cxx} – modify main-function in src/runhSimple.cc to deal with options i) decode options & re-new argc/argv ii) rewrite TRint application 84: TRint* theApp = new TRint("App", &argcR, argvR, NULL, 0); 85: if ( theApp->Argc() == 1 ) { 86: TString filename = theApp->Argv(0); 87: TFile* hfile = new TFile(filename,"RECREATE"); 88: hSimple *hs = new hSimple(hfile); 89: if ( pngstr.Contains("png") ) hs->SetNamePNG(pngstr.Data()); 90: hs->Run(nit); 91: } 96: theApp->Run(); – fully control the program! 1: runhSimple "out/hsimple.root" 2: runhSimple -N 1000000 "out/hsimple.root" 3: runhSimple -O "pics/test.png" "out/hsimple.root" 4: runhSimple -N 20000 -O "pics/test.png" "out/hsimple.root" [...] 27 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  28. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links MyAnalysis/

    src/ BasePlot/ Bichsel/ Bichsel.h Bichsel.cxx dEdxParameterization.h dEdxParameterization.cxx MyPdgDatabase/ MyPdgDatabase.h MyPdgDatabase.cxx database Embedding/ EmbeddingQA.h MatchedPairsNT.h McTracksNT.h MyEventEmbData.h SingleElectronNT.h eeDecay.h *.cxx [...] [...] – from here on it’s easy to fill src/ and create your Analysis Software. – include foreign classes easily into this structure → BasePlot / Bichsel – standard libraries with one header and one cxx file work like the discussed hSimple example – write your own utility classes providing functions or databases frequently used (MyPdgDatabase) → works like the Options example – compile multiple classes in one library and control their interplay with the options of a single program or with different programs – very flexible including the advantages of known Unix programs (options, one program for one task) Conclusion: With little effort one gets tidy, flexible, platform- independent & easy-to-share Analysis Software including man-pages, pdf-Documentation and Analysis Homepage with the three easy commands 1: autoreconf -v --force --install 2: ./configure 3: make 28 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck
  29. Why? Macro to Program Class Structure Analysis Software Links –

    http://www.openismus.com/documents/linux/automake/automake – http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/index.html – http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/manual/autoconf/ – http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/manual/automake/ – http://realmike.org/blog/2010/07/18/gnu-automake-by-example/ – http://chris-miceli.blogspot.com/2011/01/ integrating-doxygen-with-autotools.html – http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/dirtree/ – http://www.gnu.org/s/src-highlite/source-highlight.html – http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/ftp/src/libs/C++/Options.html – http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/tags/v5-24-00b/tutorials/hsimple.C 29 / 29 Juniors Day @ STAR Collaboration Meeting LBNL (11/14/2011) Patrick Huck