Uwe Friedrichsen (@ufried)




I’m a dedicated metal-refining furnace tender with a keen eye for detail and a passion for precision in every aspect ...

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Wallace Espindola


Software Engineer Sr., IT Architect, Technical Writer and Speaker, Java and Python Developer, Backend specialized. H...

0 followers 3 decks
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Hoverboards Group


Hello, I am Daniel. I am working for aa IT Company where you can find all the article about hoverboards. So visit us ...

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Xin is a sociotechnical architect, DDD evangelist and independent consultant. She believes that a product, domain and...

7 followers 11 decks
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Sandra Warmbrunn


Ich bin Software-Entwicklerin und beschäftige mich mit den Themen Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, DevOp...

2 followers 7 decks
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Christian Fleschhut


Front-end Developer — Berlin, DE

1 follower 0 decks
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