Our work with software is a system of systems, comprising technical systems (software, hardware...) and social systems (users, business, teams...). For decades, our primary focus has been on the quality of technical systems. Social capacity (agile, kanban ...) is often perceived as a support for producing software, a means to an end.
When complicated software systems take on more complex traits in a sociotechnical entanglement, software design need to be evolved from a craft of mechanistic engineering to an art of facing a complex reality together, collaboratively and conversationally. Software systems and human systems can both thrive better by cultivating more complexity awareness.
Xin will share experiences and reflections from her personal journey as a developer, a sociotechnical architect and in post-Covid years as an independent consultant, often in the role of leading large-scale architecture modernization efforts.
You will peak into a kaleidoscope of multi-dimensional sociotechnical practices including agile, domain-driven design(DDD), collaborative modeling (CoMo), sociotechnical systems, systems thinking, complexity theory, constraints framework and existential philosophy.
You might even take away a few tricks about how to smuggle complexity awareness and social change practices as Trojan Mice, into linear thinking organizations. And get curious to try them in your own context!