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GitOps - Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes

GitOps - Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes

GitOps is an alternative way to run deployments on Kubernetes. It leverages tools that are used by developers. Deployments are approved by Pull Requests and automatically rolled out to the desired cluster. GitOps can be used in variety of different use cases like multiple environments and co-located clusters.

W. Biller

April 02, 2019

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  1. Waldemar Biller Software Architect, Manager 10+ years in IT Java,

    Spring, DDD, Kubernetes, Vue, Flutter, ... Email: wb@biller.digital Twitter: @wbiller
  2. CI / CD Developer Code Repository Continuous Integration Container Registry

    kubectl / helm Push Build & Test Publish D eploy R un Icons: CC BY 3.0
  3. CI / CD Developer Code Repository Continuous Integration Container Registry

    kubectl / helm Push Build & Test Publish D eploy R un Icons: CC BY 3.0 Where is your state? What’s your MTTR in case of a complete outage? Why does your CI system has access to the cluster?
  4. GitOps Compatibility State Repository Declaratively Automatic Rollouts Notifications Keel https://keel.sh

    Can be activated only via annotations No Exposes Webhooks to trigger deployment Slack, HipChat, etc. ArgoCD https://argoproj.github.io/ Relies on Helm, Ksonnet, Kubernetes, etc. State is held in the application Updates have to triggered manually through UI No Flux CD https://www.fluxcd.io/ Relies on Kubernetes, CRD for Helm Charts, Integrations available Yes Compares current state and desired state and triggers deployment Yes, via Fluxcloud Icons: CC BY 3.0
  5. Developer Code Repository Continuous Integration Container Registry Ops State Repository

    State Sync Deployment Sync Icons: CC BY 3.0 CI / CD with GitOps Push Build & Test Publish Update Pull Watch / Download Notify
  6. Developer Code Repository Continuous Integration Container Registry Ops State Repository

    State Sync Deployment Sync Icons: CC BY 3.0 CI / CD with GitOps Push Build & Test Publish Update Pull Watch / Download Notify
  7. Developer Code Repository Continuous Integration Container Registry Ops State Repository

    State Sync Deployment Sync Icons: CC BY 3.0 CI / CD with GitOps Push Build & Test Publish Update Pull Watch / Download Notify
  8. Workflow Push Code to Code Repository Push the code the

    Code Repository and follow usual workflow with PRs and Reviews. Build & Test Build the Code and execute the Unit and Integration Tests. Publish Publish the Docker Image to the Container Registry. Optionally the Helm Chart can be published to a Chart Museum. Notify or create PR directly Optionally notify Ops about the new version, so they can roll-out the application Push State changes Push the state changes to the State Repository and follow the usual workflow with PRs and Reviews. Sync State Watch the State Repository and sync on changes. Download Images and Deploy Download the new Docker Image and run the deployment Developer Operations
  9. Developer Code Repository Continuous Integration Container Registry Ops State Repository

    State Sync Deployment Sync Icons: CC BY 3.0 CI / CD with GitOps Push Build & Test Publish Update Pull Watch / Download Notify
  10. Workflow Watch the Container Registry Watch the Container Registry for

    newer versions and optionally download the new images. Update State Update the state definition to match the image version. Automatic
  11. Automation Deployments are always executed when state repository is updated

    Automation is activated by annotations: flux.weave.works/automated: "true" Supports SemVer, RegEx and Glob Patterns: flux.weave.works/tag.fluxcloud: semver:^0.34.0 flux.weave.works/tag.fluxcloud: glob:0.34.* flux.weave.works/tag.fluxcloud: regex:dev-.*
  12. Installation helm repo add fluxcd https://charts.fluxcd.io helm upgrade -i flux

    \ --set helmOperator.create=true \ --set helmOperator.createCRD=true \ --set git.url=git@github.com:wbiller/state-repository \ --set git.path=development \ --set git.branch=master \ --namespace flux \ fluxcd/flux fluxctl identity --k8s-fwd-ns flux
  13. Custom Resources HelmRelease (Chart) spec: chart: repository: # Chart Museum

    URL name: # Chart name version: # Chart version releaseName: # Name to use for release values: # Overwrites for chart variables valuesFrom: # Sources for overwrites configMapKeyRef: name: key: optional: secretKeyRef: name: key: optional: externalSourceRef: url: optional: HelmRelease (Git) spec: chart: git: # Repository URL path: # Path to chart branch: # Branch to use releaseName: # Name to use for release values: # Overwrites for chart variables valuesFrom: # Sources for overwrites configMapKeyRef: name: key: optional: secretKeyRef: name: key: optional: externalSourceRef: url: optional:
  14. Helm Charts apiVersion: flux.weave.works/v1beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: nginx-ingress spec:

    chart: repository: https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/ name: nginx-ingress version: 1.24.3 releaseName: nginx-ingress values: controller: config: server-tokens: "false" use-forwarded-headers: "true"
  15. Directory Structure . ├── README.md ├── common │ ├── cert-manager-issuers-crd.yaml

    │ ├── letsencrypt-prod-ClusterIssuer.yaml │ ├── monitoring │ │ ├── prometheus-HelmRelease.yaml │ │ └── prometheus-operator-HelmRelease.yaml │ ├── monitoring-ns.yaml │ ├── ext-system │ │ ├── cert-manager-HelmRelease.yaml │ │ ├── flux-HelmRelease.yaml │ │ ├── nginx-ingress-HelmRelease.yaml │ └── ext-system-ns.yaml ├── dev │ ├── application │ │ └── application-HelmRelease.yaml └── test └── application └── application-HelmRelease.yaml
  16. Manifest factorization Integration with Kustomize to patch base definitions for

    specific targets/envs Requires additional parameters for fluxd apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: webapp namespace: webapp spec: rules: - host: dev.example.com http: paths: - backend: serviceName: webapp servicePort: 80 path: / namespace: webapp bases: - ../base patchesStrategicMerge: - ingress.yaml apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: webapp namespace: webapp spec: rules: - host: www.example.com http: paths: - backend: serviceName: webapp servicePort: 80 path: /app base/ingress.yaml prod/kustomization.yaml prod/ingress.yaml
  17. Manage Clusters with GitOps Cluster API allows creation of new

    clusters from within Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions for Clusters, Machines and Kubeadm Config Current list of implementations: AWS, Azure, GCP, Bare Metal, OpenStack, etc. See https://cluster-api.sigs.k8s.io/user/quick-start.html
  18. Sealed Secrets Prevent leaking clear text secrets into version control

    Provides certificate that’s created inside the cluster Secrets are encrypted using the certificate and decrypted in the cluster Provides a kubeseal CLI Create a intermediate secret in JSON kubectl -n ext-system create secret generic token --from-literal=token=token --dry-run -o json > token.json Encrypt the secret kubeseal --controller-namespace=ext-system --controller-name=sealed-secrets \ --format=yaml < token.json > token-sealedsecret.yaml