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Music Gallery Editions - Archiving Spontaneous ...

Aaron Levin
May 08, 2013

Music Gallery Editions - Archiving Spontaneous Music

Aaron Levin and Jesse Locke take a deep dive into Music Gallery's vinyl imprint Music Gallery Editions (1976 - 1983). The discussion is split into a dual interpretation of the label: from the perspective of a used record dealer (Aaron Levin) and modern music fan (Jesse Locke). A listening session followed.

This is a presentation given at Toronto's Music Gallery as part of Weird Canada's Wyrd IV showcase (2013-05-11).

Aaron Levin

May 08, 2013


  1. Music Gallery Editions Archiving Spontaneous Music Created by / with

    / for / Aaron Levin @aaronmblevin Jesse Locke @wipeoutbeat Weird Canada @weirdcanada
  2. It's Saturday afternoon Why are we in a church? Because

    Music Gallery Editions As seen through the eyes of: 1. curmudgeonly record hoarder ("archivist") 2. modern music fan
  3. About Aaron MSc. paid by dealing rare records (kind of).

    (Yes, even Music Gallery Editions LPs)
  4. About Aaron Founded in 2009. Weird Canada encourage, document, and

    connect creative expression across Canada
  5. Theme #3 What are all these Music Gallery Editions albums?

    (this is pre- for all the kids out there) discogs
  6. So What? *reasonably Music Gallery Editions represents one of the

    only completely* documented vintage music scenes in Canada
  7. But More Importantly Music Gallery Editions = Community bound by

    desire to capture, witness, support, and proliferate Spontaneous Music
  8. What Can We Learn? 1. Publishing music is preservation 2.

    Importance of being Non-Insular & genre-agnostic
  9. Lubomyr Melnyk Lubomyr Melnyk Performs KMH (1979) 1. "fastest piano

    player in the world" 2. Created "continuous music" technique 3. Still going strong and selling recores from his Winnipeg home!
  10. Interspecies Music Whalescapes (1977) First found LP at terrible record

    store Owner would not let it go (it was too "mysterious") "just give me the damn whale sounds!"
  11. 1. Follow-up to their classic No Record 2. Creating spontaneous

    music (almost) every Monday since 1966 3. Huge gateway band for me 4. Wrote liner notes for the reissue of No Record 5. Honorary member of the Nihilist Part of Canada
  12. The Glass Orchestra The Glass Orchestra (1978) 1. Glass is

    cool, so lets make music with it! 2. There exists a Glass Orchestra 7"! Top of the charts!
  13. CCMC Volume 1 (1976) 1. That which started it all

    2. Catalog Number: CCMC-1002 3. Later catalog numbers prefixed with MGE
  14. Thank You / FAQ & & made from the love

    of ( ) ( ) Aaron Levin Jesse Locke @aaronmblevin @wipeoutbeat Weird Canada @weirdcanada Music Gallery @musicgalleryTO