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How Does Zappi Work?

October 14, 2013

How Does Zappi Work?


October 14, 2013


  1. Tourist with no more space Scans the Or taps the

    NFC tag and receives all the display brochures onto his Mobile inclusive of links to advertiser's GoMobi site and/or digital coupons/vouchers
  2. These tags Are placed in the following targeted Brochure Host's

    locations......... (When scanned only appropriate brochures that are provided by advertisers and accepted by the location hosts will be made available to the mobile.) • Tourist printed brochure display boards. • Guest Houses & Hotels key rings • Car Hire Key rings • Restaurant tables and menus. • And as many locations that are made available by hosts.
  3. With You can be.... • A Brochure Advertiser • A

    Brochure Host • A GoMobi Mobile Site Owner • 2 of the above • Or all 3 of the above! Or anything you want to be really.
  4. How do you become a…...... Brochure Advertiser? Simple really! You

    carefully follow the steps on the next page. When you succeed we can send you a certificate to add to your CV
  5. 1.Register by clicking on the Login/Register button. 2.Prepare your Digital

    Brochure like this Steps as promised...... Front Back Join here Be sure to save the finished brochure to 400 pixels wide. The length can be any size. 3.Upload your listing by accessing the “Upload Brochure” link found under BROCHURES. DO NOT CLICK ON THE “SUBMIT” BUTTON YET! WE RAN OUT OF SPACE. THERE IS MORE STEPS ON THE NEXT PAGE! Warning
  6. 4.Under the“Category Selection” select the hosts where you want to

    list your brochure. Remember that you should target the host's name (Location). Do not be concerned. Your listing will be listed in all categories that have a higher ranking & a lower ranking automatically. Getting Confused? Sorry! Lets explain! You should simply check the box of the HOST that you wish to advertise with. We will automate the extended listings, when we approve them, to all categories with a lower or higher ranking automatically. Nearly there! then you can claim your certificate. Next page!
  7. Overberg Botriver The Brochure Host Accommodation Activities You only need

    to click the actual host where you want to advertise. In the example below The Brochure Host is the Host which is below the Town/City. We will get back to you with a quote for your listing, within 48 Hours. Bear in mind that every host's location will attract its own listing fee. Just select this level for each listing (The actual location) Want a location not listed in the directory? Just let use know within the “Details” field in the listing form. Well Done! Just let us know if your require a certificate.
  8. How do you become a…...... Brochure Host? Really Easy! You

    just need to qualify. How do you qualify? Rush to the next slide to see!
  9. You need the following......... • A tourist business with lots

    of feet or bums. • • Send us an email or call us to discuss the options. • A Non-referral Host or a • Referral Host and earn lots and lots of moola! You could become............. Contact us now! Hit the “Contact Us” button! See “Referral System” for more details. You keep the feet and bums! We need the eyeballs!
  10. How do you become a…...... MobiSite Owner? Easy Peasy! •

    Click on the GoMobi button. • Read how wonderful it is. • Register for free from the GoMobi Page. • Wait for approx 48 hrs to receive your login details. (Or call us to tell us how desperate you are) • Play with it as much as you want. Its yours for Free for the remainder of the month.
  11. Now that you have read it all, obviously and clearly

    its best to be everything you can be............. • A Brochure Advertiser • A Brochure Host & • A GoMobi Mobile Site Owner So what are you waiting for? The route to the buttons and the money are in that direction.