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Dr. Getaw Tadesse: Day 2 Recap and Day 3 Progr...

December 06, 2023

Dr. Getaw Tadesse: Day 2 Recap and Day 3 Program Objectives

African Food Systems Transformation and the Post-Malabo Agenda


December 06, 2023

More Decks by AKADEMIYA2063


  1. #2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Recap of Day 1: Ms. Tsitsi Makombe Taking

    stock : Moderated by Dr. Layih Butake 1. Seven years of implementation of the Malabo declaration: Making Sense of the Malabo Theory of Change • Maputo vs Malabo • The importance of Theory of Change • Only 14 out of 45 BR indicators are significant for African Agriculture Transformation ( AATS) • Policy commitments fail to translate to development outcomes 2. Responsiveness African Governments to the WHO Priority Food Systems Policies and Selected CAADP BR indicators • Mr. Siliver Nanema, University of Ghana • Brief overview of food system • Affordability of nutrient adequacy • The importance of healthy diet for nutrition outcomes Recap of Day 2: Tuesday November 28, 2023
  2. #2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Moderated panel discussion • Governments engagement in CAADP

    process: Dr. Greenwell • About 21 countries have made significant progress in implementing the CAADP process • Trade, women environment, resilience indicators are among the missing • Civil Society: Dr. Behule Nyamambi Trust Africa • Good understanding of the commitments • Technology: Dr. Paul from AGRA • The increasing role of digitalization for tracking technology adoption • Experience of Kenya in food system transformation: Mrs. Priscilla • Accountability and programmatic approach • Data and digitalization : 6.3 million georeferenced farmers data Recap of Day 2: Tuesday November 28, 2023
  3. #2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Food System tools and methodologies: Moderated by Dr.

    Savadago 1. Food System Diagnostic and Policy Implication: Dr. Paul Guthinga • The importance and methodology of food system diagnostic • Results from Malawi on diet quality, livelihoods equity, ag productivity • Policy gaps along food system pillars 2. A Forensic Framework and Decision Support for Harmonized and holistic Food system Resilience and analysis: Mr. Prince • The challenges of measuring Resilience and Sustainability • Proposed a forensic framework and projection of food system outcomes with different scenarios 3. The Call for Nutrition-Smart Food Systems: Ms. Lea • Generate evidence on nutrient adequacy at production, market and household level • Nutrient adequacy gap in Senegal and Rwanda • Strategies to bridge the gaps Moderated Panel Discussion • Experience on data, policy and others • A presentation by Ms. Nadine on 3FS: Tracking Financial Flows for Food System Recap of Day 2: Tuesday November 28, 2023
  4. #2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Consolidating knowledge in Emerging Themes: Moderated by Dr.

    Eliane 1. Gender and Food Systems : Dr. Agnes from IFPRI • The mixed impacts of agricultural projects on women empowerment and gender equality • Intentionality and intensity of interventions are critical for impact 2. Bioeconomy : Dr. Ebenezer • The basic definition of bioeconomy in terms of the use of biological resources for the production of economic goods and services • Assessed the production, education and research gaps in bioeconomy in Africa • Highlights the importance continental bioeconomy strategy 3. Economics of climate adaptation: Dr. Fleur • How climate change affect the economy-wide outcomes • How adaptation action can reverse/compensate the climate change effect? 4. A paradigm shift in Food safety in Africa : Dr. Fatima • Shared responsibility • Creditable data • Food safety causes Pareto improvement Recap of Day 2: Tuesday November 28, 2023
  5. #2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Consolidating knowledge in emerging themes: Moderated by Dr.

    Eliane Moderated Panel Discussion • Dr. Susan from Award shared the experience on gender equality • The prices for men and women are different??? • Dr. Katrin: the opportunities of regional cooperation and integration for biodiversity • The CEO of PAFO: the role of farmers’ organization to reach out the informal food sector • Dr. Martin from AfDB has highlighted the importance de-risking and fair pricing to attract finance for agriculture • The experience of Ethiopia on wheat and Kenya on maize Concluding Remarks by • Dr. Joh Ulimwengu who appreciated the knowledge developed and the innovative approaches being pursued. Recap of Day 2: Tuesday November 28, 2023
  6. #2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Two sessions • Data, technology, science innovation •

    Discuss about the challenges and opportunities of data and investment on science and technology • Progress towards CAADP goals • Discuss the progress that African countries are making with regard to the CAADP and BR indicators and the in formulating and implementing NAIP and RAIP Objectives of Day 3: Wednesday November 28, 2023