Serverless & Web Development: love at first sight ❤
Yet another Serverless Overview, focused on web development use cases.
Alex will describe what Serverless means, what alternatives are available in the public Clouds and in the open-source worlds, its advantages & disadvantages, etc.
in which the cloud provider dynamically manages the alloca?on of machine resources.” [Wikipedia] “Ephemeral compute power that comes into existence on request and disappears immediately aGer use.” [Tech Radar] “Applica?ons where some amount of server-side logic is s?ll wriIen by the applica?on developer but run in stateless compute containers that are event-triggered, ephemeral, and fully managed by a 3rd party.” [Mike Roberts] “A Serverless solu?on is one that costs you nothing to run if nobody is using it.” [Paul Johnston]