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Ruby Kryptography (RubyConf Argentina 2013)

Andrés N. Robalino
November 28, 2013

Ruby Kryptography (RubyConf Argentina 2013)

Analizaremos problemas que enfrentamos cuando queremos incorporar seguridad en nuestras aplicaciones. La importancia de la criptografía, particularmente en estas fechas lo que hemos podido aprender de travesuras realizadas por cierta agencia. ¿Qué opciones tenemos en Ruby? La extensión OpenSSL tiene muchos obstáculos. Se desea una solución que nos permita tener control total de operaciones primitivas de cifrado para los expertos así como la alternativa de usar correctamente si uno no es experto. ¿No sería agradable una gema que ofrezca estas soluciones? Krypt es una gema "platform- and library-independent cryptography for Ruby" que solucionará nuestros problemas. Hasta la fecha se ha incorporado en JRuby core. Analizaremos como funciona y que ofrece para nuestras necesidades de seguridad.

Andrés N. Robalino

November 28, 2013


  1. What macro ratios? Suitable mm decreases? tempo? high intensity or

    high volume? carb cycling? 10 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  2. Which diet? Exercises? skinfold measurements, scale, how many times a

    day? 10 meals? 3 meals? 11 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  3. Does not matter if you are an expert or not,

    with the right guidelines you do great! 12 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  4. Mutable references (identities), managed references (STM), Actors languages for concurrency,

    lazy sequences to get memoization! 15 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  5. "Also, we are investing in groundbreaking cryptanalytic capabilities to defeat

    adversarial cryptography and exploit internet traffic." - Director of National Intelligence James Clapper 22 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  6. The NSA has a lot of people thinking about this

    problem full- time. According to the black budget summary, 35,000 people and $11 billion annually are part of the Department of Defense- wide Consolidated Cryptologic Program. Of that, 4 percent -- or $440 million -- goes to "Research and Technology." - Bruce Schneier 23 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  7. DUAL_EC_DRGB http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/09/nsa-backdoor/all/ They laid out a case showing that a

    new encryption standard, given a stamp of approval by the U.S. government, possessed a glaring weakness that made an algorithm in it susceptible to cracking. But the weakness they described wasn’t just an average vulnerability, it had the kind of properties one would want if one were intentionally inserting a backdoor to make the algorithm susceptible to cracking by design. Early this month the New York Times drew a connection between their talk and memos leaked by Edward Snowden, classified Top Secret, that apparently confirms that the weakness in the standard and so-called Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm was indeed a backdoor. The Times story implies that the backdoor was intentionally put there by the NSA as part of a $250-million, decade-long covert operation by the agency to weaken and undermine the integrity of a number of encryption systems used by millions of people around the world. 26 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  8. Researchers have revealed, and Adobe has confirmed, that the millions

    passwords stolen during the breach in October were not originally stored according to industry best practices. Instead of being hashed, the passwords were encrypted, which could make things a little easier for those looking to crack them. http://www.csoonline.com/article/742570/adobe-confirms-stolen-passwords-were-encrypted-not-hashed 31 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  9. What is wanted here is a practical way to write

    secure applications without worrying about the details. 45 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  10. Block cipher based on a structure referred to a Feistel

    block cipher. 51 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  11. No cryptographic significance to the use of decryption for the

    second stage of 3DES encryption 56 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  12. It is there to allow users of 3DES to decrypt

    data encrypted by users of the older DES 57 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  13. 3DES raises the key length up to 168bits. If two

    keys are used (FIPS 46-3) the key length is 112bits 58 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  14. How can we work with crypto by allowing full control

    to the experts and enjoy a simple to use API for “regulars”? 59 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  15. Native code is used to wrap existing libraries to krypt

    interface (only happens in the background) 70 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  16. Focus is on Ruby code. Native parts might be needed

    but they interface with FFI, using java in addition. 74 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  17. FFI allows to work anything that work on MRI, Rubinious,

    directly on jruby. 75 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  18. openssl (C lib) can be used in jruby without changing

    any code thanks to FFI. 76 Wednesday, December 4, 13
  19. High-level APIs in case the only interest is writing secure

    applications. 78 Wednesday, December 4, 13