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Legal Resources for Low-Income Seniors

Andrew Jones
October 04, 2024

Legal Resources for Low-Income Seniors

Legal problems can be overwhelming for such low-income senior citizens who are facing a multitude of challenges to access such vital services. The good news is that legal assistance is plentiful for such seniors. An elder law attorney might prove helpful for clients dealing with matters such as estate planning, Medicaid eligibility, and guardianship.

Andrew Jones

October 04, 2024


  1.  Seniors face numerous legal challenges including: ◦ Housing issues

    and evictions, often requiring legal assistanc.e ◦ Medical care and long-term planning, with guidance from an elder law attorney. ◦ Prevention of abuse and exploitation through legal protections. ◦ Estate planning and wills often need professional legal help.
  2.  Available legal resources for low-income seniors: ◦ Legal Aid

    Societies offer free or low-cost services to seniors. ◦ Nonprofit organizations support elder legal issues, collaborating with elder law attorneys. ◦ Government programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare, offer legal assistance in healthcare matters.
  3.  An elder law attorney can help seniors in several

    key areas: ◦ Specializing in Medicaid and healthcare planning. ◦ Guardianship issues are handled with their assistance, ensuring proper care. ◦ Estate and end-of-life planning with an elder law attorney protects the interests of the elderly.
  4. Odensky Law 713-344-0730 [email protected] 6575 West Loop South, Suite 145

    Bellaire, TX 77401, United States https://www.odenskylaw.com/