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Pull Requests: One tool to rule them all - Danger

January 18, 2018

Pull Requests: One tool to rule them all - Danger

A quick presentation of the great Danger (http://danger.systems/) which allows you to automatically verify Pull Requests against your own rules.


January 18, 2018

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  1. About Danger “Danger acts as a way of creating unit

    tests at code review level. It gives you the ability to write tests that say: “has this file changed?”, ”does the contents of new files include this string?”…” 3 Ortha Therox
  2. Integration Workflow 4 git push Danger runs after your CI,

    automating your team's conventions surrounding code review. Any CI service
  3. Swift Available languages 5 Ruby Javascript - Created and supported

    by the community
 - No plugins architecture for the moment
  4. Danger API - Changes from Git - Changes from GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket

    - Directly interact with Danger 6 e.g.: git.modified_files e.g.: github.pr_title e.g.: warn("You have not included a CHANGELOG entry.")
  5. Dangerfile (Ruby) # Warn when there is a big PR

    warn("Big PR, try to keep changes smaller if you can") if git.lines_of_code > 500 7 # Make it more obvious that a PR is a work in progress and shouldn't be merged yet warn("PR is classed as Work in Progress") if github.pr_title.include? "WIP" # Changelog entries are required for changes to library files. no_changelog_entry = !git.modified_files.include?("Changelog.md") if has_app_changes && no_changelog_entry && not_declared_trivial warn("Any changes to library code should be reflected in the Changelog.") end
  6. iAdvize/Danger 10 # Warn when there is a big PR

    warn("Big PR, try to keep changes smaller if you can") if git.lines_of_code > 500 # Configure code coverage tool slather.configure("IAdvize.xcodeproj", "IAdvize", options: { workspace: "IAdvize.xcworkspace" }) # Show coverage in Github PR slather.show_coverage # Display the associated JIRA ticket jira.check( key: ["INT", "MOB"], url: "https://iadvize.atlassian.net/browse" ) # Display Xcode summary (Warnings/Errors…) xcode_summary.report 'xcodebuild.json'