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Developing SEDA Based Applications with Akka

Developing SEDA Based Applications with Akka

Ben Darfler

April 11, 2011

More Decks by Ben Darfler

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  1. Localytics Real time mobile analytics platform 40M+ events per day

    and growing rapidly 3x growth over the past 3 months Heavy users of Scala/Akka/NoSql We are hiring (seriously, come talk to me)
  2. Actor Model Lock free approach to concurrency No shared state

    between actors Asynchronous message passing Mailboxes to buffer incoming messages
  3. SEDA Staged Event Driven Architecture "Decomposes a complex, event-driven application

    into a set of stages connected by queues."1 "The most fundamental aspect of the SEDA architecture is the programming model that supports stage-level backpressure and load management."1 1. http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mdw/proj/seda/
  4. Backpressure Manditory to prevent OutOfMemoryError • Messages backup in memory

    faster than they can be processed Cassandra was seriously bitten by this • Less crappy failure mode when swamped with inserts than "run out of memory and gc-storm to death" (CASSANDRA-401) • Add backpressure to StorageProxy (CASSANDRA-685)
  5. Backpressure Mailboxes case class UnboundedMailbox(val blocking: Boolean = false) extends

    MailboxType case class BoundedMailbox( val blocking: Boolean = false, val capacity: Int = { if (Dispatchers.MAILBOX_CAPACITY < 0) Int.MaxValue else Dispatchers.MAILBOX_CAPACITY }, val pushTimeOut: Duration = Dispatchers.MAILBOX_PUSH_TIME_OUT ) extends MailboxType BoundedMailbox(false, QUEUE_SIZE, Duration(-1, "millis")) Backpressure Mailbox
  6. Stages One actor class per stage Shared dispatcher Individually tunable

    • I/O Bound • CPU Bound Easier to reason about Code reuse
  7. Dispatchers ThreadBasedDispatcher • Binds one actor to its own thread

    ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher • Must be shared between actors ExecutorBasedEventDrivenWorkStealingDispatcher • Must be shared between actors of the same type
  8. Queues SEDA has a queue per stage model Akka actors

    have their own mailbox How do we evenly distribute work?
  9. Work Stealing ExecutorBasedEventDrivenWorkStealingDispatcher "Actors of the same type can be

    set up to share this dispatcher and during execution time the different actors will steal messages from other actors if they have less messages to process"1 1. http://doc.akka.io/dispatchers-scala
  10. Work Stealing Really a work "donating" dispatcher "I have implemented

    a work stealing dispatcher for Akka actors. Although its called "work stealing" the implementation actually behaves more as "work donating" because the victim actor takes the initiative. I.e. it actually donates work to its thief, rather than having the thief steal work from the victim."1 1. http://janvanbesien.blogspot.com/2010/03/load-balancing-actors-with-work.html
  11. Work Stealing Sending actor will block on the receiving actors

    mailbox before it can "donate" Might be fixed in Akka 1.1 • I owe @viktorklang a test of his latest changes
  12. Load Balancing Routing.loadBalancerActor() • Creates a new actor that forwards

    messages in a load balancing fashion InfiniteIterator • CyclicIterator • SmallestMailboxFirstIterator
  13. Load Balancing Can't easily change the load balancer's mailbox Use

    SmallestMailboxFirstIterator directly new SmallestMailboxFirstIterator(List(actor, actor, actor))
  14. Fault Tolerance Supervisors • Restarts actors • Stops after x

    times within y milliseconds Restart Strategies • OneForOne • AllForOne
  15. Fault Tolerance Great for transient issues • Network failures Not

    great for permanent issues • OutOfMemoryError
  16. Final Product // Actor creation val supervisor = Supervisor(SupervisorConfig( OneForOneStrategy(List(classOf[Exception]),

    RETRIES, WITH_IN_TIME), Supervise(myActors)) def myActors : List[Supervise] = { val mailbox = BoundedMailbox(false, QUEUE_SIZE, Duration(-1, "millis")) val dispatcher = Dispatchers.newExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher( "my-dispatcher", 1, mailbox).setCorePoolSize(POOL_SIZE).build (1 to POOL_SIZE toList).foldRight(List[Supervise]()) { (i, list) => Supervise(actorOf(new MyActor("my-actor-" + i, dispatcher)), Permanent) :: list } } // Sending a message val actors = new SmallestMailboxFirstIterator(actorsFor(classOf[MyActor]).toList) def actor = actors.next actor ! Message()