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No Good Deed
Nicholas Johnson
December 01, 2024
No Good Deed
Nicholas Johnson
December 01, 2024
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Bit Wars Pilot (scene 2 revisions)
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Seq 0 Scene 1 Panel 1 / 5 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 1/104
Seq 0 Scene 1 Panel 2 / 5 Dialog A:
One question haunts and hurts Dialog A: One question haunts and hurts ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 2/104
Seq 0 Scene 1 Panel 3 / 5 Dialog A:
One question haunts and hurts Dialog A: One question haunts and hurts ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 3/104
Seq 0 Scene 1 Panel 4 / 5 Dialog A:
Too much, too much to mention Dialog A: Too much, too much to mention ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 4/104
Seq 0 Scene 1 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 5/104
Seq 0 Scene 1_A Panel 1 / 1 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 6/104
Seq 0 Scene 2 Panel 1 / 6 Dialog A:
Was I really seeking good Dialog A: Was I really seeking good ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 7/104
Seq 0 Scene 2 Panel 2 / 6 Dialog A:
Was I really seeking good Dialog A: Was I really seeking good ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 8/104
Seq 0 Scene 2 Panel 3 / 6 Dialog A:
Or just seeking attention? Dialog A: Or just seeking attention? ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 9/104
Seq 0 Scene 2 Panel 4 / 6 Dialog A:
Or just seeking attention? Dialog A: Or just seeking attention? ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 10/104
Seq 0 Scene 2 Panel 5 / 6 Dialog A:
Or just seeking attention? Dialog A: Or just seeking attention? ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 11/104
Seq 0 Scene 2 Panel 6 / 6 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 12/104
Seq 0 Scene 3 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 13/104
Seq 0 Scene 3 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog A:
Is that all good deeds are Dialog A: Is that all good deeds are ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 14/104
Seq 0 Scene 3 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog A:
When looked at with an ice-cold eye? Dialog A: When looked at with an ice-cold eye? ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 15/104
Seq 0 Scene 3 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog A:
When looked at with an ice-cold eye? Dialog A: When looked at with an ice-cold eye? ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 16/104
Seq 0 Scene 4 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog A:
If that's all good deeds are Dialog A: If that's all good deeds are ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 17/104
Seq 0 Scene 4 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog A:
If that's all good deeds are Dialog A: If that's all good deeds are ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 18/104
Seq 0 Scene 4 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog A:
Maybe that's the reason why... Dialog A: Maybe that's the reason why... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 19/104
Seq 0 Scene 5 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog A:
Maybe that's the reason why... Dialog A: Maybe that's the reason why... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 20/104
Seq 0 Scene 5 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog A:
Maybe that's the reason why... Dialog A: Maybe that's the reason why... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 21/104
Seq 0 Scene 5 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog A:
Maybe that's the reason why... Dialog A: Maybe that's the reason why... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 22/104
Seq 0 Scene 6 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog A:
Maybe that's the reason why... Dialog A: Maybe that's the reason why... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 23/104
Seq 0 Scene 6 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog A:
Maybe that's the reason why... Dialog A: Maybe that's the reason why... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 24/104
Seq 0 Scene 6 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog A:
Maybe that's the reason why... Dialog A: Maybe that's the reason why... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 25/104
Seq 0 Scene 6 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 26/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 1 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 27/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 2 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 28/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 3 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 29/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 4 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 30/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 5 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 31/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 6 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 32/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 7 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 33/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 8 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 34/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 9 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 35/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 10 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 36/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 11 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 37/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 12 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 38/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 13 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 39/104
Seq 0 Scene 7_A Panel 14 / 14 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 40/104
Seq 0 Scene 8 Panel 1 / 7 Dialog A;
All helpful urges should be circumvented Dialog A; All helpful urges should be circumvented ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 41/104
Seq 0 Scene 8 Panel 2 / 7 Dialog A;
All helpful urges should be circumvented Dialog A; All helpful urges should be circumvented ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 42/104
Seq 0 Scene 8 Panel 3 / 7 Dialog A;
All helpful urges should be circumvented Dialog A; All helpful urges should be circumvented ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 43/104
Seq 0 Scene 8 Panel 4 / 7 Dialog A;
All helpful urges should be circumvented Dialog A; All helpful urges should be circumvented ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 44/104
Seq 0 Scene 8 Panel 5 / 7 Dialog A;
All helpful urges should be circumvented Dialog A; All helpful urges should be circumvented ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 45/104
Seq 0 Scene 8 Panel 6 / 7 Dialog A;
All helpful urges should be circumvented Dialog A; All helpful urges should be circumvented ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 46/104
Seq 0 Scene 8 Panel 7 / 7 Dialog A;
All helpful urges should be circumvented Dialog A; All helpful urges should be circumvented ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 47/104
Seq 0 Scene 9 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 48/104
Seq 0 Scene 9 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 49/104
Seq 0 Scene 9 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 50/104
Seq 0 Scene 9 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog A:
No good deed goes unpunished Dialog A: No good deed goes unpunished ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 51/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 1 / 8 Dialog A:
Sure, I meant well Dialog A: Sure, I meant well ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 52/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 2 / 8 Dialog A:
Sure, I meant well Dialog A: Sure, I meant well ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 53/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 3 / 8 Dialog A:
Well, look at what well-meant did... Dialog A: Well, look at what well-meant did... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 54/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 4 / 8 Dialog A:
Well, look at what well-meant did... Dialog A: Well, look at what well-meant did... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 55/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 5 / 8 Dialog A:
Well, look at what well-meant did... Dialog A: Well, look at what well-meant did... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 56/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 6 / 8 Dialog A:
Well, look at what well-meant did... Dialog A: Well, look at what well-meant did... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 57/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 7 / 8 Dialog A:
Well, look at what well-meant did... Dialog A: Well, look at what well-meant did... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 58/104
Seq 0 Scene 10 Panel 8 / 8 Dialog A:
Well, look at what well-meant did... Dialog A: Well, look at what well-meant did... ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 59/104
Seq 0 Scene 11 Panel 1 / 6 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 60/104
Seq 0 Scene 11 Panel 2 / 6 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 61/104
Seq 0 Scene 11 Panel 3 / 6 Dialog A:
All right, enough, so be it Dialog A: All right, enough, so be it ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 62/104
Seq 0 Scene 11 Panel 4 / 6 Dialog A:
All right, enough, so be it Dialog A: All right, enough, so be it ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 63/104
Seq 0 Scene 11 Panel 5 / 6 Dialog A:
All right, enough, so be it Dialog A: All right, enough, so be it ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 64/104
Seq 0 Scene 11 Panel 6 / 6 Dialog A:
So be it then Dialog A: So be it then ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 65/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 1 / 21 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 66/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 2 / 21 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 67/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 3 / 21 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 68/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 4 / 21 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 69/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 5 / 21 Dialog A:
Let all Oz be agreed Dialog A: Let all Oz be agreed ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 70/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 6 / 21 Dialog A:
Let all Oz be agreed Dialog A: Let all Oz be agreed ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 71/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 7 / 21 Dialog A:
Let all Oz be agreed Dialog A: Let all Oz be agreed ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 72/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 8 / 21 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 73/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 9 / 21 Dialog A:
I'm wicked through and through Dialog A: I'm wicked through and through ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 74/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 10 / 21 Dialog A:
I'm wicked through and through Dialog A: I'm wicked through and through ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 75/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 11 / 21 Dialog A:
I'm wicked through and through Dialog A: I'm wicked through and through ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 76/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 12 / 21 Dialog A:
I'm wicked through and through Dialog A: I'm wicked through and through ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 77/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 13 / 21 Dialog A:
Since I can not succeed, Fiyero, saving you Dialog A: Since I can not succeed, Fiyero, saving you ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 78/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 14 / 21 Dialog A:
Since I can not succeed, Fiyero, saving you Dialog A: Since I can not succeed, Fiyero, saving you ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 79/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 15 / 21 Dialog A:
I promise no good deed Dialog A: I promise no good deed ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 80/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 16 / 21 Dialog A:
I promise no good deed Dialog A: I promise no good deed ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 81/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 17 / 21 Dialog A:
Will I attempt to do again Dialog A: Will I attempt to do again ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 82/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 18 / 21 Dialog A:
Will I attempt to do again Dialog A: Will I attempt to do again ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 83/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 19 / 21 Dialog A:
Will I attempt to do again Dialog A: Will I attempt to do again ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 84/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 20 / 21 Dialog A:
Will I attempt to do again Dialog A: Will I attempt to do again ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 85/104
Seq 0 Scene 12 Panel 21 / 21 Dialog A:
Ever again! Dialog A: Ever again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 86/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 1 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 87/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 2 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 88/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 3 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 89/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 4 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 90/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 5 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 91/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 6 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 92/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 7 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 93/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 8 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 94/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 9 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 95/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 10 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 96/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 11 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 97/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 12 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 98/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 13 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 99/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 14 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 100/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 15 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 101/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 16 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 102/104
Seq 0 Scene 13 Panel 17 / 17 Dialog A:
No good deed will I do again! Dialog A: No good deed will I do again! ANI134 Project04 NJ Page 103/104
Seq 0 Scene 14 Panel 1 / 1 Dialog ANI134
Project04 NJ Page 104/104