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Rae Knowler
June 27, 2019


Rae Knowler

June 27, 2019


  1. Agenda – What is Mental Health First Aid? – Why

    is MHFA important? – Limitations – Mental health issues covered – The ALGEE approach – Conclusions
  2. Mental Health First Aid – First developed in Canberra, Australia,

    in 2000 – Developed by educators, mental health consumers, and researchers – Since adopted in 26 countries – Switzerland since 2018: https://www.ensa.swiss/de/
  3. Preserve life Prevent further harm Promote recovery Provide comfort to

    the person who is ill or injured Aims of First Aid
  4. Preserve life where there might be a risk of harm

    Provide help to stop the issue becoming more serious Promote recovery of good mental health Provide comfort to the person with a mental health issue Aims of Mental Health First Aid
  5. Conclusions – Mental health awareness is important – Mental Health

    First Aid training is useful – Come and talk to me about mental health (if you want to!)