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Rails and the Internet of Things

Rails and the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is here and important! We’ll be talking about working with data from the Code for Miami Flood Tracker project in Rails.

* a little bit about device firmware
* estimating data quantities and the heroku free tier
* how ingest and roll up work
* table design
* old scaffolds

This talk will go into design and code details, with questions and insights welcome from ruby, rails, and web developers of every skill level.


More Decks by Bryce "BonzoESC" Kerley

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Rails and IoT • What is the Internet of Things?

    • Code for Miami Flood Tracker • IoT and Scaffolds • All This Data • Ingest and Rollup • Porting to Rails 6
  2. What is the Internet of Things? • Connecting a thing

    that wasn’t always on the internet to the internet • Making a computer with no real UI do internet stuff
  3. Code for Miami Flood Tracker • Connect • 5 times:

    • Check range • Sleep 1s • Report median range • Report all five ranges • Sleep
  4. Code for Miami Flood Tracker • Particle Electron • Microcontroller

    with cell hardware • Particle Cloud • Interacts with microcontrollers • Web hooks
  5. Long-Term Goals • Sign up for alerts • See useful

    graphs • Figure out where to focus resources
  6. Short-Term Goals • Are the numbers making sense? • How

    often can I measure? • Can I bank enough power for storms?
  7. Different Goals • Web hooks mean I can write software

    to solve my problems without having to answer for someone else's
  8. Scaffold Params { "utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN", "spark"=>{ "event"=>"asdf", "data"=>"asdf", "coreid"=>"asdf", "published_at(1i)"=>"2019",

    "published_at(2i)"=>"5", "published_at(3i)"=>"10", "published_at(4i)"=>"01", "published_at(5i)"=>"37" }, "commit"=>"Create Spark" }
  9. Param Differences? • Don’t require spark and permit the fields

    params. require(:spark). permit(:event, :data, :coreid, :published_at) • Just require the fields params.permit(:event, :data, :coreid, :published_at))
  10. Authenticity Token? • If an attacker can make an authed

    request, they've already won, who cares lol
  11. Web Hook Authentication • Twitter has complex bidirectional authentication •

    Twitter authenticates the receiver • The receiver can authenticate Twitter
  12. Web Hook Authentication • Particle doesn’t • You can give

    Particle a URL • You can tell Particle to send arbitrary request headers
  13. Web Hook Authentication class SparksController < ApplicationController # … def

    create if params[:key] != ENV['KEY'] return render text: 'idk', status: 403 end @spark = Spark.new(params.permit(:event, :data, :coreid, :published_at)) # …
  14. All This Data • Should we… • Pay more? •

    Be smarter about what we store for how long?
  15. Paying More Is A Good Option • If you’re a

    business with revenue, it’s often the cheapest option • 10M rows (43,000 days, or 430 days for 100 units) is $9/ month • How much dev time do you get for $9?
  16. Paying More Isn’t Always an Option • Community group with

    a small money budget and sporadic labor • If I spend a couple evenings sorting it out indefinitely that’s a good thing to do
  17. Ingest and Rollup • We're kind of already doing this

    • Ingest into a single table • Rollup by deleting old records when Heroku emails me
  18. Models • Quip • String • Store if different than

    the previous one for a given coreid • Maps to a firmware epoch
  19. Models • Level (millimeters) • Integer • Store every reading

    for a week • Roll up with first, min, max, stddev, mean
  20. Models • Battery • float • Store every reading for

    a week • Roll up with first, min, max, stddev, mean • Might be interesting to correlate with weather?
  21. Models • SleepPlan (seconds) • Integer • Store a week

    • Roll up sum, count • Debug and UI
  22. More Scaffolds 5de9cad add coreid and published_at to tables a1149fd

    spark_diagnostics scaffold 1846878 sleep_plans scaffold e3d139b level_raws scaffold 4afa16a battery scaffold 20e2369 level scaffold e814ab5 rm level controller f306a4f add restore instructions d4135cb quip scaffold
  23. Ingesting Into Separate Models class Ingester EVENT_MAPPING = { "floodtracker/sleep_plan"

    => SleepPlan, … } def self.ingest(params) event_klass = params[:event] if event_klass.nil? event_klass = Spark end event_klass.ingest(params) end end
  24. Ingesting Into Separate Models class Battery < ApplicationRecord def self.ingest(params)

    create( reading: params[:data], coreid: params[:coreid], published_at: params[:published_at] ) end end
  25. Backfilling with Old Data class CopyBatteries < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def up

    Battery.connection.execute(<<-SQL) INSERT INTO batteries (reading, coreid, published_at, created_at, updated_at) (SELECT CAST(data AS float), coreid, published_at, now(), now() FROM sparks WHERE event = 'floodtracker/battery' ); SQL end end
  26. Bunch of Work 80e19c4 add coreid and published_at to independent

    views 18ead20 migrate backlog data to independent tables 8f2add1 migrate levels be1119a yeah i'm good at programming c8b131c trying solargraph f155674 fix sparks route 3d021f0 fix ingest route 0bd367f ingest into sparks if nothing else 89db820 ingest controller 4d08822 ingest models 0de6c59 remove create, update, and destroy from new scaffolds
  27. Implementing Rollup • Quip: really should be rolled up at

    insert • LevelRaws, SparkDiagnostic: just delete • Level, Battery, SleepPlan: roll up into new table
  28. Quip Rollup SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, published_at, body, LAG(body)

    OVER (ORDER BY published_at ASC) AS prev FROM quips) AS hist WHERE body IS DISTINCT FROM prev ORDER BY published_at DESC; id | published_at | body | prev -----+----------------------------+-----------------------+------------------- 227 | 2019-04-07 10:47:45.272-04 | allegory of nick cave | oodles and oodles 59 | 2019-03-31 20:06:42.017-04 | oodles and oodles | (2 rows)
  29. Quip Rollup id | coreid | published_at | body |

    prev -----+--------+-------------------------------+-----------------------+----------------------- 459 | 12345 | 2019-05-17 15:13:18.910431-04 | test quip | allegory of nick cave 33 | 40003 | 2019-05-08 15:37:59.254-04 | allegory of nick cave | test quip 460 | 12345 | 2019-05-08 15:14:57.069987-04 | test quip | allegory of nick cave 227 | 40003 | 2019-04-07 10:47:45.272-04 | allegory of nick cave | oodles and oodles 59 | 40003 | 2019-03-31 20:06:42.017-04 | oodles and oodles | (5 rows)
  30. Quip Rollup • Need to check against coreid • Could

    loop over them during The Big Rollup • But there’s only one real one in the db so #yolo • Need to check at insert time
  31. Quip Big Rollup DELETE FROM quips WHERE id IN (SELECT

    id FROM (SELECT id, coreid, published_at, body, LAG(body) OVER (ORDER BY coreid DESC, published_at ASC) AS prev FROM quips) AS hist WHERE body IS not DISTINCT FROM prev ORDER BY published_at DESC, coreid DESC );
  32. Quip Rollup at Insert class Quip < ApplicationRecord def self.ingest(params)

    existing = self. where(coreid: params[:coreid]). order(published_at: :desc). first return existing if existing.body == params[:data] self.create( body: params[:data], coreid: params[:coreid], published_at: params[:published_at] ) end end
  33. Summary Rollups SELECT i.*, t.reading AS first FROM ( SELECT

    windows.date, s.coreid, COUNT(s.reading), MIN(s.published_at) AS first_publish, MIN(s.reading), AVG(s.reading), STDDEV(s.reading), MAX(s.reading) FROM (SELECT DATE(generate_series( (SELECT MIN(DATE(published_at)) FROM levels), (SELECT MAX(DATE(published_at)) FROM levels), '1 day')) AS date) AS windows RIGHT JOIN
  34. Summary Rollups • sorry for bamboozling you with sql •

    Use `generate_series` to turn start and end timestamps into a list of dates • Use COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG, STDDEV to get aggregates • Use MIN(published_at) to find first publish, to get a first value for the day (for candlestick charts)
  35. Time Zones • What's the difference between "timestamp" and “timestamptz”

    anyways? # \d batteries Table "public.batteries" Column | Type --------------+---------------------------- published_at | timestamp with time zone created_at | timestamp without time zone # select published_at, created_at from batteries […]; published_at | created_at ----------------------------+---------------------------- 2019-05-20 16:21:32.079-04 | 2019-05-20 20:21:32.298862
  36. Time Zones • Basically, we want to use `published_at`’s knowledge

    of time zones to scope our dates by irl Miami time • Configuring “America/New_York” in the rollups does that
  37. Rollups e6e8a2b battery_histories timestamptz f917ed3 battery rollup c18bb63 battery history

    scaffold 165965e rollups are hard-coded to miami time ca46abf sleep plan histories scaffold c1e4193 start sleep plan rollup e3cce56 fix issues with level rollup a28bb6b hose out old levels 5f06949 level_histories scaffold 39e122d start level rollup dd5b3d6 update ruby c8c2560 roll up level_raws and spark_diagnostics 91608f2 don't store redundant quips
  38. Automating Rollup > rails g task rollup daily Running via

    Spring preloader in process 44030 create lib/tasks/rollup.rake
  39. lib/tasks/rollup.rake namespace :rollup do desc "Do daily aggregation and cleaning"

    task daily: :environment do [SparkDiagnostic, Level, LevelRaw, SleepPlan, Battery].each do |m| m.rollup end Battery.connection.execute(<<-SQL) VACUUM FULL ANALYZE; SQL end end