softw a re design problems you f ind a g a in a nd a g a in in re a l-world a pplic a tion development. • P a tterns a re a bout reusable designs a nd inter a ctions between objects. • The 23 G a ng of Four (GoF) patterns a re gener a lly considered the found a tion for a ll other p a tterns (G a mm a , Helm, Johnson, a nd Vlissides). 4
a te a Jfr a me a nd a Jp a nel 3. Dr a w the 9 boxes to represent the TicT a cToe 5. Add MouseListeners to detect clicks on the P a nel 7. Review if the click is inside of a box 9. If so, dr a w a nd X or a 0 on th a t position (one time X, the next O, the next X, etc) Do not worry a bout the g a me (Tic-T a c-Toe) logic, yet. The go a l of this l a b is just a GUI with listeners 17
[email protected] Winter 2025 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.