softw a re design problems you f ind a g a in a nd a g a in in re a l-world a pplic a tion development. • P a tterns a re a bout reusable designs a nd inter a ctions between objects. • The 23 G a ng of Four (GoF) patterns a re gener a lly considered the found a tion for a ll other p a tterns (G a mm a , Helm, Johnson, a nd Vlissides). 4
a te a Jfr a me a nd a Jp a nel 3. Dr a w the 9 boxes to represent the TicT a cToe 5. Add MouseListeners to detect clicks on the P a nel 7. Review if the click is inside of a box 9. If so, dr a w a nd X or a 0 on th a t position (one time X, the next O, the next X, etc) Do not worry a bout the g a me (Tic-T a c-Toe) logic, yet. The go a l of this l a b is just a GUI with listeners 17 Winter 2025 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.