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DevOps and Cloud Days - DevOvs is More than Dev...

Chris Ayers
June 23, 2021

DevOps and Cloud Days - DevOvs is More than Dev and Ops

Chris Ayers

June 23, 2021



    • Chris.Ayers@NewSignature.com • Twitter: @Chris_L_Ayers • linkedin.com/in/chris-l-ayers/ • Blog: https://chrislayers.com/ • GitHub: https://github.com/codebytes
  2. It’s Development and Operations collaboration It’s a job title It’s

    automation It means faster and smaller releases WHAT IS DEVOPS?
  3. http://bit.ly/WhatIs-DevOps “DevOps is the union of people, process, and products

    to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users.” - Donovan Brown
  4. CLOUD AND DEVOPS TRENDS BY THE NUMBERS of businesses surveyed

    say cost optimization is their top 2020 initiative 73% 21% 63% 50% of businesses spend at least $1.2 million per year in the cloud of businesses expect cloud usage to be higher than planned due to COVID-19 enterprises have seen spending increase by 21% after COVID-19 4x 160x 46x 60x higher revenue growth for organizations who have adopted widely DevOps more frequent code deployments than lower performing peers Fewer failures than lower performing peers Faster recovery than lower performing peers Sources: 2020 State of the Cloud Report; 2018 Cloud Skills Survey; McKinsey Developer Velocity Report; Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) Report & Reports from The Disaster Recovery & Preparedness Council.
  5. FOCUS ON INNOVATION Top DevOps performers spent more time on

    new work, and less time “keeping the lights on”.
  6. QUESTIONS? PRACTICES Automated Testing Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment Release Management

    PRACTICES Usage Monitoring Telemetry Collection Testing in Production Stakeholder Feedback PRACTICES Testing in Production Usage Monitoring User Telemetry Stakeholder feedback Feature flags PRACTICES Code Reviews Automated Testing Continuous Measurement PRACTICES APM Infrastructure as Code Continuous Delivery Release Management Configuration Management Automated Recovery PRACTICES Application Performance Management Infrastructure as Code Continuous Deployment Release Management Configuration Management Automated Recovery PRACTICES Enterprise Agile Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment Release Management FLOW OF CUSTOMER VALUE TEAM AUTONOMY & ENTERPRISE ALIGNMENT BACKLOG refined with LEARNING EVIDENCE gathered in PRODUCTION MANAGED TECHNICAL DEBT PRODUCTION FIRST MINDSET INFRASTRUCTURE is a FLEXIBLE RESOURCE DevOps habits and practices
  7. Find what hurts and keep doing it a bit better

    IF IT HURTS, DO IT MORE OFTEN Find the part of your process in getting value to customers that slows you down or hurts the most. Make it incrementally better each sprint. Re-evaluate and improve the next most painful. “ ” Develop Collaborate Operate Deliver