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Devops is more than a Title

Chris Ayers
October 26, 2019

Devops is more than a Title

DevOps is so much more than just a DevOps engineer or a DevOps team. You can do DevOps activities like automation or CI/CD without understanding the why of DevOps. We'll dive into why and how of DevOps and how it will benefit everyone in the organization. You'll walk away with a clear understanding of what devops is, how everyone in an organization can play a part with a production first, iterative mindset, and where to get started.

Chris Ayers

October 26, 2019

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  1. Chris Ayers – Azure / Devops Consultant Chris.Ayers@NewSignature.com Twitter: @Chris_L_Ayers

    linkedin.com/in/chris-l-ayers/ Blog: https://chrislayers.com/
  2. The DevOps conversation PEOPLE Collaborate more Share common goals Focus

    on improvement BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER PROCESS Eliminate waste Increase efficiency Streamline feedback DELIVERING VALUE FASTER TOOLS Enhance productivity Enable collaboration Facilitate experimentation EXECUTING A DEVOPS STRATEGY
  3. PRACTICES Automated Testing Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment Release Management PRACTICES

    Usage Monitoring Telemetry Collection Testing in Production Stakeholder Feedback PRACTICES Testing in Production Usage Monitoring User Telemetry Stakeholder feedback Feature flags PRACTICES Code Reviews Automated Testing Continuous Measurement PRACTICES APM Infrastructure as Code Continuous Delivery Release Management Configuration Management Automated Recovery PRACTICES Application Performance Management Infrastructure as Code Continuous Deployment Release Management Configuration Management Automated Recovery PRACTICES Enterprise Agile Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment Release Management FLOW OF CUSTOMER VALUE TEAM AUTONOMY & ENTERPRISE ALIGNMENT BACKLOG refined with LEARNING EVIDENCE gathered in PRODUCTION MANAGED TECHNICAL DEBT PRODUCTION FIRST MINDSET INFRASTRUCTURE is a FLEXIBLE RESOURCE DevOps habits and practices