- and I don’t mean just the people! We are indeed fortunate that we have so many feathered friends sharing our space, even if it is in passing. It was my pleasure to share some of the vignettes I was able to capture as part of my thoroughly enjoyable “project” to catalogue the birds of RBD. In a relatively short span of time, I was able to catalogue over 35 different varieties of birds, and it is an ongoing endeavor as you will notice. I hope you enjoyed this presentation and that it will help you recognize the birds, and awaken the urge to make them welcome in our homes. Chandrashekar Badami chandrabadami@yahoo.co.uk Photographing birds is not easy – for one, they are never still, and for another the foliage often gets in the way. I have had my share of frustrations and luck in equal parts - but like I said before, I thoroughly enjoy the experience.