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June 25, 2018


GKE Deep Dive (part 1) by Jonathan Pulsifer @Shopify


June 25, 2018


  1. $ whoami Production Security @ Certified Kubernetes Administrator jonpulsifer Previously:

    SIGINT cyber sailor ⚓ at CFNOC Instructor @ SANS and CFSCE JonPulsifer
  2. Containers for Kubernetes Here is an example of a trusted

    base image → • OS level virtualization popularized by Docker ◦ Governed by the Open Container Initiative ◦ https://www.opencontainers.org/ • Don’t actually exist ◦ Are just kernel features duct taped together: ▪ Linux capabilities, control groups, namespaces, and LSMs • A Kubernetes Pod is smallest unit that we describe, and it’s pretty much just shared namespaces and containers ◦ Network, IPC, PID, user, etc ◦ One pod has n containers # ubuntu/bionic FROM ubuntu@sha256:5f4bdc346cbbe56[snip]3e8314b0939c4592d67b6d # labels help add context LABEL maintainer="[email protected]" \ ca.pulsifer.ubuntu-release="bionic" # defaults are neat ARG LINUX_USER=${LINUX_USER:-alicebot} ARG UID=${UID:-1337} # add a non privileged user RUN adduser \ --disabled-password \ --GECOS '' \ --uid ${UID} \ ${LINUX_USER} # upgrade packages and clean up RUN apt-get -qqy update \ && apt-get -qqy upgrade \ && apt-get -qqy autoremove \ && apt-get -qqy clean # drop privileges USER ${UID}
  3. VM instances Instance group manager Instance template VPC firewall VPC

    subnetwork VPC network (not pictured) IAM (not pictured) Project / folder / organization
  4. Infrastructure as code Terraform is a tool for building, changing,

    and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently
  5. Terraform Here is an example of terraform for GKE →

    • Open source ◦ Google has a dedicated team working on the provider ◦ https://github.com/terraform-providers/ter raform-provider-google • Expressive ◦ I mean look at it → • Stateful ◦ Remote (encrypted) state storage • Repeatable ◦ Modular ◦ Abstractions are hard # create and configure a GKE cluster resource "google_container_cluster" "lab" { # GKE requires a network, subnet, and service account depends_on = ["google_service_account.nodes","stuff", "things"] # name and descriptiom name = "sweet demo cluster" description = "omg i'm version controlled" # The zone where the master will be hosted zone = "${var.gcp_config["zone"]}" # Use the latest GKE release for the master and worker nodes min_master_version = "1.10.4-gke.0" node_version = "${data.dynamic.variable.latest_node_version}" # inherit the network from terraform network = "my-subnet" subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.nodes.self_link}" initial_node_count = "${var.gke_config["node_count"]}" # configure the GCE instances node_config { disk_size_gb = "${var.gke_config["disk_size_gb"]}" machine_type = "${var.gke_config["machine_type"]}" service_account = "${google_service_account.nodes.email}" oauth_scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"]