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Using GBIF-mediated data to better manage invasive alien species

Using GBIF-mediated data to better manage invasive alien species

Slides of the presentation given at TDWG2022 conference, 17-21 Oct 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Abstract: https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.6.93879

Damiano Oldoni

October 18, 2022

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  1. LIFE RIPARIAS Early Alert: Using GBIF-mediated data to better manage

    invasive alien species TDWG 2022 - Session SYM03 N. Noé, T. Adriaens, B. D’hondt, L. Reyserhove, P. Desmet, D. Oldoni
  2. Towards a data exchange format About this presentation - The

    LIFE RIPARIAS project: goals and challenges - The data workflow - The early alert tool - The road ahead and discussion
  3. Belgian authorities pool their resources together to optimize the management

    of invasive alien species (IAS) in river areas and ponds across regional borders Scientific exercise: assess the management feasibility for established species of EU concern Early eradication of emerging IAS The LIFE RIPARIAS project
  4. Centralise and standardise IAS (observation) data & data transfer to

    European and global infrastructures (GBIF) Build an alert system with all available data Belgian authorities pool their resources together to optimize the management of invasive alien species (IAS) in river areas and ponds across regional borders The LIFE RIPARIAS project
  5. The early alert tool The early alert tool - An

    early alert tool is already existing
  6. The early alert tool The early alert tool - An

    early alert tool is already existing Why to create a new one?
  7. The early alert tool The existing early alert tool Single

    data source (waarnemingen.be/observations.be)
  8. - Increase the frequency of data publication on GBIF -

    Publish media to GBIF (photos) - Add more areas to filter: river subunits, protected areas, other management-relevant layers - Extend species list to the entire List of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern - Add French and Dutch translations User feedback is welcome! Contact us at [email protected] Further development The road ahead and discussion
  9. Thank you! Damiano Oldoni 0000-0003-3445-7562 Noé N, Adriaens T, D'hondt

    B, Reyserhove L, Desmet P, Oldoni D (2022) LIFE RIPARIAS Early Alert: Using GBIF-mediated data to better manage invasive alien species. Visit our LIFE RIPARIAS early alert tool Abstract: https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.6.93879 Slides: https://bit.ly/3Tvu8m1