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DevOpsDays Cuba 2017: The Road Map to Becoming a DevOps Professional

DevOpsDays Cuba
October 26, 2017

DevOpsDays Cuba 2017: The Road Map to Becoming a DevOps Professional

Author: Aymen El Amri
Summary: 3 years ago Docker was not a must-know technology for DevOps professionals.
In just one year, Docker became a technology that every DevOps professional
should have in his CV. How to become a DevOps professional ? My response to this
question in 2017 will not be the same in 2018.

So how DevOps ecosystem involved during the last 5 years ? What is the roadmap
to becoming a DevOps professional in 2017 and what are the changes that 2018 will
bring to the DevOps ecosystem ?

This talk is inspired by a serie of articles that I published in my blog that
got more than 35k reads in less than 6 months.

Check my medium blog for more information: https://medium.com/@eon01

DevOpsDays Cuba

October 26, 2017

More Decks by DevOpsDays Cuba


  1. • 16% identified themselves as working in DevOps teams in

    2014 • 19% in 2015 • 22% in 2016 State of DevOps
  2. A Catalyst For Change • Planting The 1st Seed •

    Bootstrapping DevOps • Costs / Risks
  3. • Transformation of all teams can come with costs and

    risks • A Developer cannot do everything Why ?
  4. Patterns • Successful DevOps Implementations (Netflix) • The 12 Factor

    App (Heroku) • The 13 Factor App (Mesosphere) • Cloud Native Computing Foundation • Web-scale (Google, Amazon ..)
  5. Products, Not Projects Features, Not Releases Business-IT Alignment Core Value

    Focus Re-usability Technology Agnosticism Abstraction Simplicity Portability Cost Speed Self-service On-demand Resources Scalability Elasticity Reactiveness Resiliency Interoperability Security Traceability 20 Patterns
  6. 15 Factors • Embrace the DevOps Culture • Environment Isolations

    & Dev/Prod Parity • Anything as a Service • Use Cloud Computing • Use Containers • Automate Everything • Build Microservices • Create Business Capability Teams & Deploy Business Services • Build API-First Products • Explicitly Isolate & Define Software Dependency • Externalize Configurations • Create Immutable Infrastructures & Artifacts • Stream Logs • Build Light & Business-Oriented Services • Use Health Checks & Create Self-healing System
  7. • Yesterday’s DevOps =/= Today’s DevOps of Today =/= Tomorrow’s

    DevOps • DevOps engineer role and DevOps teams are becoming common in high and meduim-performing IT organizations • The first challenge of a DevOps engineer/team is not falling in the silo model • The second challenge is being multidisciplinary • Don’t try to find the best definition for DevOps, focus on problems and solutions instead • Standards are the best way to keep common goals between teams and unify different perspectives and approaches Conclusion