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20181220 Serverless Static Site Generator Shift...

DigitalCube Inc.
December 20, 2018

20181220 Serverless Static Site Generator Shifter の紹介と10のよくある質問

Shiftup! JP_Getshifter キックオフイベント登壇資料

DigitalCube Inc.

December 20, 2018

More Decks by DigitalCube Inc.


  1. S E R V E R L E S S

    S TAT I C S I T E G E N E R AT O R ʮ S H I F T E R ʯ ͷ ঺ հ ͱ 1 0 ͷ Α ͘ ͋ Δ ࣭ ໰ 
 S E I J I A K AT S U K A D I G I TA L C U B E C O . LT D .
  2. Α ͏ ͦ͜ S H I F T U P

    ! Ω ο Ϋ Φ ϑ ΁ ʂ
  3. W K J + C S M D I G

    I TA L C U B E W H O A M I ? S E I J I A K AT S U K A amimoto-ami.com getshifter.io
  4. W O R L D W I D E K

    A O N U K I J O U R N A L I S T
  5. Contribution to WordPress Community https://www.digitalcube.jp/about/community-contribution/ • WordPress Plugins
 Created: 102

 Downloaded: 2,709,767 times • WordCamp Sponsor
 Since: 2009
 30+ times • WordCamp Speakers
 72 Times • WordPress Core Translation • More!
  6. ࣍ ճ ͸ 2 0 1 9 / 2 /

    6 ( ਫ ) ։ ࠵ ܾ ఆ ʂ 
 ৔ ॴ ɿ S T R I P E Twitter & FB Group : JP_Getshifter ϋογϡλά: #JP_Getshifter
  7. S H I F T E R ͷ Α͘ ͋

    Δ 1 0 ͷ ࣭ ໰
  8. •WP Serverless Search for WordPress •Google Custom Search for WordPress

    •Algolia Search for WordPress Q8. αΠτ಺ݕࡧͰ͖Δʁ https://www.getshifter.io/announcing-wp-serverless-search-a-new-kind-of-site-search-plugin-for-wordpress/
  9. •WordPress Plugins for Ad
 JavaScript based option is available Q9.

    ޿ࠂ༻ϓϥάΠϯ͸͔ͭ͑Δʁ https://support.getshifter.io/faqs/do-advertisements-work-on-shifter
  10. ࣍ ճ ͸ 2 0 1 9 / 2 /

    6 ( ਫ ) ։ ࠵ ʂ ձ ৔ ɿ S T R I P E Twitter & FB Group : JP_Getshifter ϋογϡλά: #JP_Getshifter