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【Scala関西】http4s/tagless final

Dasha Tarasova
November 10, 2018

【Scala関西】http4s/tagless final


Dasha Tarasova

November 10, 2018


  1. 2 Hello!  ! !# Scala"  % (&) 

      ' $    ZOZO Tech  
  2.  •   • cats effect   

    • http4s   • Tagless final   +..+♪ (•’∀’•)♪+..+ 3
  3. http4s • Fs2IO    http   (Framework

     • Service As KleisliServer As Stream 13
  4. +< • Play! $' !API-)#)%!!! • Finagle – Twitter Future/1

    • Finch - ↑ :58Effect23  .*4 9; • AkkaHTTP ← Spray,6. 7  • Colossus ???? &(" < • Chaos ??? 0< 14
  5. Tagless Final • $'%End Of The World  • "

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  6. -26*7 • % $!& "'#5 345(+ 2  • ),persistence.in

    memoryHashMap )0   8DB91/ '#  : https://github.com/dysangelist/scala_kansai_demo 19
  7. 4 37 • FW%#%&(), 1.Separation of Concerns  • "!'$

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