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Working in partnership with suppliers – outsour...

eHealth Insider
February 18, 2014

Working in partnership with suppliers – outsourcing vs insourcing

CCIO Leaders Network - Moving from why to how: CCIOs and the power of collaboration

Dr Cormac Breen, CCIO, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

eHealth Insider

February 18, 2014

More Decks by eHealth Insider


  1. Insourcing or Outsourcing – what a choice! Working in partnership

    with suppliers (whoever they are) Cormac Breen Chief Clinical Information Officer Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHSFT
  2. Guy’s and St Thomas • Large multi-site clinical provider: tertiary,

    secondary and community services • Core systems iCM and iPM (iSoft) in acute settings • Core system RiO in community • Centralised laboratory services (GSTS) and Radiology • Departmental and Legacy systems in abundance • Getting more into network care • Part of King's Health Partners
  3. Compare and contrast Insourcing Design the product Assemble the technical

    team Trying and testing Set / adopt standards Set timescale Assemble the delivery team Manage (down) expectations Cope with unknowns Deliver / deploy Transition to service / BAU Outsourcing Get what you’re given Tried and tested (in theory at least) Have standards imposed Given product Have timescale set Receive delivery team Manage (up) expectations Be delivered / deployed to Transition to service / lock down
  4. Compare and contrast Agile / iterative Identify your ‘problem’ Design

    a clinical process solution Do a bit, deploy, measure, adjust the clinical process Do a bit, deploy, measure, adjust the technology Repeat through some cycles …. Learn to manage your teams and adjust velocity and scope accordingly Traditional waterfall Identify your system Pick your clinical process, bend it or mend it Make the clinical change? Acquire the system and resources Deploy (having held breath) Hope not to turn blue… … Is the end result what you anticipated
  5. 13 What is preferable? • If it's a standard tool,

    works well, needs little redesign or configuring - outsource • If it's non-standard, nothing quite fits, or is closely linked with service redesign - consider insourcing (all or in part) • If a deployed product needs some adaptation to changing requirements - grey area • Essential - good relationship with whichever are your suppliers, internal or external