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Github 101 - Adalab - Jorge Ferreiro

Jorge Ferreiro
July 24, 2019

Github 101 - Adalab - Jorge Ferreiro

Presentation in Google For Startups Madrid for the bootcamp Adalab, which mission is to help women to land into their dream job as frontend engineers.

The presentation is About Github, and covers the following topics:
- Why is Github important?
- Programmers are professional readers
- How to make a top Github profile?
- Pro Tips to Dominate Github and walkthrough
- Q&A
- Action plan

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Jorge Ferreiro

July 24, 2019


  1. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB Agenda 1. Why is Github important? 2.

    Programmers are readers 3. How to make a top Github profile? 4. Pro Tips to Dominate Github 5. Q&A 6. Action plan Further reading Important quote
  2. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB Online portfolio ๏ Show your work ๏

    Resumes are limited ๏ Github is focusing on showing your code
  3. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB If you don’t have a CS degree,

    you usually have to go the extra mile to prove you can do the job, and GitHub is a good place to show that How to Land Your First Dev Job (even if You Don’t have a CS Degree) Online portfolio
  4. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB 36 million Users 100 million Repositories (2)

    1 3)) https://github.com/about 2) https://venturebeat.com/2018/11/08/github-passes-100-million-repositories/ 54% Fortune 50 use it The Social Developer
  5. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB Gets you a Job ๏ Search new

    talent ๏ Understand your interests ๏ Measure your impact
  6. @JGFERREIRO The ratio of time spent reading versus writing is

    well over 10 to 1 Robert C Martin - Clean code @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB
  7. @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB We are constantly reading old code as part

    of the effort to write new code Robert C Martin - Clean Code
  8. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB Why is reading code hard? ๏ Bad

    code ๏ Complex code ๏ Lack of context ๏ Missing full picture
  9. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB ๏ Learn from others ๏ Extend code

    ๏ Solidifies concepts ๏ Helps you debug Why is reading code important?
  10. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB Tips to read code ๏ Ask lots

    of questions ๏ Be persistent ๏ Be patient ๏ Be critical
  11. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB READMEs can be more valuable than a

    resume, since the developer is describing the problem they’re trying to solve Robert Fleischhauer - Senior Tech Recruiter
  12. @JGFERREIRO Your README is your cover letter to the world.

  13. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO Activity 1: Roast Github Profiles 1. Groups of

    two 2. I'll give you one Github profile 3. Take notes on good things and things to improve 4. Open discussion
  14. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO Activity 2: Improve your Github 1. Individually 2.

    Open your Github account 3. Implement all the changes you want 4. Open discussion
  15. @JGFERREIRO Diane Mueller Redshift @pythondj @JGFERREIRO Who to follow? [1-2]

    Sara Vieira CodeSandbox @NikkitaFTW Anjana Vakil Mapvox @AnjanaVakil Michelle Tilley Github @binarymuse Ashley williams Rustlang @ashleygwilliams Loiane Groner Citibank @loiane Sandi Metz Consultant @sandimetz Dan Abramov React @gaearon Paco Facebook @pakoito Belén Mozilla @ladybenko
  16. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO Addy Osmani Google @addyosmani Rebecca Turner Alumni npm

    @iarna 唐鳳 PDIS @audreyt Aria Stewart - @aredridel Laura Lacarra Telefónica @LauraLacarra Carlos Toxtli West Virginia @ctoxtli Eileen M. Uchitelle Github @eileencodes Dawn Foster Company @geekygirldawn Who to follow? [2-2] Tania Rascia Dais @taniarascia Rick hanlon II React Native @rickhanlonii
  17. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB Resources 1. Improve Your JavaScript Knowledge By

    Reading Source Code 2. 7 Skills of Highly Effective Programmers 3. Optimize your Github by Udacity 4. GitHub & Collaboration 5. What do job-seeking developers need in their GitHub? 6. Writing READMES 7. As a software engineer, how important is it to read other's code? 8. Read Code 9. 8 Productivity Tips for GitHub 10. How to Contribute to Open Source Project 11. GitHub Browser Extensions
  18. @JGFERREIRO @JGFERREIRO #ADALABGITHUB Action item 1. Follow at least 5

    people in Github and social networks 2. Do the “Eight Github tips” and use some of the new tips (like search) 3. Re-read this presentation, and open some of the links in the resources