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Reducing Expenses

Keroy King
November 07, 2014

Reducing Expenses

Reducing expenses, budgeting

Keroy King

November 07, 2014


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  2. www.lifethenfinance.com Leaving some money in the budget for relaxing activities

    is actually healthy and makes it easier to live within your budget!
  3. www.lifethenfinance.com Indulge, But Still Spend Less •  Take advantage of

    Preferred Customer Programs •  Buy used items instead of new •  Shop online •  Ration purchases over a period of time
  4. www.lifethenfinance.com Preferred Customer Programs Get rewarded with gift cards for

    spending a certain amount of money at your favorite stores Gift Card $$$
  5. www.lifethenfinance.com Preferred Customer Programs •  The standard rate is $5

    for every $100 spent. •  Some bookstores offer a rewards program as well as a blanket discount for their preferred customers. •  Even comic book stores give perks to preferred customers.
  6. www.lifethenfinance.com Buying Used A great way to save money on

    your hobby is to buy used items. Save! Save! Save! Buy used books, movies, comic books, golf equipment, and more.
  7. www.lifethenfinance.com Online Shopping With popular websites like Amazon or eBay,

    you can often find the item you`re looking for at a price much lower than the one you`ll see in any store. Savings… Just a mouse click away!
  8. www.lifethenfinance.com Online Shopping •  Convenient •  Saves time and money

    •  Access to online-only sales Warning: Impulse shopping on the web can be devastating to your budget!
  9. www.lifethenfinance.com Ration Purchases Over Time Week 1: Part of wishlist

    Week 2: Part of wishlist Week 4: Rest of wishlist Week 3: Part of wishlist!
  10. www.lifethenfinance.com Same Lifestyle, But Less Costly You can also continue

    to enjoy your favorite activities, but in less costly ways: •  Rent movies instead of going to the movie theater. Pop some corn and enjoy! •  Rather than going out every week with your friends, take turns entertaining at home and share the expenses.
  11. www.lifethenfinance.com Self-Reflection Questions: •  What indulgence do I spend the

    most money on? •  What items do I feel comfortable with buying used? •  Do I need to be spending as much as I do on the items that I buy? How can I save on these purchases?
  12. www.lifethenfinance.com Action Tips: •  Devise your own system to spread

    desired purchases out over time. •  Seek out used items for significant savings. •  Check for online discounts before buying in-store. •  Avoid buying another high end item until the previous one is paid off.
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