Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumpcao (@firebitsbr)

286 Follows



Software Engineer Tech Lead, DevOps Consultant, DevOps and Software Development Speaker and Mentor

1 follower 15 decks

Joe Karlsson


Joe Karlsson is a software engineer turned Developer Advocate at MongoDB. He comes from the frozen tundra of Minneapo...

2 followers 23 decks

Jefferson Otoni Lima


Senior Software Engineer, Software Architect, Tech Lead, Teacher, Enthusiast and Entrepreneur and most importantly do...

4 followers 25 decks

Erlon Júnior


Professor de Ciência da Computação, trabalho como pesquisador independente, presto consultoria em em projetos envolve...

2 followers 8 decks

Markus Harrer


Software Development Analyst: I use Data Science to fix software systems. Problem cruncher, learning addict, Software...

2 followers 55 decks

Andrew Helwer


Interested in distributed systems, formal methods, and quantum computing. Software engineer in Microsoft Azure.

3 followers 1 deck

John Allspaw


John Allspaw is co-founder and principal researcher at Adaptive Capacity Labs, LLC.

John has worked in software s...

8 followers 13 decks