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Closing story

October 17, 2015

Closing story

My short ending of StripeCon 2015


October 17, 2015


  1. Who am I • Slightly crazy • Rude • Work

    at we::code • Live in Enschede, Netherlands • Two cats, Dodge & Tesla • Working with SilverStripe for 6 years • I’m not antisocial, I’m just not user friendly 42
  2. Now that you know who I am Most presentations have

    some sort of ToC. • Behind the scenes at StripeCon. • The conference • I’m going to be talking • Looking back • What is StripeCon about • After hours • What’s next • So long and thanks for all the Zauberfish 42
  3. Behind the scenes at StripeCon • Getting started • Organisation

    • Calling and e-mailing and chat • Did I already mention a lot of calling, e-mailing and chatting? 42
  4. The conference • How this year got started ◦ Why

    we chose for London ◦ How I got to the Rainmaking Loft • You were there, so… ◦ What did you miss ◦ What did you like I hope you didn’t notice this sheet is darker than the others 42
  5. Please keep talking until I come up with the next

    top ic • Planning ahead is everything • Having someone at location is a must • Errrr…. • Food and drinks • Budget 42
  6. What have we learned • Ecommerce • Lightning talks ◦

    and how not to run behat tests • Edit core files (or maybe not) • SilverStripe Platform • Rant about customers • And faster database functionality • And that’s just friday • Breakfast! • Deployments, frontend workflow • And a lovely terminal • And leave the CMS out • Bulletpoints always go left 42
  7. What is StripeCon about • Some stories of things that

    happened • Meeting people • Learning new things • Do new things • And of course, SilverStripe 42
  8. Sponsors (and logos) • SilverStripe • 7DOTS • JetBrains licenses

    • FTPloy licenses • BigFork • CSL • Twisted Bytes • Create Film&Video • we::code • 30 media • netwerkstatt
  9. After hours • What happens at the pub, stays at

    the pub • Yep, beers! More beers! • And possibly too much beers • And Pizza 42
  10. What’s next • Photos and videos online • No after-conference

    hacking at hackerspace • But maybe a beer? • Next year?
  11. Thank you Here are some places you can try to

    find me github: github.com/Firesphere twitter: @SphereSilver real world: Netherlands, currently irc: Depends on my mood, but should contain something with ‘Sphere’ in it speakerdeck: speakerdeck.com/firesphere (nothing there yet) Ow, and do not forget to visit this URL: goo.gl/QPFWx0 (It’s case-sensitive) 42