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Leveraging generics to create flexible, type-sa...

GDG Montreal
March 24, 2024

Leveraging generics to create flexible, type-safe, highly reusable code

Write better Flutter code faster with generics. Explore how generics enhance type safety, boost reusability, and streamline your Flutter development process.

GDG Montreal

March 24, 2024

More Decks by GDG Montreal


  1. AGENDA  Basics of generics  Genericssyntax  How to

    use them in your code and  Conventions on Type variables  Benefits of using generics  Demo
  2. DART LIST – A GENERIC ARRAY ❑Dart List is a

    generic ❑You can create a list of any type
  3. RESTRICTING THE PARAMETERIZED TYPE ❑Type constraints limit the types that

    can be used as arguments for a generic type. ❑Specify type constraints using the `extends` keyword ❑Restricts the usability of the generic class to ensure it operates on a set of types with common functionality ❑Aids in creating more specific and descriptive APIs by communicating the intended use of the generic type.
  4. THE TYPE VARIABLE BY CONVENTION ❑ Single letter for generics

    that have a single type parameter, e.g. T,S,U ❑ E for the element type in a collection ❑ K and V for the key and value types in an associative collection ❑R for a type used as the return type
  5. WHY GENERICS? ❑ Improved Code Reusability: Generics allow you to

    write a single piece of code that can work with many different data types. ❑ Enhanced Type Safety: Generics help to prevent errors by ensuring that the data types used in your code are compatible. This can lead to more robust and reliable code. ❑ Better Performance: The Dart compiler can generate more efficient code for generic functions and classes. 9
  6. TYPE SAFETY ❑Ensures variables hold only data of their designated

    type ❑Helps avoid common type-related errors in code ❑Compile-time checks for type consistency ❑Prevents the possibility of runtime type errors 10
  7. REUSABILITY  Enables the creation of flexible, reusable components 

    Allows for defining generic classes and functions that work with any type  Reduces code duplication by providing a single implementation that can operate on different data types  Enhances code maintainability and reduces errors by centralizing logic