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Sprint 14: Mike Bracken


Sprint 14: Mike Bracken

Mike Bracken's closing Keynote for Sprint 14, a showcase of the work being done across government to transform services.

Government Digital Service

February 05, 2014


  1. GDS We’ve spent 200 days transforming services Mike Bracken We’ve

    spent 200 working days transforming government. Mike Beaven, the transformation team and people inside departments around the country have spent a little over a year exploring, prototyping, building and testing digital services that will make it simpler, clearer and faster for users to get what they need from government.
  2. GDS Mike Bracken Home Discovery 3 Finding out what the

    users need, what to measure and what the constraints are Learn more about the discovery phase Alpha 5 Building a prototype, testing it with users and learning from it Learn more about the alpha phase Beta 16 Scaling up and going public Learn more about the beta phase Live 1 Learning how to continuously improve the live service Learn more about the live phase The Government Digital Strategy and departmental digital strategies commit us to the redesigning and rebuilding of 25 significant ‘exemplar’ services. We’re going to make them simpler, clearer and faster to use. All these are to meet the Digital By Default Service Standard by April 2014 and be completed by March 2015. This dashboard shows you which transactions are in the programme, what progress is being made, and the estimated scale of the digital service. You can read more about the transformation programme on our blog. This month’s highlights Student Loans launched the full-time higher education loan and grant application for 2014/15 Environment Agency released the waste carrier registration public beta service Redundancy payments exemplar moved from alpha to beta development Next month Apprenticeship applications exemplar will move into alpha phase Home Office will release the private beta service for the visit visa applications exemplar service HMRC will release the private beta service for the paye for employees, digital self- assessment and your tax account Patent renewals exemplar will move into public beta Digital Transformation Digital services so good people prefer to use them A quick look at some exemplars: 1 Electoral registration BETA Increasing trust in our electoral system and making voter registration more convenient and secure 46m Confirmed on the electoral register in first year 2 Apprenticeship applications DISCOVERY If you want to advertise or apply for an apprenticeship you’ll be able to do it quickly and easily online 1.2m Applications a year 3 Redundancy payments BETA If your company has recently become insolvent you will be able to apply for redundancy payment online 270k Transactions a year 4 Patent renewals BETA If you want to renew a patent you will be able to do it quickly and easily online 380k Renewals a year 5 Property register ALPHA If you are interested in a property you can search an online map to find out more about it 598k Customer requests a year Play Rewind Forward Mute - + 100% 00:00:00 00:00:00 Cabinet Office Department for Business Innovation & Skills Department for Business Innovation & Skills Department for Business Innovation & Skills Department for Business Innovation & Skills They’re reporting on all of that in the open at www.gov.uk/ transformation
  3. 46 million users by 2015 By the end of the

    year the electoral registration exemplar alone will have affected more than 46 million people. Lots of those people will also have used new and improved services being built right now.
  4. £500+ million saved already We’re building those things the right

    way. We’re saving money, more than £500 million to date, and users are getting better services out of it
  5. 96% user satisfaction The waste carrier exemplar has reported that

    96% of users are satisfied with it. We’ve also seen something incredible happen with the Lasting Power of Attorney application; the team taking feedback from the public beta needed to have a positive feedback button added to their reporting tools because they were getting so much of it.
  6. Our suppliers used to be here... We can’t do this

    work alone, and we also couldn’t do it without a wider range of suppliers to work with. Our supply chain used to look like this...
  7. Now they’re here... The Digital Services Framework and G-Cloud have

    helped us break up what parliament referred to as an ‘oligopoly’ of suppliers. We can’t build better services simply by spending more on IT. We have more than enough technology already, and plenty of services that don’t meet the needs of their users.
  8. We’re transforming government We have to remember, we aren’t just

    fixing websites. We’re transforming government.
  9. Open Agile Iterative We’ll only do that if we continue

    building services the right way. That means making them open - and being open about what we do. Using agile techniques to continually improve these services long after they’ve gone live, iterating all the way.
  10. No more Big IT But we’ve also got to be

    smarter about the things we do build and buy. Contracts shouldn’t lock government into using obsolete technology, and we must be able to improve services quickly in response to changing feedback and user needs.
  11. User needs not government needs We do all this by

    focusing on the needs of users. We have to start with their needs. It’s the first Design Principle for a reason.
  12. See you in January 2015 So good luck over the

    next 200 days. I’ll see you at Sprint 15.