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Spring Boot starters - how and why?

Spring Boot starters - how and why?

Spring is no longer a dark magic (thanks to “Spring the Ripper” and Evgeny Borisov), but Spring Boot is still considered to be like some sort of magic craft. Still, many like it, especially the newcomers!

In this talk we’ll discuss:
* why a standard company that uses Spring Boot needs its own starters;
* how soon the Inquisition comes after the newcomers if they recklessly use starters;
* how self-consistent Spring Boot is and what it means for the newcomers;
* why inversion of control is applicable for all layers and processes of your system.

This talk aims at engineers who practice Spring (or better Spring Boot) and who have already faced various difficulties of maintaining a heavy infrastructure developed with the help of Spring.

Maxim Gorelikov

May 27, 2018

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Цели • Развеять миф о магии в Spring Boot •

    Понять принципы работы экосистемы стартеров ◦ посмотреть примеры из жизни
  2. Цели • Развеять миф о магии в Spring Boot •

    Понять принципы работы экосистемы стартеров • Понять прикладной смысл Spring Boot Starter ◦ посмотреть примеры из жизни
  3. Цели • Развеять миф о магии в Spring Boot •

    Понять принципы работы экосистемы стартеров • Понять прикладной смысл Spring Boot Starter • Как встраивать это в свою экосистему и куда двигаться дальше ◦ посмотреть примеры из жизни
  4. Цели • Развеять миф о магии в Spring Boot •

    Понять принципы работы экосистемы стартеров • Понять прикладной смысл Spring Boot Starter • Как встраивать это в свою экосистему и куда двигаться дальше + =
  5. @Getter @Setter @Aspect @ToString @EnableWs @Endpoint @EnableWebMvc @EnableCaching @Configuration @RestController

    @XmlRootElement @EnableWebSocket @RedisHash("cat") @EnableScheduling @EnableWebSecurity @NoArgsConstructor @ContextConfiguration @SpringBootApplication @Accessors(chain = true) @EnableAspectJAutoProxy @EnableAutoConfiguration @EnableRedisRepositories @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker // generate getters // generate setters // we are an aspect // generate toString() // SOAP is so enterprisy, we definitely need it // Seriously, just read above // we want MVC // and we want to cache stuff // this class can configure itself // we want some REST // this component is marshallable // we want web socket, it's so new-generation // this class is an entity saved in redis // we want scheduled tasks // and some built-in security // generate no args constructor // we want context configuration for unit testing // this is a Sprint Boot application // getters/setters are chained (ala jQuery) // we want AspectJ auto proxy // and auto configuration // since it is an entity we want to enable spring data repositories for redis // we want a broker for web socket messages
  6. @SpringBootApplication @Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented @Inherited @SpringBootConfiguration @EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan(excludeFilters = {

    @Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = TypeExcludeFilter.class), @Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = AutoConfigurationExcludeFilter.class) }) public @interface SpringBootApplication { …
  7. Условия @Configuration @ConditionalOnBean({Client.class, DiscoveryClient.class}) @EnableConfigurationProperties(value = APIVersionFilterProperties.class) public class DiscoveryAPIVersionFilterAutoConfiguration

    { @Bean public ApiVersionServerListFilter versionedFilter(DiscoveryClient discoveryClient, APIVersionFilterProperties properties) { return new APIVersionServerListFilter(properties.getServiceVersions(), discoveryClient); } ... }
  8. Конфигурация @Configuration @ConditionalOnBean({Client.class, DiscoveryClient.class}) @EnableConfigurationProperties(value = APIVersionFilterProperties.class) public class DiscoveryAPIVersionFilterAutoConfiguration

    { @Bean public ApiVersionServerListFilter versionedFilter(DiscoveryClient discoveryClient, APIVersionFilterProperties properties) { return new APIVersionServerListFilter(properties.getServiceVersions(), discoveryClient); } ... }
  9. Выводы часть #1 • все не так сложно • лишних

    бинов нет, грузится только то, что надо
  10. Из чего состоит сервис? • API • Clients ◦ JSON

    ◦ SOAP • Cloud ◦ Discovery ◦ Config • Metrics ◦ Healthcheck ◦ Logs
  11. Из чего состоит сервис? • API • Clients ◦ JSON

    ◦ SOAP • Cloud ◦ Discovery ◦ Config • Metrics ◦ Healthcheck ◦ Logs • Data • Stream
  12. Отфильтруем друзей public class ServiceAPIVersionServerListFilter extends ZoneAffinityServerListFilter<Server> { ... @Override

    public List<Server> getFilteredListOfServers(List<Server> listOfServers) { if (listOfServers == null || listOfServers.isEmpty()) return listOfServers; List<ServiceInstance> infos = this.discoveryClient.getInstances(listOfServers.first() .getMetaInfo() .getServiceIdForDiscovery()); final List<ServiceInstance> versionedInstance = infos.stream() .filter(instanceInfo -> !versions.containsKey(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()) || checkVersion(versions.get(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()), instanceInfo.getMetadata().get(VERSION_FIELD))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return listOfServers.stream() .filter(server -> checkServiceInstance(server, versionedInstance))
  13. Отфильтруем друзей public class ServiceAPIVersionServerListFilter extends ZoneAffinityServerListFilter<Server> { ... @Override

    public List<Server> getFilteredListOfServers(List<Server> listOfServers) { if (listOfServers == null || listOfServers.isEmpty()) return listOfServers; List<ServiceInstance> infos = this.discoveryClient.getInstances(listOfServers.first() .getMetaInfo() .getServiceIdForDiscovery()); final List<ServiceInstance> versionedInstance = infos.stream() .filter(instanceInfo -> !versions.containsKey(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()) || checkVersion(versions.get(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()), instanceInfo.getMetadata().get(VERSION_FIELD))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return listOfServers.stream() .filter(server -> checkServiceInstance(server, versionedInstance))
  14. Отфильтруем друзей public class ServiceAPIVersionServerListFilter extends ZoneAffinityServerListFilter<Server> { ... @Override

    public List<Server> getFilteredListOfServers(List<Server> listOfServers) { if (listOfServers == null || listOfServers.isEmpty()) return listOfServers; List<ServiceInstance> infos = this.discoveryClient.getInstances(listOfServers.first() .getMetaInfo() .getServiceIdForDiscovery()); final List<ServiceInstance> versionedInstance = infos.stream() .filter(instanceInfo -> !versions.containsKey(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()) || checkVersion(versions.get(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()), instanceInfo.getMetadata().get(VERSION_FIELD))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return listOfServers.stream() .filter(server -> checkServiceInstance(server, versionedInstance))
  15. Много странного кода public class ServiceAPIVersionServerListFilter extends ZoneAffinityServerListFilter<Server> { ...

    @Override public List<Server> getFilteredListOfServers(List<Server> listOfServers) { if (listOfServers == null || listOfServers.isEmpty()) return listOfServers; List<ServiceInstance> infos = this.discoveryClient.getInstances(listOfServers.first() .getMetaInfo() .getServiceIdForDiscovery()); final List<ServiceInstance> versionedInstance = infos.stream() .filter(instanceInfo -> !versions.containsKey(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()) || checkVersion(versions.get(instanceInfo.getServiceId().toLowerCase()), instanceInfo.getMetadata().get(VERSION_FIELD))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return listOfServers.stream() .filter(server -> checkServiceInstance(server, versionedInstance))
  16. Конфигурация фильтра eureka: client: registryFetchIntervalSeconds: 5 serviceUrl: defaultZone: ${EUREKA_SERV:} instance:

    virtualHostName : ${spring.application.name} metadataMap: instanceId: ${spring.application.name}:${random.value} versions: 1.0 spring: discovery: filter: versions: someServiceId: 1.0
  17. Конфигурация фильтра eureka: client: registryFetchIntervalSeconds: 5 serviceUrl: defaultZone: ${EUREKA_SERV:} instance:

    virtualHostName : ${spring.application.name} metadataMap: instanceId: ${spring.application.name}:${random.value} versions: 1.0 spring: discovery: filter: versions: someServiceId: 1.0
  18. EnvironmentPostProcessor public class PropertyTranslatorPostProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor { @Override public void

    postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment env, SpringApplication application) { } translateClientVersionProperty(env); translateZuulRoutes(env); } … }
  19. EnvironmentPostProcessor`s Application ContextInitializer`s Application ReadyEvent Тут начинается Spring Ripper Application

    StartingEvent Application EnvironmentPreparedEvent Application PreparedEvent Context RefreshedEvent EmbeddedServlet Container InitializedEvent
  20. EnvironmentPostProcessor`s Application ContextInitializer`s Application ReadyEvent Тут начинается Spring Ripper Application

    StartingEvent Application EnvironmentPreparedEvent Application PreparedEvent Context RefreshedEvent EmbeddedServlet Container InitializedEvent
  21. @Configuration public class DiscoveryVersionFilterConfiguration { @Bean public void propertyTranslator() {

    } return new PropertyTranslatorPostProcessor(); } … } Создаём EPP
  22. EnvironmentPostProcessor`s Application ContextInitializer`s Application ReadyEvent Тут начинается Spring Ripper Application

    StartingEvent Application EnvironmentPreparedEvent Application PreparedEvent Context RefreshedEvent EmbeddedServlet Container InitializedEvent
  23. Дело не в spring-cloud • Умное логирование • Web-фильтры с

    доп. логикой • Любая доп. логика общая для ваших сервисов
  24. Выводы часть#2 Живешь со Spring - живи по правилам Spring.

    Доработка и расширение механизмов Spring должны быть в стартерах
  25. SOAP Services and Apache CXF ServiceDefinition.wsdl <definitions name = "HelloService"

    ... xmlns:tns = "http://www.examples.com/wsdl/HelloService.w <message name = "SayHelloRequest"> <part name = "firstName" type = "xsd:string"/> </message> <message name = "SayHelloResponse"> <part name = "greeting" type = "xsd:string"/> </message> <portType name = "Hello_PortType"> <operation name = "sayHello"> <input message = "tns:SayHelloRequest"/> <output message = "tns:SayHelloResponse"/> </operation> </portType> ... <service name = "Hello_Service">
  26. SOAP Services and Apache CXF ServiceDefinition.wsdl <definitions name = "HelloService"

    ... xmlns:tns = "http://www.examples.com/wsdl/HelloService.w <message name = "SayHelloRequest"> <part name = "firstName" type = "xsd:string"/> </message <message name = "SayHelloResponse"> <part name = "greeting" type = "xsd:string"/> </message> <portType name = "Hello_PortType"> <operation name = "sayHello"> <input message = "tns:SayHelloRequest"/> <output message = "tns:SayHelloResponse"/> </operation> </portType> ... <service name = "Hello_Service"> Java Stub wsdl2java tool
  27. SOAP Services and Apache CXF ServiceDefinition.wsdl Java Stub wsdl2java tool

    WS Stub in Spring Context Configure bean <beans> <jaxws:client id="codeClickDynamicFieldsWS" name="codeDynami serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscodedynamicfields address="${lb.address.base}/WSCodeClickDynamic <jaxws:client id="clickPaymentPasswordWS" name="clickPayment serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wsclickpaymentpassw address="${lb.address.base}/WSClickPaymentPass ... <jaxws:client id="customerAddressCompleteWS" name="customerA serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomeraddress22 address="${ws.address.base}/WSCustomerAddress/ <jaxws:client id="customerBaseInfoWS" name="customerInfo" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomerinfo9.WSC address="${lb.address.base}/WSCustomerInfo/WSC </beans>
  28. SOAP Services and Apache CXF ServiceDefinition.wsdl Java Stub wsdl2java tool

    WS Stub in Spring Context Configure bean <beans> <jaxws:client id="codeClickDynamicFieldsWS" name="codeDynami serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscodedynamicfields address="${lb.address.base}/WSCodeClickDynamic <jaxws:client id="clickPaymentPasswordWS" name="clickPayment serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wsclickpaymentpassw address="${lb.address.base}/WSClickPaymentPass ... <jaxws:client id="customerAddressCompleteWS" name="customerA serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomeraddress22 address="${ws.address.base}/WSCustomerAddress/ <jaxws:client id="customerBaseInfoWS" name="customerInfo" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomerinfo9.WSC address="${lb.address.base}/WSCustomerInfo/WSC </beans> Call Bean Inject ws bean
  29. SOAP Services and Apache CXF Apache CXF ServiceDefinition.wsdl Java Stub

    wsdl2java tool WS Stub in Spring Context Configure bean Call Bean Inject ws bean
  30. SOAP Services and Apache CXF Apache CXF ServiceDefinition.wsdl Java Stub

    wsdl2java tool WS Stub in Spring Context Configure bean Call Bean Inject ws bean
  31. <beans> <jaxws:client id="codeClickDynamicFieldsWS" name="codeDynamicFields" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscodedynamicfields32.WSCodeDynamicFields31PortType" address="${lb.address.base}/WSCodeClickDynamicFields/WSCodeDynamicFields11"/> <jaxws:client id="clickPaymentPasswordWS" name="clickPaymentPassword" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wsclickpaymentpassword10.WSPaymentPassword13PortType"

    address="${lb.address.base}/WSClickPaymentPassword/WSPaymentPassword13"/> ... <jaxws:client id="customerAddressCompleteWS" name="customerAddressComplete" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomeraddress22.WSCustomerAddressCompletePortType" address="${ws.address.base}/WSCustomerAddress/WSCustomerAddressComplete22"/> <jaxws:client id="customerBaseInfoWS" name="customerInfo" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomerinfo9.WSCustomerInfo9PortType" address="${lb.address.base}/WSCustomerInfo/WSCustomerInfo9"/> </beans> WS – ты кто такой
  32. <beans> <jaxws:client id="codeClickDynamicFieldsWS" name="codeDynamicFields" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscodedynamicfields32.WSCodeDynamicFields31PortType" address="${lb.address.base}/WSCodeClickDynamicFields/WSCodeDynamicFields11"/> <jaxws:client id="clickPaymentPasswordWS" name="clickPaymentPassword" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wsclickpaymentpassword10.WSPaymentPassword13PortType"

    address="${lb.address.base}/WSClickPaymentPassword/WSPaymentPassword13"/> ... <jaxws:client id="customerAddressCompleteWS" name="customerAddressComplete" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomeraddress22.WSCustomerAddressCompletePortType" address="${ws.address.base}/WSCustomerAddress/WSCustomerAddressComplete22"/> <jaxws:client id="customerBaseInfoWS" name="customerInfo" serviceClass="ru.alfalab...wscustomerinfo9.WSCustomerInfo9PortType" address="${lb.address.base}/WSCustomerInfo/WSCustomerInfo9"/> </beans> WS – ты кто такой
  33. 1. Добавить зависимость (WSDL/WS-STUB) 2. Настроить бины в ws.xml 3.

    Прописать адреса и настройки для добавленных сервисов ${lb.address.base} Как сделать новый RPC вызов
  34. Как сделать новый RPC вызов 1. Добавить зависимость (WSDL/WS-STUB) 2.

    Настроить бины в ws.xml 3. Прописать адреса и настройки для добавленных сервисов ${lb.address.base} И как это делается?
  35. Как сделать новый RPC вызов 1. Добавить зависимость (WSDL/WS-STUB) 2.

    Настроить бины в ws.xml 3. Прописать адреса и настройки для добавленных сервисов ${lb.address.base} И как это делается? Captain Copy-Paste
  36. Run Application ERROR [-,,,] 27393 --- [main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication: Application startup

    failed Error creating bean with name 'ru.alfabank...WSAccountClickPayment13PortType' defined in Apache CXF starter autoscan package: Add next properties to your application.yml file: spring.cxf: clients: - endpoint: http://SOME_HOST/SOME_PATH_TO_WS className: ru.alfabank.ws.cs.eq.wsaccountclickpayment13.WSAccountClickPayment13PortType
  37. ERROR [-,,,] 27393 --- [main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication: Application startup failed Error

    creating bean with name 'ru.alfabank...WSAccountClickPayment13PortType' defined in Apache CXF starter autoscan package: Add next properties to your application.yml file: spring.cxf: clients: - endpoint: http://SOME_HOST/SOME_PATH_TO_WS className: ru.alfabank.ws.cs.eq.wsaccountclickpayment13.WSAccountClickPayment13PortType Run Application
  38. ERROR [-,,,] 27393 --- [main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication: Application startup failed Error

    creating bean with name 'ru.alfabank...WSAccountClickPayment13PortType' defined in Apache CXF starter autoscan package: Add next properties to your application.yml file: spring.cxf: clients: - endpoint: http://SOME_HOST/SOME_PATH_TO_WS className: ru.alfabank.ws.cs.eq.wsaccountclickpayment13.WSAccountClickPayment13PortType Process finished with exit code 1 Run Application
  39. Автоматизируем? Classpath @WebService WSAccountClickPayment13PortType @WebService WSCardsTransactions12PortType @Component MySuperService @Other ...

    Find WS Classes @WebService WSAccountClickPayment13PortType @WebService WSCardsTransactions12PortType Spring Context BeanDefinition + BeanFactory WSAccountClickPayment13PortType BeanDefinition + BeanFactory WSCardsTransactions12PortType Configure Context
  40. Автоматизируем? Spring Context BeanDefinition + BeanFactory WSAccountClickPayment13PortType BeanDefinition + BeanFactory

    WSCardsTransactions12PortType Inject Spring Context @Component MyService BeanInstance WSCardsTransactions12PortType Configure Properties and Endpoints
  41. Автоматизируем? Spring Context BeanDefinition + BeanFactory WSAccountClickPayment13PortType BeanDefinition + BeanFactory

    WSCardsTransactions12PortType Inject Spring Context @Component MyService BeanInstance WSCardsTransactions12PortType Configure Properties and Endpoints Или падает с ошибкой если не настроен endpoint FAIL-FAST Error creating bean with name 'ru.alfabank...WSSomeServicet13PortType' defined in Apache CXF starter autoscan package: Add next properties to your application.yml file: spring.cxf: clients: - endpoint: http://SOME_HOST/SOME_PATH_TO_WS className: ru.alfabank....WSSomeServicet13PortType
  42. @Slf4j @Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cxf.client.enabled", matchIfMissing = true) public

    class CxfClientConfiguration { @Bean public CxfBeanDefinitionPostProcessor cxfBeanDefinitionPP(Environment environment) { return new CxfBeanDefinitionPostProcessor(environment); } @Bean public static BusWiringBeanFactoryPostProcessor jsr250BeanPostProcessor() { return new BusWiringBeanFactoryPostProcessor(); } @Bean public static BusExtensionPostProcessor busExtensionPostProcessor() { return new BusExtensionPostProcessor(); } @Slf4j @Configuration @ConditionalOnClass({SpringBus.class, JaxWsClientFactoryBean.class, ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor.class}) @EnableConfigurationProperties({CxfClientsProperties.class, WSConfiguration.class}) public static class CxfClientFactoryAutoConfiguration { @Bean(name = CXF_WS_CLIENT_PROXY_FACTORY_DEFAULT_NAME) @ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = {CXF_WS_CLIENT_PROXY_FACTORY_DEFAULT_NAME}) CxfWsStubBeanFactory proxyWsBeanFactory( CxfClientsProperties cxfClientsProperties, Bus bus, CxfInterceptorConfigurer interceptorConfigurer ) { return new CxfWsStubBeanFactory( cxfClientsProperties, bus, interceptorConfigurer ); } Конфигурация библиотек @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(CxfBusConfigurer.class) public CxfBusConfigurer cxfBusConfigurer(CxfClientsProperties cxfClientsProperties) { return new DefaultCxfBusConfigurer(cxfClientsProperties); } @Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown") public Bus cxf(CxfBusConfigurer cxfBusConfigurer) { SpringBus bus = new SpringBus(); cxfBusConfigurer.configure(bus); return bus; } @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(CxfInterceptorConfigurer.class) public CxfInterceptorConfigurer cxfInterceptorConfigurer( CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor cxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor, BeanFactory beanFactory ) { return new CxfInterceptorConfigurer( beanFactory, cxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor.getGlobalInterceptors(), cxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor.getSpecificInterceptors() ); } @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor.class) public static CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor cxfInterceptorBFPP() { return new CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor(); } static final String CXF_WS_CLIENT_PROXY_FACTORY_DEFAULT_NAME = "CxfWsClientProxyFactory"; } }
  43. @Slf4j @Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "spring.cxf.client.enabled", matchIfMissing = true) public

    class CxfClientConfiguration { @Bean public CxfBeanDefinitionPostProcessor cxfBeanDefinitionPP(Environment environment) { return new CxfBeanDefinitionPostProcessor(environment); } @Bean public static BusWiringBeanFactoryPostProcessor jsr250BeanPostProcessor() { return new BusWiringBeanFactoryPostProcessor(); } @Bean public static BusExtensionPostProcessor busExtensionPostProcessor() { return new BusExtensionPostProcessor(); } @Slf4j @Configuration @ConditionalOnClass({SpringBus.class, JaxWsClientFactoryBean.class, ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor.class}) @EnableConfigurationProperties({CxfClientsProperties.class, WSConfiguration.class}) public static class CxfClientFactoryAutoConfiguration { @Bean(name = CXF_WS_CLIENT_PROXY_FACTORY_DEFAULT_NAME) @ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = {CXF_WS_CLIENT_PROXY_FACTORY_DEFAULT_NAME}) CxfWsStubBeanFactory proxyWsBeanFactory( CxfClientsProperties cxfClientsProperties, Bus bus, CxfInterceptorConfigurer interceptorConfigurer ) { return new CxfWsStubBeanFactory( cxfClientsProperties, bus, interceptorConfigurer ); } Конфигурация библиотек @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(CxfBusConfigurer.class) public CxfBusConfigurer cxfBusConfigurer(CxfClientsProperties cxfClientsProperties) { return new DefaultCxfBusConfigurer(cxfClientsProperties); } @Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown") public Bus cxf(CxfBusConfigurer cxfBusConfigurer) { SpringBus bus = new SpringBus(); cxfBusConfigurer.configure(bus); return bus; } @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(CxfInterceptorConfigurer.class) public CxfInterceptorConfigurer cxfInterceptorConfigurer( CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor cxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor, BeanFactory beanFactory ) { return new CxfInterceptorConfigurer( beanFactory, cxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor.getGlobalInterceptors(), cxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor.getSpecificInterceptors() ); } @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor.class) public static CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor cxfInterceptorBFPP() { return new CxfInterceptorAnnotationProcessor(); } static final String CXF_WS_CLIENT_PROXY_FACTORY_DEFAULT_NAME = "CxfWsClientProxyFactory"; } }
  44. Конфигурация библиотек @Bean public CxfBeanDefinitionPostProcessor cxfBeanDefinitionPP(Environment env) { return new

    CxfBeanDefinitionPostProcessor(env); } @Bean public static BusWiringBeanFactoryPostProcessor jsr250BeanPostProcessor() { return new BusWiringBeanFactoryPostProcessor(); } @Bean public static BusExtensionPostProcessor busExtensionPostProcessor() { return new BusExtensionPostProcessor(); }
  45. Проблемы Толстый сервис 1. Необходимость знания кишков библиотек 2. Лишние

    куски кода в самом сервисе 3. Случайное подхваченные бины
  46. Не в SOAP дело • Thrift/gRPC • Netty • Любая

    сложная или устаревшая внешняя зависимость
  47. Просто добавь зависимость dependencies { compileOnly 'org.springframework:spring-context-indexer:5.0.1.RELEASE' } # META-INF/spring.components

    o.s.t.f.APIVersionServerFilter=org.springframework.stereotype.Component o.s.t.f.APIVersionFilterHelper=org.springframework.stereotype.Component ...
  48. Просто добавь зависимость dependencies { compileOnly 'org.springframework:spring-context-indexer:5.0.1.RELEASE' } # META-INF/spring.components

    o.s.t.f.APIVersionServerFilter=org.springframework.stereotype.Component o.s.t.f.APIVersionFilterHelper=org.springframework.stereotype.Component ... Классы связанный проаннотированный аннотацией Spring`а
  49. Просто добавь зависимость dependencies { compileOnly 'org.springframework:spring-context-indexer:5.0.1.RELEASE' } # META-INF/spring.components

    o.s.t.f.APIVersionServerFilter=org.springframework.stereotype.Component o.s.t.f.APIVersionFilterHelper=org.springframework.stereotype.Component ... Чем проаннотировано
  50. Выводы 1. Не магия, а скрытые возможности 2. Создавать стартеры

    просто и не грешно 3. Инверсия контроля шире чем вы думаете
  51. Выводы 1. Не магия, а скрытые возможности 2. Создавать стартеры

    просто и не грешно 3. Инверсия контроля шире чем вы думаете 4. Сложность перетекает постепенно и ее надо выносить из сервиса с бизнес-логикой по максимуму
  52. Выводы 1. Не магия, а скрытые возможности 2. Создавать стартеры

    просто и не грешно 3. Инверсия контроля шире чем вы думаете 4. Сложность перетекает постепенно и ее надо выносить из сервиса с бизнес-логикой по максимуму Все стало проще? Да ладно?!
  53. Gradle transactions-api: dependencies { compile 'hazelcast:3.6.9' compile 'redis:1.1.1' compile 'mongodb:3.6.0'

    compile 'hazelcast-starter:1.0.0' compile 'redis-starter:0.2.0' compile 'mongodb-starter:0.2.0' … }
  54. Gradle transactions-api: dependencies { compile 'hazelcast:3.6.9' compile 'redis:1.1.1' compile 'mongodb:3.6.0'

    compile 'hazelcast-starter:1.0.0' compile 'redis-starter:0.2.0' compile 'mongodb-starter:0.2.0' … } transactions-api: dependencies { compile 'hazelcast:3.6.9' compile 'redis:1.1.1' compile 'mongodb:3.6.0' compile 'fat-starter:100.50.0' }
  55. Gradle transactions-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } offers-api:

    dependencies { compile … compile … } ... accounts-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } settings-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } ... transfer-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } payment-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } ...
  56. Gradle transactions-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } offers-api:

    dependencies { compile … compile … } ... accounts-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } settings-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } ... transfer-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } payment-api: dependencies { compile … compile … } ... Captain Copy-Paste
  57. build.gradle: apply plugin: "version.plugin" apply plugin: "maven.plugin" apply plugin: "check.plugin"

    apply plugin: "findbugs.plugin" apply plugin: "verify.plugin" apply plugin: "publish.plugin" apply plugin: "awesome.plugin" 171 Декларативный подход
  58. • class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { void apply(Project project) {

    project.configure { dependencies { compile … compile … } } } } Сила в композиции 172
  59. Почему не хватает BOM? dependencies { gems 'asciidoctor-diagram:' } asciidoctorj

    { version = '1.5.6' } task cleanTempDirs(type: Delete) { delete fileTree(dir: docsDir) } artifactoryPublish { properties = [artifactType: 'DOC'] } asciidoctor { finalizedBy tasks.withType(Zip) sources { include fileTree(dir: 'src/docs', includ include fileTree(dir: snippetsDir, inclu } dependsOn jrubyPrepare, project(':app').test gemPath = jrubyPrepare.outputDir requires = ['asciidoctor-diagram'] attributes 'source-highlighter': 'prettify', 'imagesdir': 'images', 'toc': 'left', 'icons': 'font', ...~200 lines
  60. Почему не хватает BOM? dependencies { gems 'asciidoctor-diagram:' } asciidoctorj

    { version = '1.5.6' } task cleanTempDirs(type: Delete) { delete fileTree(dir: docsDir) } artifactoryPublish { properties = [artifactType: 'DOC'] } asciidoctor { finalizedBy tasks.withType(Zip) sources { include fileTree(dir: 'src/docs', includ include fileTree(dir: snippetsDir, inclu } dependsOn jrubyPrepare, project(':app').test gemPath = jrubyPrepare.outputDir requires = ['asciidoctor-diagram'] attributes 'source-highlighter': 'prettify', 'imagesdir': 'images', 'toc': 'left', 'icons': 'font', ...~200 lines ugin
  61. • class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { void apply(Project project) {

    project.configure { dependencies { compile … compile … } } project.plugins.apply(AddGitTagPlugin) project.plugins.apply(UserInfoPlugin) } } Сила в композиции 181
  62. • class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { void apply(Project project) {

    project.configure { dependencies { compile … compile … } } project.plugins.apply(AddGitTagPlugin) project.plugins.apply(UserInfoPlugin) project.tasks.withType(SomeTaskType) { //configure } } } 182 Сила в композиции
  63. Сила в композиции apply plugin: "your.plugin.all" //2.1.+ 184 Автоапдейт минорных

    версий Путь героев – но это уже другая история