Building Apps for Wearable and IoT devices using BLE | Prachanda | Gurzu
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is one of the technologies enabling wearable and IoT devices. This technology ensures optimal performance of devices while maintaining battery efficiency across connected devices.
Bluetooth Low Energy is a wireless communication technology designed for low-power devices. • Short Range Connectivity • Secure Communication • Widely Adopted • Different from Bluetooth Classic.
device that initiates and maintains the connection (e.g., smartphone). ◦ Peripheral: The device that advertises its availability (e.g., wearable). • Services and Characteristics ◦ Services: A collection of related data (e.g., heart rate service). ◦ Characteristics: Specific pieces of data within a service (e.g., heart rate value). • Advertising ◦ Peripheral devices broadcast information to nearby devices. • GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) ◦ Defines how data is transferred between devices.
Central scans for available peripherals. • Connection: Central connects to a selected peripheral. • Data Exchange: Data is read or written via GATT services and characteristics.
Framework. ◦ Android: Android Bluetooth Low Energy API. ◦ Flutter: FlutterBlue, reactive_ble. ◦ React Native: react-native-ble-plx, react-native-ble-manager • Testing Tools ◦ nRF Connect: A BLE development and debugging tool. ◦ BLE scanners: Analyze BLE advertising packets.