Presented by James R. Mault, MD, FACS at the CEO Roundtable on August 12, 2015
Welcome to the world of risk-bearing entity. This should be easy, right? The only thing you need to do is figure out how to take better care of more patients at a fraction of the cost! We know that good old-fashioned nurse case management can be quite effective at keeping high utilizers out of the hospital and ER. But even if you could recruit enough nurse case managers to cover the entire at-risk population, the labor cost would likely blow up the financial model. Fortunately, we can emulate numerous other sectors, including the shopping, banking and travel industries, who have all made the successful transition into the digital age by moving from analog synchronous to digital asynchronous with exception management. This presentation explores the power of scalable, technology-based asynchronous care coordination using exception management and charts the pathway to taking better care of vastly more patients at a fraction of the cost.