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Saving your Rails applications.

Saving your Rails applications.

Keeping' an Rails app running in production should be a walk in the park, but sometimes things get a bit hairy, so it's time to get your hard hat and get messy with that old code you have.

I'll walk you through a series of steps and recommendation to keep your app stable an running like as i said - " A walk in the park".

I also will take a fair amount of time to help you solve those memory issues that are killing your app, help you to identified those and get rid of them once for all.

it will be great talk and you'all would take something with you.

Hector Bustillos

November 24, 2015

More Decks by Hector Bustillos

Other Decks in Programming


  1. ok

  2. $ curl -vS < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 < X-Frame-Options:

 < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
 < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
 < X-UA-Compatible: chrome=1
 < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 < Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidate, private, max-age=0
 < Set-Cookie: visitor=cc640bf1-fefa-44f2-8970-dd107cccbd5b; path=/; expires=Thu, 23 Nov 2017 10:38:36 -0000
 < Set-Cookie: visit=98f1b480-7e5b-4ae8-9a2d-0737cbe09d75; path=/; expires=Mon, 23 Nov 2015 11:08:36 -0000
 < Set-Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt; path=/
 < Set-Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt; path=/
 < Set-Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt; path=/
 < X-Request-Id: 2cd1f1ad-a6e2-4b2c-aa3d-12c3528cf91a
 < X-Runtime: 0.221707
 < X-MiniProfiler-Ids: ["3if05lhmkns9848fxlti","oiuuqu4s66zq6dwubb5c","tjt197wj7fdpjgzy0 ep","ad7cmq3srah9gsh7sd3","duuis0gvv6nav9lfc11c"]
 < Connection: close
 < Server: thin
 * Closing connection 0
  3. def index
 checks = params[:checks] || 'standard'
 errors =

 rescue Exception => e
 errors = e.message
 if errors.blank?
 obj = { :healthy => true, :message => HealthCheck.success }
 respond_to do |format|
 format.html { render :text => HealthCheck.success, :content_type => 'text/plain' }
 format.json { render :xml => obj.to_json }
 format.xml { render :xml => obj.to_xml }
 format.any { render :text => HealthCheck.success, :content_type => 'text/plain' }
 msg = "health_check failed: #{errors}"
 obj = { :healthy => false, :message => msg }
 respond_to do |format|
 format.html { render :text => msg, :status => HealthCheck.http_status_for_error_text, :content_type => 'text/plain' }
 format.json { render :xml => obj.to_json, :status => HealthCheck.http_status_for_error_object}
 format.xml { render :xml => obj.to_xml, :status => HealthCheck.http_status_for_error_object }
 format.any { render :text => msg, :status => HealthCheck.http_status_for_error_text, :content_type => 'text/plain' }
 # Log a single line as some uptime checkers only record that it failed, not the text returned
 if logger
 silence_level, logger.level = logger.level, @old_logger_level if @old_logger_level
 logger.info msg
 logger.level = silence_level if @old_logger_level
  4. Eye.config do
 logger "/data/spree/shared/log/eye.log"
 Eye.application("spree") do |app|

    group "services" do
 process :unicorn do
 working_dir "/data/spree/current"
 pid_file "/data/spree/shared/pids/unicorn.pid"
 stdall "/data/spree/shared/log/eye-unicorn.log"
 start_command "bundle exec unicorn_rails -c /data/spree/ shared/config/unicorn.rb -E production -D"
 stop_command "kill -QUIT "
 restart_command "kill -USR2 {PID}" # for rolling restarts
 monitor_children do
 restart_command 'kill -QUIT {PID}' # for this child process
 check :memory, every: 10.seconds, below: 350.megabytes, :times => [3,5] # 350mb at least 3 out of the last 5 times checked
  5. APP_ROOT = "/data/spree"
 worker_processes 13
 working_directory APP_ROOT + "/current"

 timeout 180
 listen APP_ROOT + "/shared/sockets/unicorn.sock", :backlog => 1024
 pid APP_ROOT + "/shared/pids/unicorn.pid"
 stderr_path APP_ROOT + "/shared/log/unicorn.stderr.log"
 preload_app true
 before_exec do |server|
 ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = APP_ROOT + "/current/Gemfile"
 before_fork do |server, worker|
 defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect!
 # kills old children after zero downtime deploy
 old_pid = APP_ROOT + "/shared/pids/unicorn.pid.oldbin"
 if File.exists?(old_pid) && server.pid != old_pid
 sig = (worker.nr + 1) >= server.worker_processes ? :QUIT : :TTOU
 Process.kill(sig, File.read(old_pid).to_i)
 rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
 #sleep 1
 after_fork do |server, worker|
 defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
 defined?(Rails) and Rails.cache.respond_to?(:reconnect) and Rails.cache.reconnect
  6. $ ls -lh db/ total 238192
 -rw-r--r-- 1 hecbuma staff

    84M Mar 3 2015 GeoIP2-City.mmdb
 -rw-r--r-- 1 hecbuma staff 32M Nov 23 12:25 GeoLite2-City.mmdb
 -rw-r--r-- 1 hecbuma staff 90K Nov 23 12:25 schema.rb
 -rw-r--r-- 1 hecbuma staff 65K Mar 4 2015 seed.sql
 -rw-r--r-- 1 hecbuma staff 31K Nov 23 12:25 seeds.rb
 -rw-r--r-- 1 hecbuma staff 193K Nov 23 12:25 structure.sql
  7. CREATE TABLE `maxmind_ipv4_addresses` (

    varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 `geoname_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
 `registered_country_geoname_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
 `represented_country_geoname_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
 `is_anonymous_proxy` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
 `is_satellite_provider` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
 `postal_code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
 `latitude` float DEFAULT NULL,
 `longitude` float DEFAULT NULL,
 `begin_ip_num` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 `end_ip_num` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 KEY `index_maxmind_ipv4_addresses_on_end_ip_num` (`end_ip_num`),
 KEY `index_maxmind_ipv4_addresses_on_begin_ip_num` (`begin_ip_num`)
 /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
  8. mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'file.csv' INTO TABLE t1

 (@col1,@col2,@col3,@col4) set name=@col4,id=@col2;
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 May 01 15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Action: spree/products#shop_index

    01 15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Memory usage: 6165724 | PID: 59881
 May 01 15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 20611 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 3756 | Spree::Asset: 3524 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 3444 | Spree::Taxon: 2546 | Spree::Taxonomy: 2409 | Spree::Price: 2052 | Spree::Product: 1021 | Spree::Variant: 886 | Spree::Classification: 623 | Spree::Property: 151 | Spree::ProductProperty: 151 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Spree::TaxCategory: 5 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 4 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::Calculator: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Log Entry Complete
 May 01 15:44:33 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Action: spree/products#shop_index
 May 01 15:44:33 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Memory usage: 6485248 | PID: 59881
 May 01 15:44:33 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 20611 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 3756 | Spree::Asset: 3524 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 3444 | Spree::Taxon: 2546 | Spree::Taxonomy: 2409 | Spree::Price: 2052 | Spree::Product: 1021 | Spree::Variant: 886 | Spree::Classification: 623 | Spree::Property: 151 | Spree::ProductProperty: 151 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Spree::TaxCategory: 5 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 4 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::Calculator: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:44:33 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Log Entry Complete
 May 01 15:47:48 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Action: spree/products#shop_index
 May 01 15:47:48 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Memory usage: 6817068 | PID: 59881
 May 01 15:47:48 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 20611 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 3756 | Spree::Asset: 3524 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 3444 | Spree::Taxon: 2546 | Spree::Taxonomy: 2409 | Spree::Price: 2052 | Spree::Product: 1021 | Spree::Variant: 886 | Spree::Classification: 623 | Spree::Property: 151 | Spree::ProductProperty: 151 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Spree::TaxCategory: 5 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 4 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::Calculator: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:47:48 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Log Entry Complete
  10. May 01 15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Action: spree/products#shop_index
 May 01

    15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Memory usage: 6165724 | PID: 59881
 May 01 15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 20611 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 3756 | Spree::Asset: 3524 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 3444 | Spree::Taxon: 2546 | Spree::Taxonomy: 2409 | Spree::Price: 2052 | Spree::Product: 1021 | Spree::Variant: 886 | Spree::Classification: 623 | Spree::Property: 151 | Spree::ProductProperty: 151 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Spree::TaxCategory: 5 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 4 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::Calculator: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:41:27 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[59881]: Oink Log Entry Complete
  11. def shop_index
 @tracking_service.track("checkout_funnel", {user_id: spree_current_user,
 funnel_step: 'shop_view',
 previous_url: session[:previous_url]}) if

 @is_left_nav = 1
 @bits = @bit_taxons
 variantAssociations = [ :prices, :default_price, :option_values]
 @productIncludes = [
 { :master => variantAssociations },
 { :classifications => :taxon },
 {:variant_images => {:taggings => :tag} }
 #@kits = Spree::Product.kits_in_shop
 @kits = Spree::Product.includes([ {:classifications => :taxon}, {:variant_images => {:taggings => :tag} } ]).where(:spree_taxons => {:name => "Kits"}, inactive: false).reject{|p| p.in_taxon?("Hidden") || p.in_taxon?('Retired')}
 @collections = Spree::Product.active.is_active.collections_only
 @accessories = Spree::Product.is_active.active.accessories_only
 @cloud = Spree::Product.find_by_slug 'cloudbit'
 # @expansion_packs = Spree::Product.is_active.active.expansion_only
 @expansion_packs = Spree::Product.includes([ {:classifications => :taxon}, {:variant_images => {:taggings => :tag} } ]).where(:spree_taxons => {:name => "Expansion Packs"}, inactive: false)
 @project_packs = Spree::Product.is_active.active.project_only
 @bundles = Spree::Product.is_active.active.bundles_only
 @product_taxons = Spree::Product.product_taxons_new
  12. def shop_index
 @tracking_service.track("checkout_funnel", {user_id: spree_current_user,
 funnel_step: 'shop_view',
 previous_url: session[:previous_url]}) if

 @is_left_nav = 1
 @bits = @bit_taxons
 @productIncludes = [:taxons, :variants, :variant_images]
 all_products = Spree::Product.select('spree_products.*, spree_taxons.name as taxon_name').includes(@productIncludes).
 joins(:taxons).where( spree_taxons: { name: ['Kits',
 'Expansion Packs',
 'Project Packs', 'accessories'] }).is_active.active.group_by{|ele| ele.taxons.first.name }
 @kits = all_products['Kits']
 @accessories = all_products['Accessories']
 @expansion_packs = all_products['Expansion Packs']
 @project_packs = all_products['Project Packs']
 @bundles = []
  13. /kits/base-kit
 N+1 Query detected
 Spree::ProductProperty => [:property]
 Add to your

    finder: :includes => [:property]
 N+1 Query method call stack
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/models/spree/product_decorator.rb: 287:in `block in get_property'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/models/spree/product_decorator.rb: 287:in `get_property'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/helpers/price_helper.rb:87:in `lb_price_nohtml'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/helpers/price_helper.rb:5:in `lb_price'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/views/spree/products/ _product_intro.html.erb:15:in `_5844de58232a26f585dafe25ceb554ca'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/views/spree/products/_kit.html.erb: 6:in `_3fb56cc986f9d742d01520ca5dd8ea58'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/views/spree/products/show.html.erb:2:in `block in _92b057a2f06e5acf89bbace9581f9c9b'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/helpers/little_bits_cache_helper.rb: 15:in `block in lb_cache'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/helpers/little_bits_cache_helper.rb: 14:in `lb_cache'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/views/spree/products/show.html.erb:1:in `_92b057a2f06e5acf89bbace9581f9c9b'
 /Users/hecbuma/Projects/little_bits/app/controllers/ application_controller.rb:100:in `profile'

  14. -- REQUESTS --
 May 01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Action:

 May 01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Memory usage: 3617696 | PID: 61723
 May 01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 2310 | Spree::Asset: 670 | Spree::Classification: 601 | Spree::Product: 308 | Spree::Price: 234 | Spree::Variant: 212 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 88 | Spree::Taxon: 78 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 78 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 3 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Spree::Taxonomy: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Log Entry Complete
 May 01 15:52:17 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Action: spree/products#shop_index
 May 01 15:52:17 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Memory usage: 3703712 | PID: 61723
 May 01 15:52:17 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 2310 | Spree::Asset: 670 | Spree::Classification: 601 | Spree::Product: 308 | Spree::Price: 234 | Spree::Variant: 212 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 88 | Spree::Taxon: 78 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 78 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 3 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Spree::Taxonomy: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:52:17 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Log Entry Complete
 May 01 15:52:51 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Action: spree/products#shop_index
 May 01 15:52:51 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Memory usage: 3797920 | PID: 61723
 May 01 15:52:51 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 2310 | Spree::Asset: 670 | Spree::Classification: 601 | Spree::Product: 308 | Spree::Price: 234 | Spree::Variant: 212 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 88 | Spree::Taxon: 78 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 78 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 3 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Spree::Taxonomy: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:52:51 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Log Entry Complete
  15. May 01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Action: spree/ products#shop_index

    01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Memory usage: 3617696 | PID: 61723
 May 01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 2310 | Spree::Asset: 670 | Spree::Classification: 601 | Spree::Product: 308 | Spree::Price: 234 | Spree::Variant: 212 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tagging: 88 | Spree::Taxon: 78 | ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag: 78 | Spree::LineItem: 12 | VisitorProfileProperty: 7 | Visit: 4 | Spree::Order: 3 | Spree::User: 3 | Ahoy::EventProperty: 3 | ABTestCell: 2 | ABTest: 2 | Spree::UserGroup: 2 | VisitorProfile: 1 | Spree::Taxonomy: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
 May 01 15:51:36 Hectors-MacBook-Pro rails[61723]: Oink Log Entry Complete