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MTDDC Meetup HOKKAIDO 2018 Keynote

Daiji Hirata
June 09, 2018

MTDDC Meetup HOKKAIDO 2018 Keynote

コンテンツが活きる情報設計とCMS: , The keynote session for MTDDC Meetup HOKKAIDO 2018.

Daiji Hirata

June 09, 2018


  1. ࣗݾ঺հ w େֶͰΠϯλʔωοτʹग़ձ͏ w ແઢ-"/ͷݚڀ։ൃ /55  w *5ϕϯνϟʔ౤ࢿ /FPUFOZ

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  4. Atom Molecule Compound Smallest element Base of all structure Text

    / Image / Audio / Video Group of elements creating content “Chunk” of content Company Info / Blog Entry Package that includes multiple chunks Plug and play the content Page / Panel / App Alchemy of the content
  5. Content Strategists Information Architects Design Molecules Content Creators Work on

    Molecules Able to focus on content creation Designers Pick and choose to create “best” compound Administrators Assign Molecules to content creators Administrate look and feel of the content Four alchemists There are four different type of administration and each needs to have different features and user interface.
  6. λΠτϧ ຊจ ެ։೔࣌ ։࠵೔࣌ ձ৔ ߨࢣ ࢀՃඅ ఆһ ͜Μͳํʹ͓͢͢Ί ओ࠵

    ؔ࿈৘ใURL ର৅ (λά) छผ (ΧςΰϦ) ηϛφʔ γοΫεɾΞύʔτגࣜձࣾ ฏాେ࣏<br> γοΫεɾΞύʔτגࣜձࣾ ߴࢁ༟࢘<br> ϑϦʔϥϯεΤϯδχΞ ౻ຊұ<br> crema design σβΠ φʔ ࠇ໺໌ࢠ<br> ϑϦʔϥϯε WebσβΠφʔ ֯ాҁՂ<br> גࣜձࣾ τΡʔΞʔϧ ੢ാҰഅ<br> bit part ༄୩ਅࢤɾԞ࿬஌޺<br> גࣜձࣾϐΫ ηϧάϦου ࡔרᠳେ࿠<br> גࣜձࣾ·΅Ζ͠ দా௚थ<br> ϑϦʔϥϯ ε WebσβΠφʔ ௕୩઒ګٱ<br> ΞϧϑΝαʔυגࣜձࣾ ໺ా७ੜ
  7. λΠτϧ ຊจ ެ։೔࣌ ։࠵೔࣌ ձ৔ ߨࢣ ࢀՃඅ ఆһ ͜Μͳํʹ͓͢͢Ί ओ࠵

    ؔ࿈৘ใURL ର৅ (λά) छผ (ΧςΰϦ) ໊લ ձ໊ࣾ ໾৬ ϓϩϑΟʔϧ ߨࢣը૾ URL ηϛφʔ
  8. λΠτϧ ຊจ ެ։೔࣌ ։࠵೔࣌ ձ৔ ߨࢣ ࢀՃඅ ఆһ ͜Μͳํʹ͓͢͢Ί ओ࠵

    ؔ࿈৘ใURL ର৅ (λά) छผ (ΧςΰϦ) ձ৔໊ ॅॴ ΞΫηε URL ηϛφʔ
  9. Atom Molecule Compound Smallest element Base of all structure Text

    / Image / Audio / Video Group of elements creating content “Chunk” of content Company Info / Blog Entry Package that includes multiple chunks Plug and play the content Page / Panel / App Alchemy of the content