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Service worker & their role in PWAs

Service worker & their role in PWAs

Progressive Web Applications have gained unparalleled momentum in the tech world and are currently one of the hottest trends in Web Development. Find out how PWA attempts to combine features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of mobile experience and how service workers make them fast, reliable & engaging.

Ipsha Bhidonia

February 16, 2018

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Mobile web apps ✓ High user reach Low user engage

    Native Mobile Apps ✓ High user engage Low user reach PWA ✓ High user engage ✓ High user reach
  2. How are PWAs different? ➢ Leverages the web's low friction.

    ➢ Delivers app-like user experience. ➢ Uses modern web capabilities. ➢ From pages in browser tabs to immersive apps.
  3. Add to homescreen – web pages to apps Create a

    static web app manifest file. • Background colour • Display mode • Description etc..
  4. “In a consumer mobile app, every step you make a

    user perform before they get value out of your app will cost you 20% of users.” - Gabor Cselle— Google Leverages low friction of the web?
  5. Service Workers “Service worker is a persistent, fully asynchronous, separately

    threaded event based worker with the ability to intercept network requests and cache responses.”
  6. How does a service worker.. work? “Think of your web

    requests as planes taking off. A Service Worker is the air traffic controller that routes the requests. It can load from the network or even off the cache.” - Jeff Posnick, Google
  7. Let’s recap.. • JavaScript file • Proxy servers in between

    the web app & the browser • Runs in the background, on a different thread • No direct DOM access - isn’t able to modify elements in the web page • Fully asynchronous • Works strictly with HTTPs • Cannot be used in private browsing mode.
  8. Registration Installation Activation Idle Fetch/Push message Terminated New Service worker

    Updated service worker Old Service worker still being used? Activates to become active worker Worker in waiting
  9. What is push? “The delivery of information from application server

    to the user in the form of a pop-up message or an alert when the client has opted for receiving certain timely updates from applications”
  10. Push workflow components: ➢ Client + Service Worker subscribes to

    receiving push messages (1) & eventually handles the notification (4). ➢ App Server initiates the delivery of a notification. ➢ Push Service a system for processing messages routing them to the correct clients. Service workers CLIENT Application Server Push service 1. 2. 3. 4.
  11. What makes push notifications? “push” action of the server supplying

    message information to a service worker “notification” the action of the service worker sending the information to a user. Push API Notification API
  12. # Subscribing Subscribe user to push messaging: ➢ Get permission

    from user to send them push message ➢ Subscribe to the push service. ➢ Get a subscription object = endpoint URL + client public key ➢ Send the subscription object to the server. ➢ Stored at the server, used when push message needs to be sent.
  13. # Send a push message - from server to push

    service ➢ Server generates the push message. ➢ Encrypts the message with client’s public key ➢ Sends the data to the endpoint URL on the push service. ➢ Push service routes the message to the service worker associated with the endpoint URL.
  14. # Push Event ➢ Push service routes the message to

    the correct client associated with the unique endpoint URL ➢ Service Worker is woken up & Push Event is trigger ➢ Event listener to the Push Event handles the notification display