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MVC 1.0 - by Example @ DevoxxUK 2016

MVC 1.0 - by Example @ DevoxxUK 2016

Model-view-controller, or MVC for short, is a common pattern in web frameworks. MVC frameworks can be categorized as action-based or component-based. In a component-based framework, the HTTP requests are grouped and typically handled by framework components with little or no interaction with application code. In an action-based framework, on the other hand, the HTTP requests are routed to controllers and turned into actions by application code. The Java EE platform does not currently have support for action based MVC, but this is about to change. MVC 1.0, as specified by JSR 371, is targeted for the upcoming Java EE 8 release. This session provides an introduction to the action-based MVC 1.0 API and will include lots of code samples and tips to where to get started using this awesome technology.


June 09, 2016

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  1. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Comparable Frameworks Spring MVC around

    since 2005 “Real World” since 2008 (Spring 2.5 onward) today’s leader in Action-Land Struts 2 around since 2004 (WebWork 2) “Real World” since 2007 (Struts 2.0.9 onward) still widely adopted
  2. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 View @Controller @Path(“hello”) public class

    HelloController { @GET public String hello() { return “hello.jsp”; } }
  3. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 View @Controller @Path(“hello”) public class

    HelloController { @GET public Viewable hello() { return new Viewable(“hello.jsp”); } }
  4. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 View @Controller @Path(“hello”) public class

    HelloController { @GET public Response hello() { return Response.status(OK).entity(“hello.jsp”).build(); } }
  5. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 View @Controller @Path(“hello”) public class

    HelloController { @View(“hello.jsp”) @GET public void hello() { } }
  6. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Model @Named(“greeting”) @RequestScoped public class

    Greeting { private String message; public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public void getMessage() { return message; } }
  7. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Model @View(“hello.jsp”) @Controller @Path(“hello”) public

    class HelloController { @Inject private Greeting greeting; @GET public void hello() { greeting.setMessage(“Hello Devoxx!”); } }
  8. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Model <%@page contentType=“text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE

    html> <html> <head> <title>MVC 1.0 Hello Demo</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello ${greeting.message}</h1> </body> </html>
  9. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Model @View(“hello.jsp”) @Controller @Path(“hello”) public

    class HelloController { @Inject private Models model; @GET public void hello() { model.put(“message”, “Hello Devoxx!”); } }
  10. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Model <%@page contentType=“text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE

    html> <html> <head> <title>MVC 1.0 Hello Demo</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello ${message}</h1> </body> </html>
  11. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 @Controller @Path("form") public class FormController

    { @POST public Response formPost(@Valid @BeanParam FormDataBean f) { return Response.status(OK).entity(“data.jsp”).build(); } } Validation ConstraintValidationException @Min, @NotNull etc.
  12. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Validation public class FormViolationMapper implements

    ExceptionMapper<ConstraintViolationException> { public Response toResponse(ConstraintViolationException e) { Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> s= e.getConstraintViolations(); // process violations ... return Response.status(BAD_REQUEST) .entity(“error.jsp”).build(); } }
  13. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 @Controller @Path("form") public class FormController

    { @Inject private BindingResult br; @POST public Response formPost(@Valid @BeanParam FormDataBean f) { if (br.isFailed()) { return Response.status(BAD_REQUEST) .entity(“error.jsp”).build(); } return Response.status(OK).entity(“data.jsp”).build(); } } Validation Allows for MVC Error Handling
  14. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 ViewEngine public interface ViewEngine {

    boolean supports(String view); void processView(ViewEngineContext context) throws ViewEngineException; }
  15. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Events Example @ApplicationScoped public class

    EventObserver { void onBeforeController(@Observes BeforeControllerEvent e) { println("URI: " + e.getUriInfo().getRequestURI()); } void onAfterController(@Observes AfterControllerEvent e) { println("Controller: " + e.getResourceInfo().getResourceMethod()); } }
  16. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Cross Site Request Forgery @Controller

    @Path(“csrf”) public class HelloController { @CsrfValid @POST public Response post(@FormParam(“greeting") String greet { } }
  17. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 Cross Site Request Forgery <%@page

    contentType=“text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>MVC 1.0 Hello Demo</title> </head> <body> <form action="csrf" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="submit" value="Click here"/> <input type="hidden" name="${mvc.csrf.name}" value="${mvc.csrf.token}"/> </form> </body> </html>
  18. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 @RedirectScoped @Named(“greeting”) @RedirectScoped public class

    Greeting { private String message; public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public void getMessage() { return message; } }
  19. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 @Controller public class HelloController {

    @Inject private Greeting greeting; @POST @Path(“from”) public String hello() { greeting.setMessage(“Hello Devoxx!”); return “redirect:/to“; } } @RedirectScoped @RedirectScoped @RequestScoped
  20. @ivar_grimstad #JSR371 - DevoxxUK 2016 @Controller public class HelloController {

    @Inject private Greeting greeting; @POST @Path(“to”) public String hello() { return “here.jsp“; } } @RedirectScoped Same Bean