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Django: The web framework for perfectionists w...

Jacob Kaplan-Moss
May 01, 2012

Django: The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

An introduction to Django given at Future Insights Live 2012 in Las Vegas.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

May 01, 2012

More Decks by Jacob Kaplan-Moss


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  3. The Inside of Love The Inside of Love Katlyn Conroy

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  4. PHP

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  6. from django.db import models class Photo(models.Model): image = models.ImageField() title

    = models.CharField(max_length=150) uploaded = models.DateTimeField()
  7. >>> Photo.objects.all() >>> Photo.objects.filter( ... uploaded = datetime.date.today() ... )

    >>> Photo.objects.filter( ... title__startswith = "pants", ... uploaded__lte = some_date) ... )
  8. from photos.models import Photo from django.shortcuts import render def photo_index(request):

    return render(request, 'photos/index.html', {'photo_list' : Photo.objects.all()} )
  9. {% extends "base" %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ photo.title

    }}</h1> <img src="{{ photo.get_image_url }}" />
  10. {% extends "base" %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ photo.title

    }}</h1> <img src="{{ photo.get_image_url }}" /> {% endblock %}
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  15. “ ” Our technical goals are to never lose data,

    be very fast, and favor boring and faded technologies where possible. A rule of thumb that has worked well for me is that if I'm excited to play around with something, it probably doesn't belong in production. — Maciej Ceglowski http://blog.pinboard.in/2010/01/technical_underpinnings/