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Python Everywhere!

Jacob Kaplan-Moss
August 10, 2013

Python Everywhere!

PyCon Canada 2013

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

August 10, 2013


  1. Games    Banking    Web  Apps  Chemistry   SMS  

     Charity    Emergency  Services     Bioinformatics  Trading  Mobile  Apps       Genetics    Marketing    Email    Sports   Mechanical  Engineering  Search   Civil  Engineering  Push  Notifications       Payroll    Cloud  Computing    Newspapers     Television  Radio    Movies    Animation     Space    Shopping  Graphics     Embedded  Devices    Libraries    …
  2. Games    Banking    Web  Apps  Chemistry   SMS  

     Charity    Emergency  Services     Bioinformatics  Trading  Mobile  Apps       Genetics    Marketing    Email    Sports   Mechanical  Engineering  Search   Civil  Engineering  Push  Notifications       Payroll    Cloud  Computing    Newspapers     Television  Radio    Movies    Animation     Space    Shopping  Graphics     Embedded  Devices    Libraries    … EVERY THING
  3. Python  is                

  4. Python  is                

  5. Python  is                

  6. Python  is                

  7. “What  makes  the  Python  community   different  is  its  concerted

     effort  to  recruit   and  welcome  people  who  are   underrepresented  in  tech….   [The]  Python  community  is  in  many   ways  a  beacon  of  what  the  tech  world   should  aspire  to.” — http://www.fastcolabs.com/3015524/what-every-coder-community-can-learn-from-python
  8. ‣ Threat from within: fragmentation. ‣ Threat from above: the

    Enterprise. ‣ Threat from below: new ecosystems.
  9. ‣ Threat from within: fragmentation. ‣ Threat from above: the

    Enterprise. ‣ Threat from below: new ecosystems.
  10. ‣ Threat from above: the Enterprise. ‣ Threat from below:

    new ecosystems. ‣ Opportunities within: Python everywhere.
  11. ‣ Threat from below: new ecosystems. ‣ Opportunities within: Python

    everywhere. ‣ Opportunities above: the Enterprise.
  12. from  django.http  import  HttpResponse def  web_view(request):        return

     HttpResponse("I'm  a  web  site!") https://github.com/aaugustin/django-c10k-demo
  13. from  django.http  import  HttpResponse def  web_view(request):        return

     HttpResponse("I'm  a  web  site!") from  c10ktools.http  import  websocket @websocket def  websocket_echo(ws):        ws.send((yield  from  ws.recv()) https://github.com/aaugustin/django-c10k-demo