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Gynae Finals Summary in Flow Diagrams
April 22, 2015
Gynae Finals Summary in Flow Diagrams
The basics of what you need to know for finals broken down by easy ways to remember them
April 22, 2015
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Jacob Matthews 22/04/2015 1
“Classify or Die” – The science of Perfect Answers Question
Causes Vascular Infection Trauma Autoimmun e Metabolic Idiopathic Neoplasia Drug Stats Common Uncommon Rare Super Rare IX Bedside Laboratory Non-rad imaging Rad imaging Invasive Rx Conservative Medical Interventional Surgical Palliative 22/04/2015 2
Contents Menstrual cycle Menorrhagia Menopause + HRT Amenorrheia Irregular bleeding
Uro-gynae + prolapse Infertility Contraception Cancers Neonates 22/04/2015 3
Gynae hx ICE Any questions? Patient details Age + parity
+ Gravidity Occupation Menstrual LMP + bleeding days + regular + length + Normal Contraception Smear Mammography >50yo Hx Present Complaint General health, smoking Menses / pain Discharge Bowel/ bladder Past Gynae hx Surgery? STI, PID, ectopics, endometriosis Pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions Preg Obs Hx >24/52 PMHx + PSHx FHx + SHx Smoking drugs drinking Hereditary conditions = HT diabetes Cancer, fibroids, Endometriosis Occupation + Partner Drug Hx Chronic, otc, allergies Ex general abdo Bimanual, speculum USS 22/04/2015 4 Gravidity = pregnancies Parity = >24/52 + <24/52
22/04/2015 5
Gynae Conditions Dysmen 1 – Give NSAIDs 2 – USS
treat cause + COP Irregular bleeding Anovulatary cycles – extremes of age Uterine Path TVUSS >35 + Smear+ FBC + Pipelle >40 IUS / COP Norethisterone / HRT Post coital bleed Ix Cancer- smear + colposcopy Ectropion – Cryotherpay PMS – Leuteal phase Menstrual mood diary Progesterone = problem SSRI + CBT / continuous oestrogen Oopherectmy + HRT Amen / Oligomen Hypothalamic- pituitary – gonadal Axis BhCG FSH, LH, FBC, PRL, TSH/ TFT, Testo, eostradiol, GnRH USS - PCOS Karyotype, Head MRI Endometriosis Extra-uterine, oestrogen, retrograde menstruation Choc cyst, adhesions, frozen peritoneum, bleeding Chronic pain – Pre bleed Diagnostic Laparoscopy TVUSS, MRI, Ca125 Malignancy Structural Polyps >40yo [tamoxifen] Surg - avulsion Haematometria - Fibroids Uro-gynae Infections - endometritis STI, FB, surgery Post menopause ?malignancy Evacuation of retained products Abx - ? Tazocin Infertility 22/04/2015 6
Gynae Conditions Endometriosis Extra-uterine, oestrogen, retrograde menstruation Diagnostic Laparoscopy Pregnancy
or not? ablation Hysterectomy + oopheretomy TVUSS, MRI, Ca125 Choc cyst, adhesions, frozen peritoneum, bleeding Chronic pain – Pre bleed COP>POP>IUS Danazol - andorgens GnRH analogue- Goserelin <6/12 Pregnancy / menopause Sub-fertility Ablation + adhesiolysis IVF Adenomyosis - MRI 22/04/2015 7 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/endometriosis-pro
Gynae Conditions Fibroids >30yo, black, ¼ women Oestrogen dependent Heavy
menstrual bleed + pain + subfertility Intramural = most common Rx Med NSAIDs + TXA COP / IUS GnRH Mifepristone, ullipristal, aromatase inhib Surg Myomectomy – Lap/Hyst Ablation Hysterectomy Uterine Art Emnolisatin Sub serosal Extra uterine Sub mucousal Uterine cavity Benign leomyiomata 22/04/2015 8 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/fibroids-pro
Gynae Conditions CIN Heterosexual + HPV <45yo Bleeding, discharge, pain
STI screen - chlamydia Smear Mild – Test HPV Dyskaryosis - >moderate Colposcopy – asetic acid + iodine 16 + 18 + 31 + 33 vaccine 1 Can regress 90%, watch <24/12 Loop excision + histology 2 Loop excision 3 Cone biopsy Malignant 70% SCC CT/MRI scan staging FIGO 1-4 Cone biopsy Hysterectomy local Radical Wertheim’s Radiotherapy Chemo - Cisplatin Adeno / mixed 22/04/2015 9 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/cervical-carcinoma http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_intraepithelial_neoplasia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyskaryosis
BRCA 1 + 2 Ovarian Path benign Functional cyst follicular
luteal Cyst adenoma serous Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI) >50mm yearly USS mucinous Dermoid Cyst (teratoma) Fibroma (Meig’s syndrome) Sex cord tumour Granulosa – oestrogen + inhibin, Post-men Thecoma – oestrogen + androgens – precocious puberty Fibroma Germ cell tumours <30yo Teratoma – young, bilateral Dysgerminoma – common malignant, radiotherapy LDH, AFP, BhCG – all <40yo Epithelial tumour Serous adenocarcinoma most common Mucinous adenocarcinoma – big, rupture Clear cell carcinoma Endometroid carcinoma Malignant USS + CA125 (>35) CT/MRI scan staging 1-4 OOpherectomy CA 125 monitoring follow up 1/50, increase with age 22/04/2015 10 www.patient.co.uk/doctor/benign-ovarian-tumours Torsion, rupture, haemorrhage, infertility RMI = U x M x CA-125
Post-men bleed TVUSS <4mm 1 episode Watch and wait >1
bleed hysteroscopy TVUSS >4mm Hysteroscopy Pipelle biopsy Hyperplasia - premalignant Progesterones TCRE - resection hysterectomy Younger, Intermen bleed Endometrial Carcinoma MRI staging, CXR hysterectomy Most common GU tract malignancy 60 yo 1/100 Obesity, Oestrogen, PCOS, HNPCC Granuloma cell tumour – oestrogen secreting Tamoxifen COP, pregnancy 22/04/2015 11 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/endometrial-hyperplasia www.patient.co.uk/doctor/endometrial-cancer
Amenorrhea 1 >14yo, Ix>16yo Constitutional GU malformation CAH Imperforate hymen
Uterine horns Unicornate uterus/ Septum Testicular feminisation Turner’s 2 Hypothalamic failure Anorexia Pituitary failure Hyper-prolactin- aemia, Shehan’s Hypothyroidism, phenothiazines, Heroin, Metoclopramide Contraception Dopamine antagonists Gonadal Failure/ structural Asherman’s AID – Prem Ovarian Failure Androgens, weight loss, PCOS Cushings’s, CAH, Adrenal Tumour 22/04/2015 12 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/amenorrhoea
Menorrhagia >80ml/day DUB 40-60% Local Structure Fibroids, polyps Tumour >40yo
tissue Endometriosis, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia PID systemic Hypo-thyroid, obesity, liver + kidney failure Bleeding disorders, vW disease Contraception 1/3 of women, Affects QOL 22/04/2015 13 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/menorrhagia
Menorrhagia >80ml/day Hx Ex Mass Tender anaemia Ix FBC, Clotting,
TFT TVUSS Pipelle Biopsy hysteroscopy Rx Med IUS - Mirena TXA 1g + Mefanamic acid COP LARC Progesterones, Goserelin <6/12 surg Hysteroscopic removal + ablation TCRE/TCRF Myomectomy Uterine Art Embolisation Hysterectomy 22/04/2015 14 http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/menorrhagia
40-58 yo = Average 51yo 12/12 no period Menopause Prem
<40yo Fhx Ovarian Failure Hysterectomy + oopherectomy Early <45yo Symptoms Hormonal/ vasomotor Urological UTI, atrophic vaginitis Mood FSH level 2/5 5/7 x2 >30IU Reassure, lifestyle Contraceptives 2y<50, 1y>50 Local - oestrogens Clonidine, tibolone, SSRI, Gabapentin HRT - vasomotor Uterus or not? 22/04/2015 15 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonidine Women's Health Initiative (WHI) the Million Women Study (MWS http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/hrt-initial-consultation http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/menopause-and-its-manageme http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/hormone-replacement-therapy- including-risks-and-benefits
Infertility Hypothalamic failure Anorexia / Exercise Systemic disease SLE, antiphospholipid,
CKD, diabetes Pituitary failure Hyper-prolactin- aemia, Shehan’s, Simmond’s Hypothyroidism, phenothiazines, Heroin, Metoclopramide Contraception Dopamine antagonists Gonadal Failure AID – Prem Ovarian Failure Turner’s Structural Tubal PID, ectopic, surgery, endometriosis Hystero- salpingogram Uterine Fibroid, congenital, Asherman’s Androgens, weight PCOS 2/3 oligomen, USS, Hirsuitism 80% anovulatory infertility Raised insulin + testosterone LH>FSH Cushings’s, CAH, Adrenal Tumour Male Poor sex Genetic, XXY IVF/ ICSI 1 – never conceived 2 – conceived – may have miscarried 22/04/2015 16 Mid-luteal progesterone level to assess ovulation day 21/28 Clomifene 6/12 – oestrogen blocker increases FSH/LH release days 2-6, USS day 10 check Endometrial thickness Metformin for PCOS, Goserelin – pulsed, Bromocriptine for PRL-oma www.patient.co.uk/doctor/infertility-female •Unexplained infertility (no identified male or female cause) (25%) •Ovulatory disorders (25%) •Tubal damage (20%) •Factors in the male causing infertility (20%) •Uterine or peritoneal disorders (10%) www.patient.co.uk/doctor/infertility-male www.patient.co.uk/doctor/infertility-treatments
Uro-gynae UTI Painful bladder syndrome Bladder training, Analgesia, TCA Incontinence
Stress – 50% Urodynamics Pelvic floor training Duloxetine Tension free vaginal tape, Mixed OAB – 35% ?MS Urgency, Frequency, nocturia Urodynamics – detrusor activity Advice, bladder training oxybutynin., Oestrogens, Botulinum toxin Surgery last resort Prolapse Urethrocele Cystocoele Vault prolapse Enterocole, rectocoele Bimanual ex, Sim’s spe USS, Urodynamics Pessary + HRT Pelvic floor repair Lose weight, pelvic floor exercises Retention 22/04/2015 17 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cystometry