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Alice & Bob: Public key cryptography 101 - PHP|...

Joshua Thijssen
May 25, 2012

Alice & Bob: Public key cryptography 101 - PHP|Tek 2012

Joshua Thijssen

May 25, 2012


  1. Alice & Bob PHP|Tek - Chicago - USA May 25,

    2012 Public key cryptography 101
  2. Joshua Thijssen / Netherlands Freelance consultant, developer and trainer @

    NoxLogic / Techademy Development in PHP, Python, Perl, C, Java.... Blog: http://adayinthelifeof.nl Email: [email protected] Twitter: @jaytaph 2
  3. ciphertext: 12, 1, 13, 5 “algorithm”: A = 1, B

    = 2, C = 3, ...., Z = 26 = L A M E ‣ SUBSTITUTION SCHEME 7
  4. 8 ciphertext:        

  5. “algorithm”: c = m + k mod 26 ‣ CAESARIAN

    CIPHER or CAESARIAN SHIFT 9 Message: C O D E Ciphertext (key=1): D P E F Ciphertext (key=2): E Q F G Ciphertext (key=-1): B M C D Ciphertext (key=0): C O D E Ciphertext (key=26): C O D E Ciphertext (key=52): C O D E http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2b/Caesar3.svg
  6. ➡ Key is too easy to guess. ➡ Key has

    to be send to Bob. ➡ Deterministic. ➡ Prone to frequency analysis. ‣ FLAWS IN THESE CIPHERS 10
  7. ➡ The usage of every letter in the English (or

    any other language) can be represented by a percentage. ➡ ‘E’ is used 12.7% of the times in english texts, the ‘Z’ only 0.074%. 11
  8. http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14082/pg14082.txt Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak

    and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping—rapping at my chamber door. "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door— Only this and nothing more." 12
  9. A small bit of text can result in differences, but

    still there are some letters we can deduce.. ‣ “THE RAVEN”, FIRST PARAGRAPH 13
  10. We can deduce almost all letters just without even CARING

    about the crypto algorithm used. ‣ “THE RAVEN”, ALL PARAGRAPHS 14
  11. ➡ Previous examples were symmetrical encryptions. ➡ Same key is

    used for both encryption and decryption. ➡ Good symmetrical encryptions: AES, Blowfish, (3)DES. ➡ They are fast and secure. ‣ SYMMETRICAL ALGORITHMS 16
  12. Q: How does Alice send over the key securely to

    Bob? Everybody’s listening! ‣ THE PROBLEM WITH SYMMETRICAL ALGORITHMS 17
  13. Two keys instead of one: public key - available for

    everybody. Can be published on your blog. private key - For your eyes only! 19
  14. It is NOT possible to decrypt the message with same

    key that is used to encrypt. 21
  15. Encrypt with public key: - only private key (thus Alice)

    can decrypt. - message is only for Alice = encryption 22 Encrypt with private key: - only public key can decrypt. - message is guaranteed coming for Alice = signing
  16. Symmetrical ✓ quick. ✓ not resource intensive. ✓ useful for

    small and large messages. ✗ need to send over the key to the other side. Asymmetrical ✓ no need to send over the (whole) key. ✓ can be used for encryption and validation (signing). ✗ very resource intensive. ✗ only useful for small messages. 23
  17. A: Use symmetrical encryption for the (large) message and encrypt

    the key used with an asymmetrical encryption method. 24 Q: How does Alice send over the key securely to Bob? Everybody’s listening!
  18. RSA Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman 27 1978 Pierre

    de Fermat, Leonard Euler 17th - 18th century
  19. Public key encryption works on the premise that it is

    practically impossible to refactor a large number back into 2 separate prime numbers Prime number is only divisible by 1 and itself: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 etc... 28
  20. “large” number: 221 but we cannot calculate its prime factors

    without brute force. There is no “formula” (like e=mc2) (13 and 17) 29
  21. ➡ There is no proof that it’s impossible to refactor

    quickly (all tough it doesn’t look plausible) ➡ Brute-force decrypting is always lurking around (quicker machines, better algorithms). 30
  22. 32 ➡ p = (large) prime number ➡ q =

    (large) prime number (but not too close to p) ➡ n = p . q (bit length of the RSA key) ➡ φ = (p-1) . (q-1) (the φ thingie is called phi) ➡ e = gcd(e, φ) = 1 ➡ d = (d . e) mod φ = 1
  23. Step 1: select primes P and Q ‣ P =

    11 ‣ Q = 3 ‣ P = ? | Q = ? | N = ? | Phi = ? | e = ? | d = ? 33
  24. ➡ N = P . Q = 11 . 3

    = 33 ➡ φ = (11-1) . (3-1) = 10 . 2 = 20 Step 2: calculate N and Phi ‣ P = 11 | Q = 3 | N = ? | Phi = ? | e = ? | d = ? 34 33 decimal is 100001 in binary == 6 bit key
  25. Step 3: find e ‣ e = 3 ‣ gcd(e,

    φ) = 1 ==> gcd(3, 20) = 1 ‣ P = 11 | Q = 3 | N = 33 | Phi = 20 | e = ? | d = ? 35 Fermat number: 2 + 1 2 n Fermat prime: Fermat that is prime: 3, 5, 17, 257, 65537 Study shows that 98.5% of the time 65537 is used
  26. ‣ P = 11 | Q = 3 | N

    = 33 | Phi = 20 | e = 3 | d = ? Step 4: find d ‣ Extended Euclidean Algorithm gives 7 ‣ brute force: (e.d mod φ = 1) 3 . 1 = 3 mod 20 = 3 3 . 2 = 6 mod 20 = 6 3 . 3 = 9 mod 20 = 9 3 . 4 = 12 mod 20 = 12 3 . 5 = 15 mod 20 = 15 3 . 6 = 18 mod 20 = 18 3 . 7 = 21 mod 20 = 1 3 . 8 = 24 mod 20 = 4 3 . 9 = 27 mod 20 = 7 3.10 = 30 mod 20 = 10 36
  27. That’s it: ➡ public key = (n, e) = (33,

    3) ➡ private key = (n, d) = (33, 7) ‣ P = 11 | Q = 3 | N = 33 | Phi = 20 | e = 3 | d = 7 37
  28. The actual math is much more complex since we use

    very large numbers, but it all comes down to these (relatively simple) calculations.. 38
  29. 39 jthijssen@debian-jth:~$ openssl rsa -text -noout -in server.key n e

    d p q d mod (p-1) e mod (q-1) (inverse q) mod p Private-Key: (256 bit) modulus: 00:c2:d0:c4:1f:6f:78:16:82:d1:0c:dd:5a:af:de:f2:ff:31:c6: 9b:3b:9f:e8:24:2a:5c:06:56:ea:d7:7c:c6:19 publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001) privateExponent: 22:8f:fd:2b:82:90:30:96:36:d6:6c:73:09:5e:a9:87:73:6e: 2d:d4:d5:78:fc:3b:20:ea:0d:02:e5:2b:cb:3d prime1: 00:f0:49:fd:91:18:01:53:92:8f:87:d7:2b:c8:19:7d:17 prime2: 00:cf:8d:a1:3b:93:af:61:77:8f:c9:8f:1d:aa:8d:b4:4f exponent1: 00:e1:d8:c9:89:bc:84:52:a6:a8:5d:47:32:91:6a:d3:95 exponent2: 5a:88:b1:fa:d5:d9:db:8f:16:a6:5a:0a:1b:ba:42:1b coefficient: 00:99:fa:de:80:d4:ee:f3:69:59:e5:8a:72:ad:e5:30:3d
  30. Encrypting a message: private key = (n,d) = (33, 7):

    Decrypting a message: public key = (n,e) = (33, 3): m = 13, 20, 15, 5 13^7 mod 33 = 7 20^7 mod 33 = 26 15^7 mod 33 = 27 5^7 mod 33 = 14 c = 7, 26, 27,14 41 c = 7, 26, 27,14 7^3 mod 33 = 13 26^3 mod 33 = 20 27^3 mod 33 = 15 14^3 mod 33 =5 m = 13, 20, 15, 5
  31. ➡ A message is an “integer” ➡ A message must

    be between 2 and n-1. ➡ Deterministic, so we must use a padding scheme to make it non-deterministic. 42
  32. ➡ Public Key Cryptography Standard #1 ➡ Pads data with

    (random) bytes up to n bits in length (v1.5 or OAEP/v2.x). ➡ Got it flaws and weaknesses too. Always use the latest available version (v2.1) 43
  33. Data = 4E636AF98E40F3ADCFCCB698F4E80B9F The encoded message block, EMB, after encoding

    but before encryption, with random padding bytes shown in green: 0002257F48FD1F1793B7E5E02306F2D3228F5C95ADF5F31566729F132AA12009 E3FC9B2B475CD6944EF191E3F59545E671E474B555799FE3756099F044964038 B16B2148E9A2F9C6F44BB5C52E3C6C8061CF694145FAFDB24402AD1819EACEDF 4A36C6E4D2CD8FC1D62E5A1268F496004E636AF98E40F3ADCFCCB698F4E80B9F After RSA encryption, the output is: 3D2AB25B1EB667A40F504CC4D778EC399A899C8790EDECEF062CD739492C9CE5 8B92B9ECF32AF4AAC7A61EAEC346449891F49A722378E008EFF0B0A8DBC6E621 EDC90CEC64CF34C640F5B36C48EE9322808AF8F4A0212B28715C76F3CB99AC7E 609787ADCE055839829E0142C44B676D218111FFE69F9D41424E177CBA3A435B http://www.di-mgt.com.au/rsa_alg.html#pkcs1schemes 44
  34. ➡HTTP encapsulated by TLS (previously SSL). ➡More or less: an

    encryption layer on top of http. ➡Hybrid encryption. HTTPS 46
  35. ➡Actual encryption methodology is decided by the browser and the

    server (highest possible encryption used). ➡Symmetric encryption (AES-256, others) ➡But both sides needs the same key, so we have the same problem as before: how do we send over the key? HTTPS 47
  36. ➡Key is exchanged in a public/private encrypted communication. ➡Which public

    key? ➡It is stored inside the server’s SSL certificate HTTPS 48
  37. 49 jthijssen@debian-jth:~$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in github.pem Certificate: Data:

    Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 0e:77:76:8a:5d:07:f0:e5:79:59:ca:2a:9d:50:82:b5 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV CA-1 Validity Not Before: May 27 00:00:00 2011 GMT Not After : Jul 29 12:00:00 2013 GMT Subject: businessCategory=Private Organization/, C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=GitHub, Inc., CN=github.com Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) Modulus (2048 bit): 00:ed:d3:89:c3:5d:70:72:09:f3:33:4f:1a:72:74: d9:b6:5a:95:50:bb:68:61:9f:f7:fb:1f:19:e1:da: 04:31:af:15:7c:1a:7f:f9:73:af:1d:e5:43:2b:56: 09:00:45:69:4a:e8:c4:5b:df:c2:77:52:51:19:5b: d1:2b:d9:39:65:36:a0:32:19:1c:41:73:fb:32:b2: 3d:9f:98:ec:82:5b:0b:37:64:39:2c:b7:10:83:72: cd:f0:ea:24:4b:fa:d9:94:2e:c3:85:15:39:a9:3a: f6:88:da:f4:27:89:a6:95:4f:84:a2:37:4e:7c:25: 78:3a:c9:83:6d:02:17:95:78:7d:47:a8:55:83:ee: 13:c8:19:1a:b3:3c:f1:5f:fe:3b:02:e1:85:fb:11: 66:ab:09:5d:9f:4c:43:f0:c7:24:5e:29:72:28:ce: d4:75:68:4f:24:72:29:ae:39:28:fc:df:8d:4f:4d: 83:73:74:0c:6f:11:9b:a7:dd:62:de:ff:e2:eb:17: e6:ff:0c:bf:c0:2d:31:3b:d6:59:a2:f2:dd:87:4a: 48:7b:6d:33:11:14:4d:34:9f:32:38:f6:c8:19:9d: f1:b6:3d:c5:46:ef:51:0b:8a:c6:33:ed:48:61:c4: 1d:17:1b:bd:7c:b6:67:e9:39:cf:a5:52:80:0a:f4: ea:cd Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
  38. ➡Browser sends over its encryption methods. ➡Server decides which one

    to use. ➡Server send certificate(s). ➡Client sends “session key” encrypted by the public key found in the server certificate. ➡Server and client uses the “session key” for symmetrical encryption. HTTPS 50
  39. ➡Thus: Public/private encryption is only used in establishing a secondary

    (better!?) encryption. ➡SSL/TLS is a separate talk (it’s way more complex as this) ➡http://www.moserware.com/2009/06/first-few- milliseconds-of-https.html HTTPS 51
  40. 53

  41. ➡ Did Bill really send this email? ➡ Do we

    know for sure that nobody has read this email (before it came to us?) ➡ Do we know for sure that the contents of the message isn’t tampered with? ➡ We use signing! Questions: 54
  42. ➡ Signing a message means adding a signature that authenticates

    the validity of a message. ➡ Like md5 or sha1, so when the message changes, so will the signature. ➡ This works on the premise that Alice and only Alice has the private key that can create the signature. Signing a message 55
  43. ➡ GPG / PGP: Application for signing and/or encrypting data

    (or emails). ➡ Try it yourself with Thunderbird’s Enigmail extension. ➡ Public keys can be send / found on PGP- servers so you don’t need to send your keys to everybody all the time. Introduction a pretty-good-privacy 57
  44. ‣ Everybody can send emails that ONLY YOU can read.

    ‣ Everybody can verify that YOU have send the email and that it is authentic. ‣ Why is this not the standard? ‣ No really, why isn’t it the standard? 58
  45. 59

  46. ➡ Run ssh-keygen ➡ copy id_rsa.pub over to server’s ~/.ssh/

    authorized_keys ➡ Easy for tools / scripts to connect ➡ Easy for you (no remembering passwords) ➡ More fine grained security model. 61
  47. ➡ Don’t “invent” your own encryption. It will NOT be

    secure, and it WILL fail. ➡ Encryption is as strong as the weakest link, which 9 out of 10 times will be you. ➡ Encryptions evolve. Do not use today what you used 10 years ago. ➡ Every encryption will become obsolete! ➡ Always follow the best practices. 64
  48. Please rate my talk on joind.in: http://joind.in/6484 Thank you 66

    Find me on twitter: @jaytaph Find me for development and training: www.noxlogic.nl Find me on email: [email protected] Find me for blogs: www.adayinthelifeof.nl