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Mobile Dev Japan #3 - Safie Viewer Android & Sc...

Mobile Dev Japan #3 - Safie Viewer Android & Sceneview

Talk about how we implemented Sceneview in Safie Viewer at Mobile Dev Japan in Tokyo


July 26, 2024

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  1. July 26, 2024 CHA Jerome Safie Inc. Development Division 2 -

    Mobile Team Safie Viewer Android & Sceneview
  2. © Safie Inc.| Self-Introduction - Jerome CHA, French - Joined

    Safie in November 2023 as Android Engineer - Previously worked at Kubell (ex Chatwork) and Enigmo (BUYMA) - Hobbies : Workout (ex-JBBF Bodybuilder) / Making my own robot - Twitter @yujiro45 2
  3. © Safie Inc.| Agenda 1. Sceneview Recap 2. Safie Viewer

    3. Our implementation of Sceneview 4. Problems 3
  4. © Safie Inc.| Agenda 1. Sceneview Recap 2. Safie Viewer

    3. Our implementation of Sceneview 4. Problems 4
  5. © Safie Inc.| Sceneview Recap - https://sceneview.github.io/ - Library that

    uses Google’s ARCore and Filament to display 3D / AR contents - Included 2 views : Sceneview & ARSceneview - My previous presentation @ Mobile Dev Japan #1 https://speakerdeck.com/jeromecha/ar-with-sceneview-on-android 5 ARSceneview Sceneview
  6. © Safie Inc.| Agenda 1. Sceneview Recap 2. Safie Viewer

    3. Our implementation of Sceneview 4. Problems 6
  7. © Safie Inc.| Safie Viewer - Cloud service for security

    cameras - Clear images, easy to setup, easy to use - Videos are in HD 30fps 7
  8. © Safie Inc.| Agenda 1. Sceneview Recap 2. Safie Viewer

    3. Our implementation of Sceneview 4. Problems 8
  9. © Safie Inc.| Safie’s new camera - Safie GO 360

    - Launched in February 1st 2024 - Compact and lightweight, easy to transport - Built-in LTE for cloud recording anytime, anywhere - Horizontal and vertical viewing angle of 182° 9 https://safie.co.jp/news/3033/
  10. © Safie Inc.| 3D model on Android 12 - 3D

    Model created via Blender - iOS : .dae format → convert to .scn format with Xcode - Android : .glb format
  11. © Safie Inc.| Texture Mapping 14 How can we map

    the camera’s stream on the texture of the 3D model
  12. © Safie Inc.| Texture Mapping 18 We need to make

    our own VideoMaterial with ExoPlayer!
  13. © Safie Inc.| Texture Mapping 21 Engine : Google Filament’s

    engine Exoplayer : for the video’s stream materialLoader : for the texture’s creation
  14. © Safie Inc.| Texture Mapping 23 Create a Stream from

    Filament based on the surfaceTexture
  15. © Safie Inc.| Texture Mapping 24 Create a Sceneview Texture

    for our modelNode based on Filament’s Stream
  16. © Safie Inc.| User’s interaction 30 To limit the 3D

    model rotation : - Remove the default’s user interaction - Develop your own behavior from scratch
  17. © Safie Inc.| User’s interaction 31 To remove the default

    behavior : - Create a subclass of SceneView - Setup cameraManipulator to null
  18. © Safie Inc.| User’s interaction - Zoom 35 Zoom in

    a specific point on the 3D model - Pinch in/out : Take the middle point between the two fingers and zoom to that position - Double Tap : Double tap to zoom in/out - If tap outside the 3D model, then zoom in the middle
  19. © Safie Inc.| Agenda 1. Sceneview Recap 2. Safie Viewer

    3. Our implementation of Sceneview 4. Problems 42
  20. © Safie Inc.| Problem 1 : 3D Model hit box

    44 Tapping outside is considered as the edge of the 3D model (but only once)
  21. © Safie Inc.| Problem 1 : 3D Model hit box

    45 Swiping outside also triggered the 3D Model to move
  22. © Safie Inc.| Problem 1 : 3D Model hit box

    46 https://github.com/SceneView/sceneview-android/issues/522
  23. © Safie Inc.| Problem 1 : 3D Model hit box

    47 Resolved by putting a PlaneNode on the top of the 3D model to intercept the hit : Diameter of hemisphere *assuming that the center of the hemisphere is at (0,0) *
  24. © Safie Inc.| Problems 2 : ExoPlayer on multiple surfaces

    50 Switching Fisheye ⟷ 360° view with a button
  25. © Safie Inc.| Problems 2 : ExoPlayer on multiple surfaces

    51 https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/issues/6939
  26. © Safie Inc.| Problems 2 : ExoPlayer on multiple surfaces

    52 The only solution was to reinit ExoPlayer each time you press the button