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The Loud House - "Resident Upheaval"
Jordan Koch
October 08, 2021
The Loud House - "Resident Upheaval"
Storyboard by Jordan Koch
"Resident Upheaval" - The Loud House
© Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Jordan Koch
October 08, 2021
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Scene 60 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 475/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_004_IntRetirementHomeLobbyDay
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 476/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 477/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 478/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 479/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 480/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 481/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 482/1051
Scene 61 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 483/1051
Scene 62 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 484/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_004_IntRetirementHomeLobbyDay
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 485/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 486/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) You must be Nana Gayle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 487/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) You must be Nana Gayle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 488/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) You must be Nana Gayle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 489/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) You must be Nana Gayle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 490/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) I'm Myrtle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 491/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) So nice to meet you -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 492/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) So nice to meet you -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 493/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog 59
LINCOLN (AS MYRTLE) So nice to meet you -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 494/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog 60
LINCOLN CLYDE! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 495/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog 60
LINCOLN What are you doing?! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 496/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Dialog 61
CLYDE What am I doing? LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 497/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Dialog 61
CLYDE What are YOU doing?! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 498/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog 61
CLYDE What are YOU doing?! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 499/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 Dialog 61
CLYDE There's no way you can pull off -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 500/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Dialog 61
CLYDE -- oh wow... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 501/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 Dialog 61
CLYDE ...you did an incredible job with Myrtle's cat's-eye make up. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 502/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 Dialog 61
CLYDE ...you did an incredible job with Myrtle's cat's-eye make up. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 503/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 504/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 21 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN Thanks, Leni walked me through it! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 505/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN It's subtle, yet makes a -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 506/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN It's subtle, yet makes a -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 507/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 24 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN It's subtle, yet makes a -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 508/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 25 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN It's subtle, yet makes a -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 509/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 26 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN It's subtle, yet makes a -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 510/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 27 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 511/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 28 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN Wait a minute! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 512/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 29 Duration 01:00 Dialog 62
LINCOLN You're just trying to psych me out! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 513/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 30 Duration 01:00 Dialog 63
CLYDE I don't need to... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 514/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 31 Duration 01:00 Dialog 63
CLYDE ...cuz YOU don't stand a chance! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 515/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 32 Duration 01:00 Dialog 63
CLYDE I'm winning that room for Nana Gayle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 516/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 33 Duration 01:00 Dialog 64
LINCOLN You wish! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 517/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 34 Duration 01:00 Dialog 64
LINCOLN I'm winning it for Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 518/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 35 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <GROWLING> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 519/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 36 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
(O.S.) <AIRHORN BLAST> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 520/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 37 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
(O.S.) <AIRHORN BLAST> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 521/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 38 Duration 01:00 Dialog 65
SCOOTS Alright, ladies! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 522/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 39 Duration 01:00 Dialog 65
SCOOTS Alright, ladies! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 523/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 40 Duration 01:00 Dialog 65
SCOOTS Alright, ladies! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 524/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 41 Duration 01:00 Dialog 65
SCOOTS It's -- LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 525/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 42 Duration 01:00 Dialog 65
SCOOTS -- GO time! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 526/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 44 Duration 01:00 Dialog 65
SCOOTS -- GO time! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 528/1051
Scene 63 Duration 45:00 Panel 45 Duration 01:00 Dialog 65
SCOOTS -- GO time! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 529/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS There are five challenges... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 530/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS There are five challenges... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 532/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS There are five challenges... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 533/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS There are five challenges... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 534/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS ...each designed to see who is more compatible with the Sunset Canyon lifestyle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 535/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS ...each designed to see who is more compatible with the Sunset Canyon lifestyle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 536/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS ...each designed to see who is more compatible with the Sunset Canyon lifestyle. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 537/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS Whoever wins the most challenges gets the room. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 538/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog 66
SCOOTS And the glory. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 539/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 540/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 541/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 542/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 543/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 544/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 545/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 546/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Dialog SCOOTS
Mmmm! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 547/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS My boo Tyler will keep score. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 548/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS Round one... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 549/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS ...jigsaw puzzles! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 550/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 21 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS GO! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 551/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS GO! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 552/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS GO! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 553/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 24 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS GO! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 554/1051
Scene 64 Duration 25:00 Panel 25 Duration 01:00 Dialog 67
SCOOTS GO! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 555/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 556/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 557/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 558/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 559/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 560/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 561/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 562/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 563/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 564/1051
Scene 65 Duration 10:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 565/1051
Scene 66 Duration 07:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 566/1051
Scene 66 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 567/1051
Scene 66 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 568/1051
Scene 66 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 569/1051
Scene 66 Duration 07:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 570/1051
Scene 66 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<AIRHORN> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 571/1051
Scene 66 Duration 07:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<AIRHORN> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 572/1051
Scene 67 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<AIRHORN> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 573/1051
Scene 67 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog SCOOTS
TIME! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 575/1051
Scene 67 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 576/1051
Scene 68 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 577/1051
Scene 68 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 578/1051
Scene 69 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 579/1051
Scene 69 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog 68
SCOOTS Round one goes to... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 580/1051
Scene 69 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 68
SCOOTS ...Nana Gayle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 581/1051
Scene 69 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 68
SCOOTS ...Nana Gayle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 582/1051
Scene 70 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 583/1051
Scene 70 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 584/1051
Scene 70 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 585/1051
Scene 70 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 586/1051
Scene 71 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 587/1051
Scene 71 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 588/1051
Scene 71 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 589/1051
Scene 71 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<AIRHORN BLOW> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 590/1051
Scene 72 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<AIRHORN BLOW> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 591/1051
Scene 72 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 593/1051
Scene 73 Duration 07:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 595/1051
Scene 73 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 596/1051
Scene 73 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 597/1051
Scene 73 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 598/1051
Scene 73 Duration 07:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 599/1051
Scene 73 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 600/1051
Scene 73 Duration 07:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 601/1051
Scene 74 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 602/1051
Scene 74 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 603/1051
Scene 74 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<NYAH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 604/1051
Scene 74 Duration 06:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 605/1051
Scene 74 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 606/1051
Scene 74 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 607/1051
Scene 75 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_175_055_ExtSchoolYardTable4_Color
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 608/1051
Scene 75 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_175_055_ExtSchoolYardTable4_Color
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 609/1051
Scene 75 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
/ SENIOR <WHACK!> / <AHHH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 610/1051
Scene 75 Duration 06:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
/ SENIOR <WHACK!> / <AHHH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 612/1051
Scene 75 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<CRASH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 614/1051
Scene 75 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_175_055_ExtSchoolYardTable4_Color
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 616/1051
Scene 76 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CLYDE
<WINCES> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 617/1051
Scene 76 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog 69
CLYDE Sorry!! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 618/1051
Scene 77 Duration 10:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 619/1051
Scene 77 Duration 10:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 623/1051
Scene 77 Duration 10:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 624/1051
Scene 77 Duration 10:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 625/1051
Scene 77 Duration 10:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 626/1051
Scene 77 Duration 10:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 627/1051
Scene 77 Duration 10:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 628/1051
Scene 78 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 629/1051
Scene 78 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 630/1051
Scene 78 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<THUMP> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 631/1051
Scene 78 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<THUMP> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 632/1051
Scene 78 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 633/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_185_184_ExtRetirementHomeShuffleboardCourt_Clean
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 634/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<CHEERS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 635/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 70
SCOOTS Round two, Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 636/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 70
SCOOTS Round two, Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 637/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 70
SCOOTS Round two, Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 638/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 639/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 640/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 641/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 642/1051
Scene 79 Duration 10:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 643/1051
Scene 80 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 644/1051
Scene 80 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog CLYDE
(frustrated) <SIGH> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 645/1051
Scene 81 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 646/1051
Scene 82 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 647/1051
Scene 82 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 648/1051
Scene 82 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 649/1051
Scene 82 Duration 06:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 650/1051
Scene 82 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 651/1051
Scene 82 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 652/1051
Scene 83 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 653/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 654/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 655/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 656/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 657/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 658/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 659/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 660/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 661/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 662/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 663/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 664/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 665/1051
Scene 84 Duration 13:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 666/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 667/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 668/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 669/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 670/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 671/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <COMPETITIVE SFX> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 672/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<SWOOSH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 673/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 674/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<WHAM!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 675/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<NYAHH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 676/1051
Scene 85 Duration 11:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<NYAHH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 677/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_109_123_IntRetirementHomeHallway2
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 678/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<NYAHH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 679/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<NYAHH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 680/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<NYAHH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 681/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 682/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 683/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 684/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 685/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 686/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 687/1051
Scene 86 Duration 11:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 688/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 689/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 690/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 691/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 692/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog CLYDE
(as Nana Gayle) <WOOO!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 693/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog CLYDE
(as Nana Gayle) <WOOO!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 694/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog 71
SCOOTS Round three... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 695/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog 71
SCOOTS Round three... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 696/1051
Scene 87 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog 71
SCOOTS ...Nana Gayle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 697/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_109_158_IntRetirementHomeHallway4
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 698/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 699/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 700/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 701/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 702/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 703/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 704/1051
Scene 88 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 705/1051
Scene 89 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 707/1051
Scene 89 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 708/1051
Scene 89 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 72
SCOOTS Good thing he's cute! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 709/1051
Scene 89 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 710/1051
Scene 90 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 711/1051
Scene 91 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 712/1051
Scene 91 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 713/1051
Scene 91 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<WHACK!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 714/1051
Scene 91 Duration 06:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 73
LINCOLN Oh you're going DOWN Nana Gayle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 715/1051
Scene 91 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 74
CLYDE Is that all you got? LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 716/1051
Scene 91 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog 74
CLYDE Is that all you got? LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 717/1051
Scene 92 Duration 07:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog 75
SENIOR Ah, chicken fight. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 718/1051
Scene 92 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog 75
SENIOR Ah, chicken fight. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 719/1051
Scene 92 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 75
SENIOR Room must have opened up. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 720/1051
Scene 92 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 75
SENIOR Room must have opened up. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 721/1051
Scene 92 Duration 07:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 75
SENIOR Room must have opened up. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 722/1051
Scene 92 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog 75
SENIOR Room must have opened up. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 723/1051
Scene 92 Duration 07:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog 75
SENIOR Room must have opened up. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 724/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 725/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<WHACK!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 726/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 727/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<WHACK!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 728/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 76
SCOOTS Yeah, noodle her! battle for that room!! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 729/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog 76
SCOOTS Yeah, noodle her! battle for that room!! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 730/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog 76
SCOOTS Yeah, noodle her! battle for that room!! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 731/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<WHACK!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 732/1051
Scene 93 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<SPLASH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 733/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 734/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog 77
SCOOTS Round four, Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 735/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 77
SCOOTS Round four, Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 736/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 77
SCOOTS Round four, Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 737/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 77
SCOOTS Round four, Myrtle! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 738/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 739/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 740/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 741/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 742/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 743/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 744/1051
Scene 94 Duration 12:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<AIRHORN BLOW> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 745/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<AIRHORN BLOW> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 746/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 748/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 749/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 750/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 751/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 752/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 753/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog 78
BINGO CALLER (O.S.) B16. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 754/1051
Scene 95 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog 78
BINGO CALLER (O.S.) B16. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 755/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 756/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 757/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 79
LINCOLN Back off, I want this! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 758/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 79
LINCOLN Back off, I want this! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 759/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 80
CLYDE You back off! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 760/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 761/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog 80
CLYDE I want it more! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 762/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog 80
CLYDE I want it more! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 763/1051
Scene 96 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog 80
CLYDE I want it more! LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 764/1051
Scene 97 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 765/1051
Scene 97 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 766/1051
Scene 97 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 767/1051
Scene 97 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 768/1051
Scene 97 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 769/1051
Scene 98 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_056_030_IntRetirementDiningRmPan
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 770/1051
Scene 98 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 771/1051
Scene 98 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
<OOF!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 772/1051
Scene 98 Duration 06:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 773/1051
Scene 98 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 774/1051
Scene 98 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 775/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_109_158_IntRetirementHomeHallway4
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 776/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 777/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 778/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 779/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog LINCOLN
/ CLYDE <WRESTLING GRUNTS> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 780/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog NURSE
<NYAH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 781/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<SPLASH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 782/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX
<SPLASH!> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 783/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 784/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 785/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 786/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 787/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 788/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 789/1051
Scene 99 Duration 15:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog 81
CLYDE ...we can explain. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 790/1051
Scene 100 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 792/1051
Scene 100 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog 82
SCOOTS <CHUCKLES> LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 793/1051
Scene 100 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog 82
SCOOTS Relax... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 794/1051
Scene 100 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog 82
SCOOTS Relax... LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 795/1051
Scene 100 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog 82
SCOOTS ...I knew you two clowns were wearing disguises. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 796/1051
Scene 100 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog 82
SCOOTS I just wanted a good show. LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 797/1051
Scene 100 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 798/1051
Scene 101 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Notes LDH_109_158_IntRetirementHomeHallway4
LDH 226 ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 799/1051
Scene 101 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 LDH 226
ResidentUpheaval ROUGH Page 800/1051