In this presentation, I suggested some changes to the nucleation benchmark as it is written in PF-Hub (
The work that we did to develop these suggestions was published in a paper:
The paper is also available on arxiv:
A brief version of just the potential edits described in the powerpoint presentation are included below:
-Use periodic boundary conditions for parts 2 and 3
-Change critical radius (r*) in part 3 to r* = 1.0
-Calculate the avrami slope using a fitting range in the y-axis (log[-log{1-Y}]) in parts 2 and 3, the range -2 < log[-log{1-Y}] < 0 worked well for us
-Potentially increase the amount of simulations to increase statistical accuracy in parts 2 and 3 (this must be weighted against longer simulation times)
The code is available on GitHub:
This paper can be cited as such: Mancias, J., Attari, V., Arróyave, R. et al. On the Effect of Nucleation Undercooling on Phase Transformation Kinetics. Integr Mater Manuf Innov (2022).