FORMULA FIGURE DISKS (region under a curve) x Perpendicular (⊥) to the x-axis x " #(%(&))()& * + WASHERS (region between two curves) x Perpendicular (⊥) to the x-axis x " #[(%(&))( − (.(&))(])& * + SHELLS (region under a curve) x Parallel (||) to the x-axis y " (#(0)(1(0)))0 ) 2 SHELLS (region between two curves) x Parallel (||) to the x-axis y " (#(0)[1(0) − 3(0)])0 ) 2
FORMULA FIGURE DISKS (region under a curve) y Perpendicular (⊥) to the y-axis y " #(1(0))()0 ) 2 WASHERS (region between two curves) y Perpendicular (⊥) to the y-axis y " #[(1(0))( − (3(0))(])0 ) 2 SHELLS (region under a curve) y Parallel (||) to the y-axis x " (#(&)(%(&)))& * + SHELLS (region between two curves) y Parallel (||) to the y-axis x " (#(&)[%(&) − .(&)])& * +