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Evaluate Person's Pulse Data with Machine Learn...

Gabriela de Queiroz
August 21, 2018

Evaluate Person's Pulse Data with Machine Learning

Gabriela de Queiroz

August 21, 2018


  1. CALL FOR CODE 2 • Worldwide, multi-year initiative that inspires

    developers to solve pressing global problems with sustainable software solutions. • Create applications with IBM Cloud technology that improve disaster preparedness and relief, build resilient communities, and safeguard the health and well-being of individuals and institutions. https://developer.ibm.com/callforcode/
  2. Agenda 3 In this 30-minute online meetup you will learn:

    - How to build a mobile web app to check a person's pulse rate - How to evaluate a person's pulse data with Machine Learning - How to leverage pulse data during emergencies and natural disasters
  3. DISCLAIMER: This application is used for demonstrative and illustrative purposes

    only and does not constitute an offering that has gone through regulatory review. It is not intended to serve as a medical application. There is no representation as to the accuracy of the output of this application and it is presented without warranty. 5
  4. Steps: 1.Create the Node.js app. 2.Set up the Watson Machine

    Learning service in IBM Cloud. 3.Set up Watson IoT Platform in IBM Cloud. 4.Set up the machine learning model in IBM Watson Studio. 5.Try it out on your smartphone. 10
  5. • Add it by binding from within your node.js app

    (click on "+ Add A Connection" to add this service to your app) Make sure the service is binded
  6. 4.2: Create a ML model 24 Under Assets, click on

    “New Watson Machine Learning Model”
  7. Define the model details: 1) Give it a name 2)

    Associate a Spark Service 3) Associate a Machine Learning Service
  8. 4.6: Import Notebook and Define the language and Spark version

    30 You can import the ipython notebook "Pulse Rates.ipynb" (in the repo)
  9. DOC ID / Month XX, 2018 / © 2018 IBM

    Corporation How could I leverage the pulse rate app during emergencies and natural disasters? 36
  10. DOC ID / Month XX, 2018 / © 2018 IBM

    Corporation 37 Source: https://news.stjohnvic.com.au/first-aid-hypothermia-treatment/
  11. 40

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