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Deep Learning for Everyone (Tech Intersections)

Deep Learning for Everyone (Tech Intersections)

Gabriela de Queiroz

January 25, 2020

More Decks by Gabriela de Queiroz

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  1. Deep Learning for Everyone Gabriela de Queiroz Sr. Engineering &

    Data Science Manager, IBM Founder, R-Ladies & AI Inclusive @gdequeiroz | k-roz.com slides: bit.ly/dl-techintersections
  2. Gabriela de Queiroz • Founder of R-Ladies • Founder of

    AI Inclusive (ai-inclusive.org) • Member of the R Foundation • Sr. Engineering & Data Science Manager, IBM Data Scientist + Developer Advocate + Open Source Developer + Manager + Community Builder + Mentor slides: bit.ly/dl-techintersections
  3. Center for Open Source Data and AI Technologies (CODAIT) 30+

    open source developers! Watson West Building 505 Howard St. San Francisco, California Improving Enterprise AI lifecycle in Open Source Gather Data Analyze Data Machine Learning Deep Learning Deploy Model Maintain Model Python Data Science Stack Fabric for Deep Learning (FfDL) Mleap + PFA Scikit-Learn Pandas Apache Spark Apache Spark Jupyter Model Asset eXchange Keras + Tensorflow CODAIT codait.org Gather Data Analyze Data Machine Learning Deep Learning Deploy Model Maintain Model Python Data Science Stack Fabric for Deep Learning (FfDL) PFA, PMML, ONNX Scikit-Learn Pandas Apache Spark Jupyter Model Asset eXchange (MAX) Tensorflow + PyTorch AIF360 ART AIF360 ART AIF360 ART Apache Spark Data Asset eXchange (DAX) Build tools to make AI accessible to all @gdequeiroz | www.k-roz.com
  4. Model Asset eXchange Place for developers/data scientists to find and

    use free and open source deep learning models ibm.biz/model-exchange @gdequeiroz | www.k-roz.com
  5. Model Asset eXchange (MAX) • Wide variety of domains (text,

    audio, image, etc) • Multiple deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, 
 PyTorch, Keras) • Trainable and Deployable versions ibm.biz/model-exchange
  6. Find* a state-of-art open source deep learning model specific to

    domain Validate license terms Perform model health check & code clean up Wrap models in MAX framework and provide REST API Publish the deployable model as Docker images on Docker Hub Use the MAX training framework to create an image for custom model training Review and Continuous Integration * or build from scratch BEHIND THE SCENES
  7. Use your arms to make music Create music with your

    arms using the Model Asset eXchange (MAX) human pose estimator model and TensorFlow Use your arms to make music Create music with your arms using the Model Asset eXchange (MAX) human pose estimator model and TensorFlow
  8. Data Asset eXchange (DAX) • Curated free and open datasets

    under open data licenses • Standardized dataset formats and metadata • Ready for use in enterprise AI applications • Complement to the Model Asset eXchange (MAX) ibm.biz/data-exchange @gdequeiroz | www.k-roz.com

    QU EI ROZ ai-inclusive.org Our mission is to increase the representation and participation of gender minority groups in AI. info@ai-inclusive.org slides: bit.ly/dl-techintersections